• 与此同时工业化国家不愿意接受那些并不同时约束他们视为对手国家的目标约束

    The industrialised countries, meanwhile, are reluctant to bind themselves to targets that do not also restrain countries they see as competitors.


  • 理想情况下交互式路由应该同时这两约束提供动态反馈

    Ideally, interactive routing should provide dynamic feedback on both sets of constraints simultaneously.


  • 过程核心包含一个允许保存模型一致性同时约束细化模型的基于模式方法

    The core of this process comprises a pattern-based approach that allows you to refine class models with constraints while preserving the consistency of the models.


  • 同时开发人员利用过程约束以及控制,而采用简单更倾向于变更配置管理解决方案

    At the same time developers want to use easier and leaner change and configuration management solutions with less overbearing process, restriction, and control.


  • 同时由于资本约束很多传统借贷者已经商业房贷退出,目的是为了获得更高信用

    At the same time, due to capital constraints, many traditional lenders have retreated from commercial mortgage financing, even for highly credit-worthy properties.


  • 同时一些约束工作影响计划强制截止期限资源限制

    At the same time, you will be working under several constraints such as an imposed deadline or resource limitations that affect your plan.


  • 正如过去几年极力主张的那样,我们需要常识性规则允许市场约束金融业糟糕的做法同时保持运行公平自由

    As I've urged over the past year, we need common-sense rules that will our allow markets to function fairly and freely while reining in the worst practices of the financial industry.


  • 同时会用一定规则约束强制您执行封装

    At the same time, it binds you to certain laws and forces encapsulation upon you.


  • 同时一个前任克里姆林宫官员说道,俄罗斯必须依靠领导者约束

    In the meantime, as a former Kremlin official puts it, Russia has to rely on the restraint of its leaders.


  • 欧洲德国豪华车制造商在安享丰收岁月同时正在经历一场史无前例的变革,变革的原因在于节能条例约束人们气候变化的担忧。

    In Europe, German luxury carmakers are enjoying blowout years at the same time that they undergo historic transformations in response to fuel economy regulations and concerns about climate change.


  • 正式语言可以加强这种服务约束宣传同时又允许企业保留自己的利益主张。

    A formal language for doing this also facilitates advertisement of such profiled constraints for services, while at the same time permitting a business to maintain a unique value proposition.


  • 不受商业考量约束同时一句格言激励着 – ‘我们做些西方世界不同事情’ –艺术家创造出来一些极富象征意义和风格迥异的电影海报.

    Unconstrained by commercial concerns and motivated by one key dictum – ‘let’s do things differently from the West’ – the artists produced richly symbolic and deeply peculiar posters.


  • 另外一个元素all表示这样约束中的所有元素可以同时出现一次或者出现,它们可以任意顺序出现。

    Another element, all, expresses the constraint that all child elements in the group may appear once or not at all, and they may appear in any order.


  • 这种复杂性约束第三中指出听众不能同时加工处理超过两种以上证据

    The complexity constraint in Chapter 3 is that the listener cannot process more than two pieces of evidence.


  • 导致WBModeler中的详细过程规范同时考虑可复用软件工件定义现有系统约束条件

    This results in a detailed process specification within WB Modeler that takes account of the definition of reusable software artifacts and the constraints of existing systems.


  • 定位修复数据库约束触发器、区(extent)和索引上的问题同时可以让Toad直接利用OracleOCI调用获得OracleAPI完全访问

    Find and fix database problems with constraints, triggers, extents, indexes, and grants Toad utilizes direct Oracle OCI calls for full access to the Oracle API.


  • 注意添加一个约束使这个字段同时为blank(HTML表单中)nullable(在数据库中)。

    Be sure to add a constraint that allows the new field to be both blank (in the HTML form) and nullable (in the database).


  • 第二特性第一个特性同时true 时,将激活复杂约束检查

    The second feature, when set to true in conjunction with the first, enables these more complex constraints to be checked.


  • 同时即使利率也不足以使无约束参与者增加支出对冲这种削减

    And even a zero interest rate isn't enough to persuade the unconstrained players to increase spending by enough to offset these cuts.


  • 同时尝试满足许多功能约束多个透视图来检查系统可能看起来是一复合开发复杂性的方式,而不是减少

    Examining a system from multiple perspectives while simultaneously trying to satisfy dozens of nonfunctional constraints might seem like a way to compound development complexity, not reduce it.


  • 同时比恩只能保护者约束之下坐以待毙。

    And in the meantime, Bean could only wait, pinned down by his protectors.


  • 许多业务规则实际上可以视作约束事实上,可以约束同时应用于技术业务问题。

    Many business rules can actually be thought of as constraints, and in fact constraints can apply to either technical or business issues.


  • 同时很多国家包括英国实行通过了一些限制发布触及这些数字约束作品自由软件不公平法案

    Meanwhile, many countries including the UK have adopted unjust laws that forbid the distribution of free software that could access these digitally restricted works.


  • 管理一个RUP项目开始阶段有些挑战性因为我们同时考虑各种条件约束,包括需求编程以及测试

    Managing a RUP project can be more challenging in the early phases, since we have to work on all disciplines in parallel, including requirements, coding, and testing.


  • 这些架构可以帮助我们理解怎样构建内容管理模型身份以及声誉系统,在鼓励约束同时鼓励意外性。

    These frameworks can help us understand how to develop curation models, identity, and reputation systems, and how to encourage serendipity as well as engagement.


  • 同时俄罗斯希望格鲁吉亚领导人签署一份约束协议宣布放弃使用武力收复失去领土

    Russia also wants the Georgian leadership to sign a binding agreement renouncing the use of force to recover the lost territories.


  • 同时还有讨论建立一个自我监管机构,授予其权力约束任性基金

    There is also talk of creating a self-regulatory body with powers to discipline wayward hedge funds.


  • 光子晶体成分做为绝缘体约束着两者间的运动——允许某些波长通过同时阻止其它的波长,这样就产生反射效果

    Being insulators, the elements of a photonic crystal constrain this propagation, permitting some wavelengths to pass while denying passage to others, which are thus reflected.


  • 妙的是,借助蓝牙耳麦一台带有蓝牙功能的电脑,可以联系人进行语音聊天,同时受与电脑之间的连线的约束

    Better yet, with a Bluetooth headset and a computer equipped with Bluetooth capability, you can interact with your contacts using your voice without being coupled to your computer by wires.


  • 一直到最近中国俄国支持下坚持讨论同时举行就约束外空军备竞赛条约进行平行的讨论(可以解读为针对的是美国弹道导弹防御)。

    Until recently China, backed by Russia, had blocked the path, insisting that there must also be parallel talks on a treaty to curb an arms race in space (read: American missile defences).


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