• 24岁的玛莲娜·阿来自圣路易斯作家舞者。她将项目看作是一保持历史原样的方式。

    Malena Amusa, a 24-year-old writer and dancer from St. Louis sees the project as a way to preserve history as it happens.


  • 萨达姆下令在霍拉姆赫尔周围部署7万士兵

    Saddam ordered 70,000 troops to be placed around the city of Khorramshahr.


  • ASU分校分别位于佩、格兰代尔,其中以拥有逾4万5千学生的坦佩校园为主。

    It has three campuses, respectively located in Tempe, Mesa and Glendale.


  • 1847年,当地认定发明第一玻璃圣诞树

    In 1847, a Lauscha local is credited with inventing the first glass Christmas tree ornament.


  • 聘请大约20摄影记者,将他们各个战区其中以亚历山大·加德纳蒂莫西·h·利文最为有

    He hired a staff of about 20 photographers, the best known of whom were Alexander Gardner and Timothy H. o 'sullivan, and dispatched them throughout the war zones.


  • 据称两个巴基斯坦是阿塔雷克汗。但是警官德所持的一张伪造身份证,而并不是

    They were known here as Arshad Khan and Tareq Khan, although one police official said that Arshad was not the man's real name and that he carried a fake identity card.


  • 软禁中马赛斯国王曾催促巴斯法院派遣公证员收集更多证据但是佐并没有奉命行事

    While on house-arrest, King Mathias urged Thurzo to bring Bathory to court and sent two notaries to collect more evidence. But Thurzo didn't act accordingly.


  • 英国记者普尔逗留一周看看印度村子什么模样,他不请自来暂住在萨尔朱家萨尔朱受宠若惊。

    That a British correspondent invited himself to stay, during a weeklong sojourn in Shahabpur to see how village India ticked, was remarkable to Sarju.


  • 盖姆工厂的风能涡轮制造厂雇佣了大约300工人,这家工厂的前身是一家钢铁工厂。

    Gamesa's Fairless Hills wind-energy turbine manufacturing facility employs approximately 300 workers and was built at a former U. S. Steel industrial site.


  • 从地区来看,哈拉以南非洲国家中,劳动人口全职就业比例最低。 每五个劳动力人口中,只有全职就业

    Regionally, sub-Saharan Africa has the smallest percentage of its workforce working full time for an employer, with nearly one in five reporting that they have a full-time job with an employer.


  • 其他25来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家特·海因茨,建筑家索姆·摩尔以及芭蕾舞蹈家达米恩·沃策尔。

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 后裔必多,你腹中所生的也必多面前剪除灭绝

    Thy seed also had been as the sand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not have been cut off nor destroyed from before me.


  • 正在进行的葬礼闪克.辛德举行的,他生前是位高级警察督监,星期三夜晚来临的时候他孟买中央火车站被一枪手杀害

    One funeral was for Shashank Shinde, a senior police inspector killed by a gunman at the city's Central Railway Station early Wednesday night.


  • 1610年12月20日,西亚特城堡逮捕巴斯利忠的仆人他们认为她犯罪时的同伙。

    On December 20, 1610 Thurzo went to Csejte Castle to Arrest Bathory and four of her ever loyal servants who were thought to be her partners in crime.


  • 芭芭拉·霍弗美国明德学院心理学教授,她阿尔盖比·利文·摩尔合著了《:请与大学内外成长中的孩子们一起》。

    is a professor of psychology at Middlebury College and co-author, with Abigail Sullivan Moore, of "The iConnected Parent: Staying Close to Your Kids in College (and Beyond) While Letting Them Grow Up.


  • 个月纽约北部林间小路上,克里斯·布里(ChrisChabris)的心理学家摄像机一个20岁的年轻人身上,在一个沿着林间小路慢跑的人身后。

    Two months ago, on a wooded path in upstate New York, a psychologist named Chris Chabris strapped a video camera to a 20-year-old man and told him to chase after a jogger making his way down the path.


  • 杜鲁门医疗中心(Truman Medical Center)通过严格筛选雇佣17西班牙语口译员堪萨斯城区医院·科瓦克

    Truman Medical Center employs 17 Spanish interpreters who have gone through rigorous screenings, said Shane Kovac at the Kansas City area hospital.


  • 波瓦洛夫乐队tATu物色歌手姑娘莫斯电影演播室里见面了,在500竞争者中她俩分别脱颖而出。

    When Ivan Shapovalov was looking for girls for his new band tATu, the two girls met again during an audition4 at Mosfilm studios. They were selected independently out of 500 contenders5.


  • 卡斯特雷萨纳对记者说,罗森博格案“一本约翰·格里姆(John Grisham)的小说真实的。”

    Castresana told a reporter that the Rosenberg case was "like a John Grisham novel, but it's real."


  • 2010年12月23日家正在德班海滩做一个圣诞老人

    A sandsculptor prepares a Santa Claus sandcastle at Durban's North Beach on December 23, 2010.


  • 它们出恭完毕,缓步走开后,参孙·德拉克·平度(SamsonShadrack Pindu)的研究员赶紧戴黄色乳胶手套了过去。

    Once they had ambled away, a researcher named Samson Shadrack Pindu pulled on yellow latex gloves and moved in.


  • 殴打达利特严重的据说哈普尔最大社区特尔的人,大约有3000恃强凌弱的人

    The worst dalit-bashers are said to be the patels, Shahabpur’s biggest community, which is about 3, 000-strong.


  • NBA中收入最高的第2奥兰多魔术队 的大前锋德·刘易斯

    Take the second highest-paid player in the game: Orlando Magic forward Rashard Lewis.


  • 上个月兹姆的退役海军士兵丈夫开设了“德德地中海瓦玛店(Dede Med'sShawarmaHouse)”。这个白天共有6万饥肠辘辘海军士兵和居民基地里面,第一间阿拉伯食品店。

    Last month, Ms. Hazime and her husband, a Marine veteran, opened "Dede Med's Shawarma House"—the first Arabic food stand on a base with a daytime population of 60, 000 hungry Marines and civilians.


  • 以方因哈马斯逮捕并监禁了一以色列下士——杰阿德•德而开展报复行动,哈马斯大选胜利后的个月,以方就将很多哈马斯成员送入监狱。

    Five months on, in retaliation for Hamas capturing an Israeli corporal, Gilad Shalit, they sent the men to jail.


  • 通过推动自行车他们能够留在很大程度虽然这些工作都辛苦,参加一个简短休息口气,我们能够得到这两自行车过河

    By pushing the bikes they are able to stay largely on top of the sand and although it is hard work and I have to take a short break to get my breath back, we manage to get both bikes across.


  • 通过推动自行车他们能够留在很大程度虽然这些工作都辛苦,参加一个简短休息口气,我们能够得到这两自行车过河

    By pushing the bikes they are able to stay largely on top of the sand and although it is hard work and I have to take a short break to get my breath back, we manage to get both bikes across.


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