• 合议庭成员应当人以上的单数

    The number of members of a collegial panel shall be an odd number of three or more.


  • 评议应当制作笔录合议庭成员签名

    The deliberations shall be recorded in writing, and the transcript shall be signed by the members of the collegial panel.


  • 合议庭成员人数必须单数

    The Numbers of members of a collegial bench shall be odd.


  • 案件判罚尊重合议庭意见

    The penalization of cases should respect the opinions of the entire court.


  • 合议庭成员相对固定的,应当定期交流

    Collegial panels with relatively fixed members shall maintain regular exchange among the members.


  • 合议庭院长或者庭长指定审判员人担任审判长。

    The judge of a probate court in some states of the united states.


  • 第四十三合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数原则

    Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial bench shall observe the principle of minority obeying majority.


  • 第二合议庭审判长由符合审判长任职条件法官担任

    Article 2 the presiding judge of a collegiate panel should be a judge that is qualified for the position of presiding judge.


  • 第一百四十九条合议庭开庭审理并且评议后应当作出判决

    Article 149 After the hearings and deliberations, the collegial panel shall render a judgment.


  • 双方异议证据,经合议庭评议后决定是否作为本案证据。

    The evidence to which both parties raised objections is subject to the deliberation of the collegial panel as to whether such evidence will be adopted.


  • 人民陪审员参加合议庭的,应当人民陪审员名单随机抽取确定。

    If people's jurors participate in a collegial panel, they shall be randomly selected from the list of people's jurors.


  • 第四十三条【评议原则合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数原则。

    Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial bench shall observe the principle of minority obeying majority.


  • 合议庭少数意见判决主文采纳的判决理由理论上具有公开性

    Theoretically, the minority opinions, which are not the verdict reasons adopted by the full court, can be made open to the public.


  • 合理安排合议制度运行机制核心合议庭成员平等独立性的保护;

    The core to arrange the collegial system operating mechanism in reason is the protection for members of equality, independence.


  • 公开合议庭少数意见司法公开自然内容我国可以公开合议庭少数意见。

    It is the natural contents of public judicature to make the minority opinions known to the public, and it is possible to do it in China.


  • 评议应当制作笔录,合议庭成员签名。评议中的不同意见必须如实记入笔录。

    The minutes of the deliberation shall be made and signed by all members of the collegiate bench. Differing opinions must be recorded accurately.


  • 设立专门涉外商事审判庭或者合议庭配备足够审判力量,确保审判质量

    It shall establish a special tribunal or collegiate court for foreign-related commercial cases and shall be equipped with sufficient trial resources so as to ensure the trial quality.


  • 合议庭评议阶段指从裁判者退庭评议到宣判期间案件进行讨论作出决定阶段。

    The stage of deliberation of collegiate bench is the one during which the case is discussed and a decision is made after the court is adjourned.


  • 第四依法开庭审理案件合议庭全体成员应当阅卷必要提交书面阅卷意见

    Article 4 all members of a collegial panel shall review the files of a case which is tried without court hearing according to law, and submit written file review opinions when necessary.


  • 按照法律学者通行看法中国法院审判组织三类:独任庭合议庭审判委员会

    In accordance with the prevailing view of legal scholars, the Chinese Court of organization into three categories: single Renting, the Full Court and the judicial committee.


  • 最后分析了我国审判实践中合议庭运作现状及其弊端就如何改进和完善提出建议

    Finally, the author analyzes the malpractice that collegiate bench works in our country now and puts forward a proposal for perfecting system of our...


  • 我们邀请其他采用普通法的司法地区的资深法官加入我们的合议庭这个合议庭五个法官组成。

    We invite experienced judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit on the Full Court which consists of five judges.


  • 每个上诉法院四名以上法官他们组成三人合议庭审理地区法院的判决行政机关一些决定

    Each court of appeals has four or more judges who sit in panels of three to review district court decisions, as well as some decisions of administrative agencies.


  • 第三人民陪审员法官组成合议庭审判案件合议庭中人民陪审员占人数比例应当少于三分之一

    Article 3 When a case is tried by a collegial panel composed of people's assessors and judges, the proportion of people's assessors in a collegial panel shall be no less than one third.


  • 由美国联邦第九巡回上诉法院三位法官组成的合议庭正在考虑支持还是驳回这项临时限制令还是案件送回下级法院再审

    Now the three-judge panel on the 9th Circuit court of Appeals is deciding whether to uphold that order, strike it down, or potentially send the case back to the lower court for further consideration.


  • 终审法院合议庭五位法官组成,包括海外非常任法官做法一向运作良好这些海外的非常任法官是澳洲新西兰英国著名法官。

    The participation of one non-permanent overseas judge in the collegiate court of five judges drawn from a panel of eminent judges from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has worked well.


  • 终审法院合议庭五位法官组成,包括海外非常任法官做法一向运作良好这些海外的非常任法官是澳洲新西兰英国著名法官。

    The participation of one non-permanent overseas judge in the collegiate court of five judges drawn from a panel of eminent judges from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has worked well.


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