• 水瓶座的爱情观:合则来,合则有个性成熟爱情情

    Aquariuss love view: unity, substandard bulk, personality mature love.


  • 应对如此等级挑战,可以毫不夸张的,“合则胜,。”

    In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall".


  • 简历发送以下联系方式,合则约见。任何疑问请与我们联系,我们统一安排面试!

    Please send the CV as follows, if you have any question, contact us! We will arrange the interviw.


  • 简历发送至以下联系方式,合则约见。任何疑问请与我们联系,我们统一安排面试

    Please send the CV as follows, if you have any question, Please contact us. We will arrange the the interview for you!


  • 他们始终相信感情勉强不来,就算在一起了,也没有义务一定要最后因为合则来,不合则永恒就是神话

    They always believe thatfeelings reluctantly, even together, will have no obligation to go to the last, because he is not eternal, is scattered, this is a myth.


  • 认为欧洲只有有所作为之处才有裨益欧盟特定政策服务的工具是否而为利要取决于这些政策能否奏效

    The other says that Europe is only good for what it can do; the EU is an instrument for specific policies and whether it is a net plus depends on whether the policies work.


  • 他们根据大小颜色以及是否’等因素选择手机,有的选手认为的手机扔的,而有些更青睐的手机。

    People choose by size, by color or by how it fits in the hand... some believe a heavy model will ensure a long throw, some want a light one.


  • 其它人认为卡尔扎伊先生的言论发自内心的,去年夏天大选堆积他的指责仍然很愤怒真诚地相信第一中胜出了。

    Others think Mr Karzai is just talking from the heart, and remains enraged by the blame heaped on him during last summer's election which he genuinely believes he won outright in the first round.


  • 但是考虑不周只能激烈争执时刻更多保护措施昂贵规操作主要倾向于增加行业集中度减少竞争

    But ill-thought-out calls in the heat of the moment for more safeguards and expensive compliance may tend mainly to increase concentration and reduce competition.


  • 益集团调查结果显示,63%的员工感到无偿加班没有得到老板的充分赏识57%的人认为老板自己当成可有可无的商品,还有一半的人觉得当前的工作强度无法长期维持的。

    The Hay survey notes that 63% of workers say that their employers do not appreciate their extra effort. And 57% feel that employees are treated like dispensable commodities.


  • 英国咨询公司集团最近对1000名在职人员调查显示,2/3的员工被迫无偿加班

    The Hay Group, a British consultancy which recently surveyed 1,000 people, says that two-thirds of workers report they are putting in unpaid overtime.


  • 丰田一季度净利润达1122亿日元(约12亿美元),而2009年同期亏损高达766亿日元。

    Toyota posted a January-March net profit of 112.2b yen ($1.2b) compared with a 766b yen loss the year before.


  • 标准普尔500指数下跌了4.92点,0.5个百分点,至1059.67点,纳斯达克指数下跌了11.16点,0.5个百分点,至2142.47

    The Standard &Poor's 500 index fell 15.67, or 1.5 percent, to 1,048.92, while the Nasdaq composite index fell 33.66, or 1.6 percent, to 2,119.97.


  • 而觉得自己处于“生活阶梯”“最底层女性平均身高0.5英寸1.3厘米

    Women who viewed themselves as "on the bottom step" on the life ladder were shorter than the average woman by half an inch, or 1.3 centimetres.


  • 科学家随后要求参加者进行项让人不舒服任务,一共有两种情况:有些些人要求一杯健康、但是很难的音频(和吃药差不多);而另外一些被要求把手伸冰水里面。

    The scientists then asked each group to participate in one of two unpleasant tasks. Some were told to finish a healthy but ill-tasting drink (akin to taking one's medicine).


  • 尽管芦荟属于洋葱大蒜芦笋近亲,但功效与仙人掌十分相似

    Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, related to Onions, garlic and asparagus, it is very-cactus like in its characteristics.


  • 一道召唤出现,召唤的单位会1出现,如果门被摧毁召唤失败。

    A gate will appear first: the summoned stack will come out that gate after 1 turn.


  • 起初动脉可能正常的,也可能出现轻微的低碳酸血症,随着阻塞加重病人出现典型的低氧血症高碳酸血症

    Whereas initially arterial oxygenation may be normal and slight hypocapnia may be present, worsening obstruction and tiring patients may exemplify arterial hypoxemia and hypercapnia.


  • 南北走向轴线上两个厢房位于院的两侧

    The principal room is biult on the south-north axis, and two wing rooms are located on both sides of it.


  • 主要影响阳气升发收敛,三主要影响阳气的潜藏释放

    The opening, closing and pivoting of three Yang mainly affect the sending up and astringing of Yang-qi, while those of three Yin mainly impact the hiding and releasing of Yang-qi.


  • 点端的胚乳细胞侵入点珠心组织,为进一步发育提供营养

    With the embryo development, most of the endosperm degenerated, and the cells near chalaza entered the chalaza, digested it and further nourished the embryo.


  • 二人在宫中,出骑,许下誓愿同床

    The duo sat in the palace are the same seats, while a take a ride out, but promised vows: Health should be in bed, dead to the same hole.


  • 运用瘀法为主,清热、化湿、养阴、理气法以及祛腐、生肌、拖线、 灌注内外治法,治疗疮、、脱等疮疡疾病,附验

    Blood-stasis-removing therapy combining with other methods was adopted to treat ecthyma, antral fistula, gangrene and swollen thigh. And four cases were presented.


  • 神经元一氧化氮主要分布壳核边缘

    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase was mainly distributed at caudate putamen and the marginal division.


  • 外壳具有第二连接第一部,以固定液晶显示模块

    The outer shell is provided with a second clamp part for connecting to the first clamp part, which aims at fixing the liquid crystal display module.


  • 外壳具有第二连接第一部,以固定液晶显示模块

    The outer shell is provided with a second clamp part for connecting to the first clamp part, which aims at fixing the liquid crystal display module.


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