• 食物大事我们来说是一个盘子一只饥肠辘辘来说却散发装肠肉的香味

    But food is a serious matter. What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog.


  • Sainz Breeze坚持认为这种食物绝不儿戏,它一种新的持续蛋白质来源

    Sainz Breeze insist that such food is no joke and could be a new, sustainable source of protein.


  • 是因为食物几乎总是触手而且它们需要严酷冬天储存大量的能量。

    It's because food is almost always within reach, and they don't have to store up a lot of food energy for the harsh winters.


  • 然,做一些美味的食物以让我们忘记一些事情,让我们有事做,帮助我们度过最近的封锁期。

    Certainly, creating some delicious food takes our mind off things and gives us something to do, helping us get through the recent lockdown.


  • 随着人们居住环境不断变得干燥,以及食物供给预测性越来越强,驯化尝试很多地方进行

    The experiments with domestication probably occurred in many places, as people living in ever-drier environments cast around for more predictable food supplies.


  • 显然即使朝着梦想工作,需要支付诸如电费食物之类的日常花销不管是什么花销,但你来说都极为重要

    Obviously, even as you work towards your dreams, you'll still need to cover your daily expenses, such as electricity, food, water, and whatever else is fundamentally important to you.


  • 其他科学家发现消极想法使造成食物中毒大肠杆菌生长减缓

    Other scientists found that negative thoughts could also slow the growth of the food poisoning bug E.coli.


  • 开初,还以为也许会因祸得福,我进旅馆门,就有什么食物吃,啊、鱼啊蔬菜都行

    At first I thought this might prove a blessing in disguise, and at once proceeded to make inquiries for food: flesh, fish or vegetable, hot or cold, anything!


  • 食物中毒死亡实实在在多人死亡,市场失灵会导致十分悲惨后果时,我们就有了出台预防性规定理由

    Food poisoning can cause death, indeed multiple deaths, and when the consequences of a market failure are very grave, there is an argument for preventive regulation.


  • 这样一来,我们对手突袭机会减小了,也不会错过触手及的食物

    They reduced the odds that a predator would take us by surprise or that we'd overlook a nearby source of food.


  • ,就算是粉们,“祈祷与印度也不待见因为片子虽然食物秀色餐,传递思想空空如也

    Even, I suspect, for loyalists, Eat Pray Love will bog down in India, because while food consumption is fun to watch, the emptying of the mind is not.


  • 慎选新鲜配料确保我们所吃食物质量比萨例外

    Carefully chosen fresh ingredients can ensure the quality of any food we eat, and pizza is no exception.


  • 没有多余的热量浪费,所以一口食物需要充满营养

    There are no extra calories to spare, so every bite of food needs to be packed with nutrition.


  • 利用限制食物容器来减少垃圾

    Waste reduction will be pursued, with reusable cups and limited use of food containers.


  • 只要得拿很多交换食物掌握针的技能

    So long as there were plenty of people with whom to swap needles for food, it made sense to acquire such skills.


  • 在手机上发现细菌包括引起食物中毒大肠杆菌黄金葡萄球菌不过这些细菌的量都安全范围值以内。

    Other bacteria including food poisoning bugs e.coli and staphylococcus aureus were found on the phones but at safe levels.


  • 例如链接两个站点关于女性主义的,而且出奇的火爆(关于猫儿的博客,能写到!),甚至有钱(关于食物的博客)。

    The two sites I just linked to, for example, are incredibly popular sites about feminism (the one with the cats; they post about dogs, too!) and making money online (the one with the food).


  • 根据素食者对源自动物食物的态度,他们划分如下几类

    Vegetarians fall into groups defined by the types of animal-derived foods they eat.


  • 人类健康最终取决于保证人类良好健康富有生产活力的生计必要的生态系统产品服务(淡水食物燃料来源)。

    Human health ultimately depends upon ecosystem products and services (such as availability of fresh water, food and fuel sources) which are requisite for good human health and productive livelihoods.


  • 大部分按照任何限制热量食物饮食计划进行减肥至少短期内是这样

    Most people can lose weight on almost any diet plan that restricts calories and what you can eat - at least in the short term.


  • 烹饪增加淀粉食物能量土豆谷物某些食物中的毒素从而增加我们食物范围

    Cooking increases the energy available from starchy foods such as potatoes and grains and inactivates certain food toxins, thereby increasing the range of foods available to us.


  • 格鲁推测,是因为我们改变饮食食物种类,而这些食物毒瘾相关同一个大脑区域相互影响

    He speculates that may result from changes in the food we eat and the availability of more foods that interact with the same brain areas as addictive drugs.


  • 铸铁煎锅烹调食物增加食物中铁含量在吃富含食物同时吃富含维生素c的食物改善吸收

    Cooking food in cast iron skillets can increase the iron content of foods, and consuming Vitamin C-rich foods along with iron-rich foods can improve iron absorption.


  • 这种处理及时出现问题,研究人员还希望这样提醒秃鹫它们本该找寻的食物

    That both deals with the immediate problem and, they hope, reminds the condors what they are really supposed to be looking for.


  • 废水中的营养物质喂养鱼类因此必要加额外食物

    Nutrients in the wastewater support the fish, so no external food is added.


  • 科学家深信这种技术将来得到广泛应用 ,而且这种技术未来土豆将由此变成自然界一种超级食物”。

    Scientists believe the technique could be widely applied in the future, which could one day turn spuds into one of nature's "superfoods".


  • 相反午睡两个小时吃点富含蛋白质食物提高睡眠质量

    Instead, in the hour or two before your nap time, eat foods high in calcium and protein, which promote sleep.


  • 长嘴秧尤其高度依赖于沼泽地环境——包括沼泽地的招潮蟹,这它们的一种主要食物——如果石油到达这里,它们无处逃。

    Clapper rails in particular are highly dependent on the marshes-including fiddler crabs, a dietary staple-and they'll have nowhere to go if the oil arrives.


  • 长嘴秧尤其高度依赖于沼泽地环境——包括沼泽地的招潮蟹,这它们的一种主要食物——如果石油到达这里,它们无处逃。

    Clapper rails in particular are highly dependent on the marshes-including fiddler crabs, a dietary staple-and they'll have nowhere to go if the oil arrives.


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