• 呼气时腹部回收,同时要保证肩膀

    As you exhale, allow your abdomen to move inwards while keeping your chest and shoulders still.


  • 无论何时,通过收益管理机制在了解客人同时要保证酒店收入并且增加酒店的设施服务卖价

    At all times, understandthe client's needs whilst optimizing hotel revenuethrough strategic-yield management and up selling of hotel facilitiesor service.


  • 为了中国取得成功,相当灵活并且能适应环境同时必须保证学术水准。

    To be successful in China, you need to be flexible and adaptbut at the same time, you have to ensure the academics behind it.


  • 我们不仅仅利用技术力量传播现有的内容,我们更创造新的东西同时保证报纸质量

    We’re not just using the technology to spread the content wealready have. We make new things and, at the same time, keep up thequality of our newspaper, " he says.


  • 搬家宠物们留下痛苦的印象,因此,我们采取措施保证搬家过程宠物安全同时为宠物们缓解紧张情绪

    Moving can be traumatic for pets so it is necessary to take steps to ensure your pet's safety during the move and ease the anxiety.


  • 修复这个最后漏洞我们一种原子性地更新分数引用方法同时要保证干扰。

    To close this last hole, we need a means of atomically updating the score reference while guaranteeing freedom from interference.


  • 支持如此大量条目相应请求同时要保证性能不会下降可伸缩硬件

    To support such a huge number of entries and the requests corresponding to them and yet not have any degraded performance calls for highly scalable hardware.


  • 南大校长SUGUANING保证帮助教授学生家庭动员专业人士进行辅导帮助,同时表示事件深入调查

    NTU's president, Su Guaning, pledged to help the families of the professor and student and has mobilised its counselling professionals to help. He also said the matter will be investigated thoroughly.


  • 我们采取弹性的谨慎宏观经济政策适应外部变化保证快速稳定经济增长同时保持较低的通胀

    We need to adopt a flexible and prudent macroeconomic policy to adapt to external changes in order to ensure very fast and steady economic growth and at the same time keeping inflation down.


  • 同时父母保证孩子午休期间在家中玩耍以免噪音着的窗户传出

    Meanwhile parents have also been asked to ensure their children play indoors during the three-hour period to avoid noise travelling into open windows.


  • 不仅保证生产出来产品环保同时工厂必须干净整洁注重工人工作环境

    Not only to ensure the production out of the product is environmental protection, at the same time, the factory also must be clean and neat, pay attention to the workers work environment.


  • 然而一定小心,在保证丰富视觉反馈同时避免创建混乱界面

    However, be careful: While enriching the visual feedback, you must be careful not to create an interface that is hopelessly cluttered.


  • 保证帽子,太阳眼镜防晒霜对付恶劣天气设备衣服,同时一个好的相机

    I always make sure I have my hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, foul weather gear, and a good camera.


  • 同时建立健全经营异常名录黑名单制度,把问题企业违法经营者列进去,技术手段保证这个制度刚性,一旦被列进去,任凭找什么关系、走什么“路子”都抹不掉。

    At the same time, we need to establish a complete catalogue of enterprises with irregular operations and a system of blacklisting, and ensure their rigidity through technical methods.


  • 同时我们不能数学完全放在一边不管,保证记忆的连续性

    But at the same time, we cannot put maths completely again aside without giving thought to, what should assure memory is successional!


  • 同时双臂划水,整个划水阶段,保证双手水下

    Pull down with both arms at the same time, making sure you keep your hands under water.


  • 音频水印技术中,满足听觉透明性计算复杂度同时保证系统棒性音频水印技术中的难点

    To insure the system's high robustness is the difficulty of the audio watermark technology, with satisfying the hearing transparency and low computation complexity.


  • 曾经立即找到大型热交换卖主而且一直掌握欧洲的领先卖主是十分重的,同时我也需个合理价格保证竞争力。

    I needed to source vendors of large heat exchangers very quickly, and also getting hold of leading European vendors was important. I needed the right price to be competitive.


  • 但是我们追求高速快捷同时首先保证安全因此对于高速铁路线下工程的变形监测就显得尤为

    While we are in pursuit of high speed and quickly, we should to guarantee safe firstly, thus it is particularly important for the deformation monitoring of high-speed railway.


  • 因此研究混合有源滤波器控制策略保证获得良好滤波性能同时,能更好的发挥出混合有源滤波器的优势,具有十分的意义。

    In order to get the perfect filtering performance and exert the advantage of HAPF sufficiently, it is very significant to do research on the control strategy of HAPF.


  • 确保重量均匀分布同时保证经验,也考虑到。

    It is important to ensure that weight is evenly distributed while also making sure that experience is also taken into account.


  • 同时研究无铅皮蛋金属含量保证食品安全性具有十分现实意义。

    Lead-free eggs, preserved eggs also studied the heavy metal content in order to ensure food security is also of great practical significance.


  • 同时表示加快全球范围内寻找更加适合中国市场优质葡萄酒保证中国广大的红酒爱好者在第一时间内品尝到全球优质实惠的葡萄酒。

    Mr Charlie also said that he will search for more quality wine suitable fo chinese market to ensure the chinese consumers can taste the most affordable and high-quality wine.


  • 意味着交通系统安全可靠方便、经济、同时大多数人提供信息保证高效性

    This means systems that are safe, reliable, convenient and value-for-money, accompanied by the necessary information for them to be used effectively.


  • 同时针对不同脲醛树脂,采取不同工艺措施;(3)将单板BL—甲醛消纳浸渍后再按正常工艺生产的胶合板达到环保E_0级标准,且胶合强度保证

    The formaldehyde emission of the plywood made of veneers soaked by BL-formaldehyde absorptive can accord with the E_0 class standard, and the bonding strength can be assured at the same time.


  • 同时针对不同脲醛树脂,采取不同工艺措施;(3)将单板BL—甲醛消纳浸渍后再按正常工艺生产的胶合板达到环保E_0级标准,且胶合强度保证

    The formaldehyde emission of the plywood made of veneers soaked by BL-formaldehyde absorptive can accord with the E_0 class standard, and the bonding strength can be assured at the same time.


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