• 欧洲掌握复杂批发业务零售商可能因此获得可观利润

    Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby.


  • 欧洲掌握复杂批发业务零售商可能因此获得可观利润

    Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby.


  • 知道意味着什么扶手可能完全下来安全可能断裂,我可能因此太空中去。

    I knew what it meant: The handrail could be completely pulled off and the safety tether might break, and I might therefore be pushed into space.


  • 一些经济学家估计数十万可能因此失业

    Some economists calculated that hundreds of thousands of people might be put out of work.


  • 为了使自己这些愿望相一致,可能因此过于己专营。

    To square these wants he may therefore have been a bit too clever for his own good.


  • 预防发现治疗益处可能因此较高毕业联系在一起。

    He benefits of prevention, detection, and treatment may therefore include higher graduation rates.


  • 可能因此掩盖摄取适量巧克力所带来的潜在健康益处

    And may therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate.


  • 医生因为害怕病人起诉(可能因此失去执业证)而撒谎

    The doctor lies because she is afraid the patient will Sue her (and she could possibly lose her license).


  • 一方面,新婚夫妇可能因此受到误导,认为可以一直依赖父母依靠自己。

    For another, new couples might be misled thinking that they can always rely on parents instead of being self-sufficient.


  • 如果天公作美比赛只能飞行甲板下面进行,观众人数可能因此要少很多

    In the event of inclement weather, the game will be played below the flight deck, presumably in front of some much smaller crowd.


  • 旋律很少超过5千赫兹基本构成大脑可能因此无法分辨陌生的旋律。

    And melodies are rarely, if ever, composed with fundamental tones above 5 kHz, so the brain may be unable to recognise this unfamiliar class of melodies.


  • 自然光泽长发年轻人的专利,暗示着他们生殖力可能因此男性更偏爱长发。

    Naturally glossy long hair is a signifier of youth, which in turn implies fertility, which is probably why many men will say that they prefer it to short hair.


  • 结果很多女孩自己身体感到满意可能因此进一步引发精神健康问题

    As a result, many girls feel dissatisfied with their bodies and are at higher risk of developing mental health problems.


  • 但是欧盟此次的响应速度相对迅速,欧洲的各大机构可能因此具备更强风险抵御能力。

    But it adapted relatively quickly, and European institutions may come out stronger for it.


  • 关于美国就业可能因此影响问题存在争议,因为(加油机)的生产欧洲美国两地分开进行的。

    There is debate about the possible effect on American jobs because production would be split between Europe and the United States.


  • 法亚德承诺西方捐款不会到哈马斯的手里,但是没有那些保证数以亿计外援可能因此中断

    Fayyad has promised to keep Western donor money from reaching Hamas, but without those guarantees, hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid could be suspended.


  • 经合组织教育研究部负责人AndreasSchleicher认为这些国家可能因此更具竞争力。

    Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's chief of education research, reckons that these countries may well become more competitive as a result.


  • 如果华盛顿对华政策看作是成功的,茨曼可能因此得到同样的评价——无论是否参与政策的制定。

    If Washington's policy toward China is considered a success, Huntsman likely will be toowhether or not he has a hand in shaping it.


  • 雷帕霉素会抑制免疫系统活动,可能因此造成感染死亡风险在这方面已经有过严重的前车之鉴。

    Rapamycin suppresses the immune system and carries strong warnings about the resulting risk of infections and death.


  • 研究人员体罚一岁左右的孩子伤害尤其巨大,可能因此受伤而且明白不了自身行为受惩罚之间的关系。”

    The researchers said it is particularly harmful for one-year-olds, because they could get injured and are "unlikely to understand the connection between their behavior and subsequent punishment".


  • 他们知道必须不断孩子,否则人口减少古时候人口确实经常减少,那危险城市可能因此消亡

    They also knew that they had to keep having babies or the population would shrink, and populations in the ancient world did often shrink, and that was dangerous because whole cities could disappear.


  • 随着行业堆积资金越来越多各组织可能因此失去重心并且竞争推高交易价格,从而导致未来收益下降

    As more money piles into the business, groups could lose their focus, and competition could push up the prices for deals and force down future returns.


  • 会计年度结束于12月31日的公司可能需要接受会计师事务所加强了的审计程序的检查,一些新的舞弊可能因此发现

    Companies with fiscal years ending after December 31 will likely be subject to the new expanded audit procedures and that may flush out a few more frauds.


  • 所以这个可能无法履行银行债务(用流行的委婉说法,进行债务“重组”),贷款得不到偿还银行可能因此拖垮。

    So the state probably would default on its bank debt (“restructure” the debt is the current euphemism), and this might bring down the banks that had made the loans that were now in default.


  • 但不使用欧元的欧盟国家可能因此担心沦为二等国家,一些小国担心受到欺侮,机构之间的争执增多,市场信心很难恢复

    Smaller countries which do would worry about being bullied. And more institutional wrangling would hardly restore market confidence.


  • 虽然美国人格地位”梅森说,认为他们建议干扰大多数节育方法,同时,他也不否认有些节育方法可能因此受到影响。

    And while Mason of Personhood USA says he doesn't think his proposals would interfere with most forms of birth control, he doesn't deny that some could.


  • 哲学信仰概念如此宽泛好像雇主们打开了一个潘多拉盒子,而雇员则可能因此中‘头奖’,获得六七位数的巨额赔偿。

    "The concept of philosophical beliefs is so wide that it will open a Pandora's box for employers and give individuals a foothold to obtain six- and seven-figure 'jackpot' payouts, " Doran says.


  • 但是一项新的研究声明科学家们过于注意有机分子(地球生命可能由此而突然出现的),可能因此忽略了几百万其他宇宙化合物

    But a new study says that by focusing on the organic molecules by which life on earth might have been jumpstarted, those scientists missed possibly millions of other cosmic compounds.


  • 但是一项新的研究声明科学家们过于注意有机分子(地球生命可能由此而突然出现的),可能因此忽略了几百万其他宇宙化合物

    But a new study says that by focusing on the organic molecules by which life on earth might have been jumpstarted, those scientists missed possibly millions of other cosmic compounds.


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