• 同样真实由于社会经济条件改变提供现代主义后现代主义的基础

    It is true that the change of social economic condition, provided the foundations of Modernism and Post-Modernism.


  • 同样真实的单一货币启动以前引起很多问题必须得到满意答复

    But it is also true that many of the questions raised about the single currency before it was launched have yet to receive a satisfactory answer.


  • 第二项试验中,同样操作过声音这些研究人员使用真实的男性女性的声音来测试另外46女性怎样评估这些声音以及怎样记忆这些物体的。

    In the second experiment, as well as manipulated voices, the researchers used real male and female voices to test how 46 new women rated the voices and how they scored on object memory.


  • 同样重要克拉克森收集实物证据证明收集的那些口头书面材料的真实性。

    Just as important was Clarkson's gathering of the physical evidence of the slave trade to confirm the oral and written accounts he collected.


  • 书中同样记录一些冗长乏味军人谈话片段,对话充满苦楚绝望,但显得真实尽管这些出于需要而真实事情重新加工得到

    The lengthy snippets of soldierly conversation, salty and despairing, sound just right, though they necessarily can be only reconstructions of the real thing.


  • 同样队列远程定义不能称为真实WebSpheremq队列名称,这由于引用存在网关队列管理器中。

    Also, the remote definition of the queue can not be called the real WebSphere MQ queue name as that reference does not exist on the gateway queue manager.


  • 同样真实让人惊讶的人格理论角度来看理由Shelly,Kagan

    But equally true, and more surprisingly, from the personality theory point of view, there's no reason to say that I'm Shelly Kagan and he's not.


  • 生活会如果我们一切现实目的不可想象的,同样真实如果我们每天做的享受自己

    Life will be unimaginable if everything we do is only for realistic purpose, and the same is true if what we do everyday is just to enjoy ourselves.


  • 不幸同样告诉我们向前看精神动力不断地重复它们以至于从来就不会真实抵达

    Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look toward the future will only repeat themselves so that 'someday' never actually arrives.


  • 虽然涉及时间比较短,同样企业真实财务信息组成部分

    Although the time that involve is short, it is also a part of constituting of true finance information in business enterprise.


  • 然而报纸其他媒介具有同样一个问题传播的信息真实

    However, what I want to say is that newspaper has the same problem with other medium, which is the authenticity of the news that be communicated.


  • 虽然涉及时间比较同样企业真实财务信息组成部分鉴于恰当处理资产负债表日后事项,具有重要的意义。

    Although relatively short time is involved, it is the real part of the financial information. In view of this, the proper handling balance sheet items of great significance.


  • 抄本办公室存档公司记录相比较,说明复印件同样充分正确真实

    That the annexed transcript has been compared with the corporate record on file in this office, of which it purports to be a copy, and that same is full, true AD correct.


  • 抄本办公室存档公司记录相比较,说明复印件同样充分正确真实

    That the annexed transcript has been compared with the corporate record on file in this office, of which it purports to be a copy, and that same is full, true AD correct.


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