• 尽管许多美国人难以诺曼底船员魄力责任感感同身受,但是你们可以。

    And while it's hard for many Americans to comprehend the courage and sense of duty that guided those who boarded small ships, it's familiar to you.


  • 一个欧洲货运火箭将本周四到达,加入日本俄罗斯联盟货运飞船的停靠序列中来,同时作为艘联盟船员太空舱

    A European freighter is due to arrive Thursday, joining Japanese and Russian cargo ships and two Soyuz crew capsules.


  • 天狼之星”释放不久,“娜”船员家属也在寻求帮助并说他们没有得到任何最新谈判进展消息不知道他们亲人的健康状况

    The same day the Sirius Star was released, the family members of the Faina crew appealed for help, saying they were not kept informed about the negotiations or the state of their loved ones' health.


  • 迪安妈妈以及兄弟送上了10救生艇里,最终生还的706名乘客船员中,他们第一批离开游轮的。

    Dean, her mother, and brother were placed in lifeboat 10, and they were among the first off the liner out of the 706 passengers and crew who escaped.


  • 美丽梦想者设计阶段的时候,全体船员就定下事:一他们继续24小时作息制,第二件就是船上会沿用西洋日历

    When the Beautiful Dreamer had been in the planning stages, the crew decided two things: that they'd remain on a 24-hour day, and they'd follow the western calendar.


  • 五角大楼,瓦良格可能投入使用用来训练航母船员;又或者,也会成为一个漂浮的主题公园

    The Pentagon says it might be put into service, used for training carrier crews, or become yet another floating theme-park.


  • 当天晚上9左右自由船长船员——他们约翰·汉考克一样反对英国纳税——把这位海关监察员软禁在船上

    At around 9 PM, the captain and crew of the Liberty, who were as opposed to paying British taxes as John Hancock, imprisoned the tidewaiter on the sloop.


  • 阿波罗16船员手持哈苏相机环绕月球第二圈时派下了张照片。

    The Apollo 16 crew captured this Earthrise with a handheld Hasselblad camera during the second revolution of the moon.


  • 阿林设计师罗尔夫·沃利克警报系统没有工作船员开心

    Alinghi's principal designer, Rolf Volijk, said there was one day when the alarm did not work, and the crew was very happy.


  • 所幸“阿迪·戈尔”六名船员均得以获救,一场悲剧险些上演。

    While the six-person crew aboard the Ady Gil was rescued, tragedy wasonly narrowly averted.


  • “美好”拦截货船,解救船员过程中双方没有交火

    The ship was intercepted by the Ladny, and the crew were freed without a shot being fired.


  • 并不认为他们之间增那种阿波罗12船员其他船员之间称兄道弟。

    The kind of male bonding that you definitely found on the Apollo 12 crew and many other crews, I just don’t think it ever happened with these guys.


  • 清洁船员们点燃了深海地平线附近海面的几处浮燃烧产生的烟雾海面升起

    Smoke rises from surface oil being burned by cleanup crews near the Deepwater Horizon blowout.


  • 各方的配合支援下,海盗最终退,“援华4”轮和船上30船员获救脱险。

    With joint efforts, pirates were forced back, the ship and its 30 crew members were rescued.


  • 1909年7月26日墨尔本驶往伦敦的豪华蒸汽邮轮”特洛塔”载211名乘客船员德班起航,预计三天后到达开普敦但事实是它从未到达。

    ON JULY 26th 1909 the SS Waratah, en route to London from Melbourne, left Durban with 211 passengers and crew.


  • 英国海岸护卫队后来猜测,那次来自“北冰洋”常规通讯可能来自劫匪或者船员胁迫下完成的。

    British coastguards speculated later that the routine communication from the Arctic Sea could have been made either by the hijackers or a crew member speaking under duress.


  • 迪安妈妈以及兄弟送上10救生艇里,在最终生还的706名乘客船员他们第一离开游轮的。

    Dean, her mother, and brother were placed in lifeboat 10 and were among the first off the liner out of the 706 passengers and crew who escaped.


  • 他们释放北冰洋15名俄罗斯船员

    They also freed the Arctic Sea's 15 Russian crew members.


  • 使一些海军历史学家得出结论,悉尼的沉没发生很快船员们根本时间自救

    This has led some naval historians to conclude that when the Sydney went down, it happened so quickly the crew had no time to save themselves.


  • 一次特别的拍照行动中,离开船员将会在为停留在空间站奋进照相

    In a unique photo op, the departing crew will photograph Endeavour parked at the space station.


  • 来自美国物理学会一些听众则提出异议认为柯克船长、斯波克企业全体船员都会安然无恙因为企业护盾

    Some audience members at the American Physical Society event protested that Kirk, Spock and the "Star Trek" crew would all still live because of the starship Enterprise having shields.


  • 声明中指控持“奥迪吉尔”船员激光扫射到“日新,他们想“日新丸”酸雾弹,其中一个还扔到了甲板上。

    The statement accused the activists of shining a laser device at the Nisshin Maru crew and launching acid-filled projectiles, one of which landed on the vessel's deck.


  • 最初“梦想者”这样 的殖民飞船都会留下四个着的船员,以便处理各种后备问题但是单调的旅程他们丢掉了大半条性命。

    Initially, colony vessels like the Dreamer kept three or four people awake to handle backup problems, but the monotony put them at each other's throats.


  • 当今新兴市场中的商务旅行者多少像是挑战者船员

    Business travellers in today's emerging markets often feel a bit like the Challenger's crew.


  • 少女阿梅丽船员熟悉这个小岛他们常常歇脚的地方。

    The island was familiar to the crew of The Young Amelia,--it was one of her regular haunts.


  • 还是不要警报系统?阿林船长巴特船员已经谙熟船的性能。

    Alarms or no, Mr. Butterworth, Alinghi's skipper, said the crew had become accustomed to what it could and could not do.


  • 北冰洋船员发现配备重型武器的舰只。另外,根据巴尔捷涅夫的介绍,预示多吉少的舰船外观促使伙伴又一次紧张地打开了伏特加

    The Arctic Sea's crew had spotted the heavily armed vessel two days previously and, according to Bartenev, its ominous appearance prompted his new companions to nervously break out the vodka again.


  • 柯克斯波克还有其他船员都会企业接近光速死去

    Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew would die within a second of the USS Enterprise approaching the speed of light.


  • 柯克斯波克还有其他船员都会企业接近光速死去

    Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew would die within a second of the USS Enterprise approaching the speed of light.


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