• 值得信赖的警察帮助人们收复街道,公正司法声张正义,人性化监狱保障服刑人员权利,帮助他们改过迁善。

    Impartial judiciaries to serve justice. Humane prisons to guarantee human rights and rehabilitation for people serving their sentences.


  • 我们在一起一定要提倡维护我们国家机构廉洁公正包括司法执法机关在内。

    Together we must promote and defend the integrity of our state institutions including the judiciary and law enforcement agencies," he said.


  • 任何人合法拘捕后,享有尽早接受司法机关公正审判权利未经司法机关判罪之前假定无罪。

    Anyone who is lawfully arrested shall have the right to a fair trial by the judicial organs without delay and shall be presumed innocent until convicted by the judicial organs.


  • 自由方向目的受到道德引导这体现坚实家庭社区教会受到牢固公正司法体系监督

    Our liberty is given direction and purpose by moral character, shaped in strong families, strong communities, and strong religious institutions and overseen by a strong and fair legal system.


  • 高庭法官昆汀称,死刑是功过,与沙德雷克并不相关,此案是司法部门公正与否考验。

    Justice Quentin Loh concluded that Mr Shadrake’s case was not about the merits (or not) of the death penalty, but about the impartiality—or otherwise—of the administration of justice.


  • 柏拉图认为,雅典公民如果逃脱判决裁定有碍司法公平和公正。柏拉图在《Crito》详细解释了社会契约理论

    From Plato's "Crito," we get an explanation that forms the basis of social contract theory: Socrates explains why it would violate justice to flee the verdict of the citizens of Athens.


  • 公正效率司法基本价值目标。

    Justice and efficiency are two main ways of evatuation the judiciary.


  • 公平正义检验司法活动是否公正唯一标准

    Fairness and justice is the fairness of the judicial activities test the sole criterion.


  • 包括尊严宽容所有平等以及司法公平公正

    They also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice.


  • 程序正当性诉讼效率诉讼制度所追求价值目标公正效率有机结合构成司法工作完整价值取向

    The procedure justice and the lawsuit efficiency are the aims that law systems pursue. So the organic combination of impartiality and efficiency is the complete value orientation of judicature.


  • 公正效率有机结合才是刑事司法的最终归宿,刑事审前程序分流正是二者有机结合产物

    The organic integration of fairness and efficiency is the ultimate destination, and the criminal diversion of pre-trial procedures is a product of the organic combination of both.


  • 公正效率司法生命

    Fairness and efficiency of judicial life.


  • 司法核心问题公正处理案件。

    To deal with problems fairly is the kernel of judicature.


  • 作为维护国际社会公正权威司法部门,国际法院必须对此做出反应

    As the judicial authority to maintain the justice in the international community, the international court of justice must make some response to the situation.


  • 税务司法公正他们认为只能意味着公正或不公正财产权利待遇制度结果一个特定制度

    Justice or injustice in taxation, they argue, can only mean justice or injustice in the system of property rights and entitlements that result from a particular regime.


  • 通过裁判文书,法官不仅当事人表明判决合法性而且也向社会证明司法的公正

    Through the adjudicative document, the judge not only manifests the legality of the judgment to the parties, also manifests the impartiality of jurisdiction to the society.


  • 英国历史上的“文书起源于神明裁判”,强调司法的形式程序公正

    In British history, the Trial by Charters originated from the Trial by Ordeals, and its emphasis was the formal or procedural justice.


  • 司法诉讼确保社会公正最后一道防线诉讼途径成本高程序复杂效率低

    Litigation is the last defense for just and fair, but it's costly, complicated and inefficient.


  • 财政权利保障财政司法的公正正在得到逐步改善

    Security of fiscal rights and juridical justice of public finance are being improved gradually.


  • 传闻证据规则一项旨在保证证人出庭保障法官做出正确裁判实现程序公正司法公正重要制度

    The hearsay evidence rule is important system aimed at assurance the witness appears at court, and guarantee the judge do right judgment and realize procedure justness and judicature justness.


  • 司法程序任务就是规制司法以及当事人的诉讼行为使案件能够公平公正氛围中得以解决

    The task of judicial process to stipulate judicial powers and lawsuit act of party, so the cases can be solved in a fair and just atmosphere.


  • 司法合法性公民因为司法本身是公正廉价高效的,能最大程度地保障公民权益而产生司法的忠诚自愿服从

    Judicial legitimate is the citizen's loyalty and voluntary obeying, for it is just, low-priced and effective, and safeguarding the citizen's right at the same time.


  • 司法人员要刚正不阿,勇于担当,敢于依法排除来自司法机关内部外部干扰坚守公正司法的底线。

    They must have the courage to lawfully cast out interference originating both inside and outside judicial bodies, and stand their ground in defense of judicial impartiality.


  • 司法具有公正中立性权威性人们维护自己权利最后一道防线如果人们丧失了司法的信心,其后果不堪设想。

    Justice is possessed of impartiality, neutrality, authority. It is the last defensive line to protect individual rights. The result is too dreadful if people lose confidence in justice.


  • 第三司法行政机关律师律师事务所实施行政处罚应当遵循公开公正原则

    Article 3 the administrative departments of justice shall follow the principle of openness and justice when imposing administrative punishment on lawyers and law firms.


  • 第三司法行政机关律师律师事务所实施行政处罚应当遵循公开公正原则

    Article 3 the administrative departments of justice shall follow the principle of openness and justice when imposing administrative punishment on lawyers and law firms.


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