• 破产之所以存在是财产合法要求分类

    Bankruptcy exists to sort legal claims on assets.


  • 一些电子制造商发布3d电视免责声明保护自己合法要求

    Some electronics manufacturers have issued disclaimers on 3d TV sets to protect themselves from legal claims.


  • 如今这些担忧似乎还涉及到Fifa主办国合法要求

    It now seems those concerns extend to Fifa's legal demands on the host nation.


  • 仲裁庭无视中国合法要求片面接受菲律宾强制仲裁要求不是遵守国际法而是践踏国际法

    An arbitration tribunal to ignore China's legitimate demands one-sided accept compulsory arbitration in the Philippines, this is not abide by international law, but on international law.


  • 大部分银行合法要求推迟50%行政津贴至或者久,并且表现决定薪酬(一些银行已经进行了类似的改变)。

    Larger Banks would be legally required to defer 50% of executive bonuses for three years or more and link the payments to performance (some Banks have already introduced similar changes).


  • 作为名律师目的就是当事人之陈述变为表明案由合法要求变为似乎可能合法要求的活辩护

    As a lawyer, your goal is to convert the facts from your client's narrative into a legal claim that states a cause of action, or into a viable defense to plausible legal claims.


  • 这些公司投资人常常被描述成秃鹫但是他们大部分财产委托给普通公民并且无论如何所有人都合法要求的权利,也正是他们之所以能履行义务的原因

    The investors in these firms are easily portrayed as vultures, but many are entrusted with the savings of ordinary people, and in any case all have a legal claim that entitles them to due process.


  • 法国政府已经谴责了海政变,并要求恢复合法政府。

    The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government.


  • 要求合法继承人

    He claims to be the rightful heir.


  • 他们要求赔偿合法权利

    They have a valid claim to compensation.


  • 他们打算法庭上对要求合法性提出质疑

    They intended to challenge the legality of his claim in the courts.


  • 我们意识宇宙我们深入的一系列要求,即我们每个人都生活在自己合法世界中,似乎别人居住的世界是不一致的。

    We realize that the deeper coherence of the universe requires that each of us inhabits a lawful world of our own that may seem inconsistent with the worlds inhabited by others.


  • 要求当地警察在经过合法接触后,有正当理由怀疑并盘查移民身份如果没有证件,就可以逮捕他们

    It also requires local police, after making a "lawful contact", to check the immigration status of people who cause "reasonable suspicion", and to arrest them if they lack documents.


  • 环境保护决定,或者叫做危害发现”,给予保护署合法权利要求60天的公众评估后完成气体的减排

    The EPA's decision, known as an "endangerment finding", gives the agency the legal authority to demand cuts in emissions following a 60-day public review period.


  • 苹果这些公司提出承诺通过互联网合法销售他们音乐时,他们表现得极为谨慎并且要求苹果公司保护好音乐以防盗版

    When Appleapproached these companies to license their music to distribute legally overthe Internet, they were extremely cautious and required Apple to protect theirmusic from being illegally copied.


  • 或许双方有点道理但是最近公众要求自愿安乐死合法呼声似乎越来越

    There is probably some truth on both sides, but recently the public clamor for the legalization of voluntary euthanasia seem increasingly strong.


  • 改变举证责任,要求土地所有人证明他们合法非暴力威胁获得土地。

    It would also reverse the burden of proof, requiring owners to show they acquired land legally and without violence or threats.


  • 中方要求缅方依法采取有效措施保护中国公民合法权益

    China has requested Myanmar to take effective measures according to law to protect the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese citizens in Myanmar.


  • 消费者接受服务时,合法权益受到损害可以服务者要求赔偿

    A consumer whose legal rights and interests are harmed during the receipt of a service may demand compensation from the provider of that service.


  • 服从许多国家包括美国要求合法易访问性需求

    Compliance with the legal accessibility requirements mandated by several countries, including the US.


  • 今年早些时候欧盟委员会将微软捆绑之举定性竞争行为,要求微软提出合法补救方案

    Earlier this year the commission decided that the bundling was anti-competitive and asked for Microsoft to propose legal alternatives to remedy the situation.


  • 反垄断委员会评估欧盟能源政策时,要求进行所有权分类计价”,这项措施是将能源供应商运输合法拆分。

    In its review of EU energy policy, the commission calls for "ownership unbundling" -the legal separation of energy suppliers and transporters.


  • 不过所有主要合法Web爬虫引擎都会遵从robots . txt要求

    But all the major and legitimate Web crawling engines obey the requests in robots.txt.


  • 是因为这部法律要求被告证明其言论都真实合理合法的;

    That is because the law requires the defendant to prove that what he said is true, fair or legally privileged;


  • 第三十五消费者购买使用商品合法权益受到损害可以销售者要求赔偿

    Article 35 a consumer whose legal rights and interests are harmed during the purchase or use of a commodity may demand compensation from the seller.


  • 想当年,唱片业四处呼吁,要求合法经营音乐下载站点应当苹果itunes或者Napster那样单曲来销售

    In the past, the music industry has made the broad demand that sites legally selling downloads should sell them by the track, much like Apple's iTunes, or Napster.


  • 再重复一下如果记者前往喀什进行采访,你们正当合法采访要求我们予以协助

    A: I want to reiterate that we will facilitate if journalists go to Kashgar with legitimate and just report requests.


  • 除了简单限额实现之外,实现正确邮件日志存档功能要求也是重要的。

    It is also important to implement the proper mail journaling and archiving features to comply with legal requirements beyond the simple implementation of quotas.


  • 除了简单限额实现之外,实现正确邮件日志存档功能要求也是重要的。

    It is also important to implement the proper mail journaling and archiving features to comply with legal requirements beyond the simple implementation of quotas.


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