• 被称为“帝国大厦”的摩天大楼屹立于沙特港口城市吉达

    A skyscraper called The Kingdom Tower will soon rise in the port city of Jeddah.


  • 一个产生电住宅是个开始——吉达•奥康奈尔

    A house that makes electricity is a start, says Sanjida o 'connell.


  • 脑海中不可原谅我们曾经囚徒一样被关在吉达家中

    Most inexcusable in my mind is that we were kept as virtual prisoners in our home in Jeddah.


  • 2011年1月4吉达中的沙特人利用特制的茶色眼镜观测日偏食

    Saudis watch a partial solar eclipse through special tinted glasses in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah on January 4, 2011. AFP/ Getty Images / Amer Hilabi


  • 因所谓患病多年的索马里绵羊山羊沙特阿拉伯的吉达再次受到欢迎

    After banning Somali sheep and goats for many years, for allegedly being diseased, Jeddah in Saudi Arabia has once again declared them welcome.


  • 观众在吉达戏院门外排长队购票,争相观看本土喜剧新片《Manahi》。

    Massive lines snaked out from a theater as Jeddah residents queued up to see the new Saudi comedy "Manahi".


  • 叛军军事发言人哈立德·埃尔萨义赫则坚持认为阿吉达·比耶不会丢失。

    Rebel military spokesman Khaled el-Sayeh insisted Adjabiya would not fall.


  • 拉登吉达接受了中小学教育之后进入大学经济管理系学习获得学位

    Bin laden in education, primary and secondary schools gitai accepted after entering college economic management department learn and get a degree.


  • 今天吉达商会委派成员成功经商时,她也这个职位改善女性权利

    Today she serves as an appointed member of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce, a position she USES to improve women's rights while managing her own successful business.


  • 地处吉达阿卜杜拉国王科技大学里,男女同学可一起参加同一门课的学习并且自由地往来

    At the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology outside Jeddah, male and female students attend the same lectures and mingle freely.


  • 已经年前的事了第一次见到罗西。经常医院看望吉达,那女孩名字叫吉达

    It was about a year ago. That's when I first met Rosie―she used to come here and visit Gerda. That was the child's name.


  • 之后奥萨马去吉达阿齐兹国王大学一些人1981年在那所大学取得公共管理学学位

    He then headed to King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, where some say he received a degree in public administration in 1981.


  • 相对自由地港口城市吉达不仅女裁缝师设计颜色鲜艳长袍而且女性也会在公共场合抽水

    In Jeddah, a more liberal port city, seamstresses design abayas with bright colours and women smoke water-pipes out of doors.


  • 校园分布于吉达老麦加以北,离市中心不远,在吉达这座沙特港口城市,拉登度过了童年青少年多数日子。

    The campus spreads north from the Old Mecca Road, near downtown Jedda, the Saudi Arabian port city where bin Laden spent most of his childhood and teen-age years.


  • 那么沙特为何要于6月22日吉达通过提高石油产量邀请世界能源高官召开紧急会议,提出一个冒险出价

    Why, then, have the Saudis mounted a risky bid to do just that, by boosting oil output and summoning the world's top energy officials to an emergency meeting in Jeddah on June 22nd?


  • 虽然阿明从来没有得到正式庇护,不过允许进行朝圣,他有23年间大多数时间都吉达宾馆别墅渡过。

    Although Amin never gained official asylum, he was allowed to perform an extended pilgrimage, involving 23 years mostly in hotels and villas in Jeddah.


  • 严阵以待吉达·比耶访问发现卡扎非武装和原来相比显得没那么乌合之众了,但是仍然专业

    A visit to the embattled city of Ajdabiya finds the anti-Qaddafi resistance slightly less ragtag than before, but still not quite professional.


  • 塔格示范学校显现了费萨尔科学西方教育方法勃勃兴致;1960年代吉达唯一装了空调的学校。

    The al Thagher Model school showcased Faisal's interest in science and Western methods of education; in the nineteen-sixties, it was the only school in Jedda with air-conditioning.


  • 吉达一位律师巴扬·札赫兰成立了一家女性领导的律师事务所,女子学院法律系也培养出了大量的新人律师

    Bayan al-Zahran, a lawyer in Jeddah, has set up the first female-led law firm, and law faculties in women's colleges churn out fresh attorneys.


  • 今年唯一被提名的女性每日电讯报的科学作者吉达·奥康奈尔(Sanjidao' Connell)。

    The only woman shortlisted this year is Sanjida o 'connell, a science writer for this newspaper.


  • 22日吉达举行国际石油会议上,沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉宣布沙特原油日产量增加20万,增至970万桶。

    Saudi Arabia is ready to pump 9.7m barrels per day of oil for the rest of this year, 200000 more barrels than before, King Abdullah said at the opening ceremony of the Jeddah oil meeting Sunday.


  • 吉达年度盛会上组织者展示五颜六色服装,而这些服装是在清教徒迫使女性身着黑色长袍之前女性曾穿过的服装。

    At Jeddah's annual festival, the organisers display the colourful costumes women used to wear before the puritans imposed the black abaya of the central desert on the whole country.


  • 吉达年度盛会上组织者展示五颜六色服装,而这些服装是在清教徒迫使女性身着黑色长袍之前女性曾穿过的服装。

    At Jeddah's annual festival, the organisers display the colourful costumes women used to wear before the puritans imposed the black abaya of the central desert on the whole country.


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