• 虽然近年来我们鱼类储量下降,可能永远无法再现曾经风光冷烟熏制的鲱鱼英格兰美味的食物之一

    The decline of our fish stocks may have changed the landscape forever, but the kipper, a cold-smoked herring, still remains one of the great tastes of England.


  • 俄国加拿大丹麦挪威以及美国这个资源丰富的地区提出领土要求。一些人认为北冰洋的石油天然气储量可能全球总量四分之一

    Russia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and the United States have all made claims in the resource-rich region, which some believe could hold up to a quarter of the world's oil and gas reserves.


  • 这项技术可以窄而难以进入的煤层中提取燃煤,可能使目前世界上煤炭储量增加一倍

    This technique enables extraction of fuel from small, difficult-to-access coal seams, and could double the world's current coal reserves.


  • 沙特阿拉迈克未能公布足够数据平息揣测。该揣测认为沙特的石油储量数量并不相符,而且该国产量可能已经达到最高水平

    Saudi Aramco has not released enough data to quash a theory that its oil reserves are not nearly as large as it contends, and that its output may have peaked.


  • 不过迫切希望开拓疆域大型石油公司可能伊拉克有兴趣。伊拉克的石油储量世界前列。

    Still, big oil companies, eager for new frontiers, will likely remain interested in Iraq, home to some of the world's largest reserves.


  • 地质学家还存在其他尚未探明储量,这可能意味着数千的时间内,世界不会用完碳酸钾

    Geologists say that the existence of other, untapped deposits probably means that the world won't run out of potash for thousands of years.


  • 霍金主要忧虑一队外星人飞船舰队可能会突然出现要将地球储量丰富的矿藏洗劫一空。

    Hawking's main concern was that a fleet of alien spacecraft could turn up wanting to strip mine the Earth for its bountiful resources.


  • 泰勒表示实际上国际能源机构世界可探明石油储量预测可能过分乐观了。

    Taylor said even the new IEA projections of how much new oil the world would discover were likely to be over-optimistic.


  • 除此之外,这次收购带来了有前景勘探可能增加甚至更多储量产量,和丰富的开发勘探权的专业知识。

    But it also brings promising exploration rights, with the potential to increase reserves and production even more, and great expertise in exploiting them.


  • 减少探明储量可能已经缺少石油公司一个昂贵代价

    The cuts in proven reserves that will result are a heavy price for a company that is already short of oil.


  • 2004年石油开采终于看见了产出,Mari - b油井每年大概有28亿立方米天然气源源不断地抽出来,储量可能达到22亿立方米。

    Production began in 2004 at what is called the Mari-B, and some 2.8 billion cubic metres of gas are piped ashore each year from reserves that may be as large as 22 BCM.


  • 被证实12亿天然石油储量(相比尼日利亚360亿桶),加纳横财可能维持一代人的生活。

    With proven reserves of just 1.2 billion barrels of crude (against Nigeria's 36 billion), Ghana's windfall may last only a generation.


  • 储蓄率增长预计随着经济放缓(尽管存储上升的主导因素可能不是储量本身上升,而是借贷量下跌)而更有可能

    A rise in the savings rate is widely forecast as the economy slows (although this is likely to be driven by a fall in borrowing more than by a surge in savings itself).


  • 储量可以持续数百年,因此即使所有汽车都成为混合动力电动这种可能发生的情况下,也足够的满足我们需求

    The reserves could last for centuries, so there will be enough lithium to fill up our tanks even in the improbable case of all cars becoming hybrid or electric.


  • 这些岛屿周围具有丰富类资源,矿产资源可能石油天然气储量

    The islands have rich fishing grounds, mineral deposits and possibly oil and gas reserves.


  • 过度管制可能阻碍美国利用储量丰富的页岩,对此很烦恼

    He also frets that heavy-handed regulation may stop America from taking advantage of its vast reserves of shale gas.


  • :“这种储量丰富分布广泛还可能很廉价气体触手可这个发现意义重大。”

    "The discovery that this abundant, geographically ubiquitous, and potentially cheap gas is within our grasp is enormous," he says.


  • 如果北极冰盖进一步融化俄罗斯可能北冰洋进行石油天然气钻探,而众所周知那里有着丰富的能源储量

    If the polar ice caps melt any further, Russia would be able to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic Ocean, where it's believed to have huge fossil-fuel reserves.


  • 100MB音频数据存储内存中可能使储量过大

    Keeping 100 MB of audio data in memory might be too storage intensive.


  • 可预见未来里,全球石油需求量可能下降,其他地区的石油储量会逐日减少,因此,未来几十年里,石油出口将会继续这个王国足钱。

    With global demand unlikely to wane in the foreseeable future and reserves elsewhere diminishing, oil will continue to keep the kingdom rich for decades to come.


  • 如果系统实际储量有限可能担负不起拥有许多服务区域

    If there is a limited amount of real storage on the system, then you can't afford to have many servant regions.


  • 某种廉价储量能源可能开发出来——譬如太阳能电池板成本显著得降低

    It is possible that some new source of cheap and abundant energy might be developed—the cost of solar panels could be reduced substantially, for instance.


  • 有人猜测说,包括刚果在内整个艾尔·伯丁盆地的产油量可能远远超过苏丹60亿探明储量

    Some speculate that, Congo included, the entire Albertine basin may yield even more than Sudan's 6 billion barrels of proven reserves.


  • 同来自PIK论文共同编撰者,物理学家William Hare说,“烧掉全部储量,却要将变幅度限制2摄氏度之内,可能的。”

    Not much at all of coal reserves can be burnt and still keep warming below the 2 degree [c] limit.


  • 全球最大金矿开采可能不得不告诉投资者它们增长已经步入下行区间,因为暴跌后金价使得一些此前储量的金矿不再具有开采价值。

    Some of the world's largest gold miners face having to tell investors that their growth has gone into reverse because the price makes it uneconomic to mine some areas formerly classed as reserves.


  • 这种情况下银行风险管理通过积累消耗储量

    In this case it will not be possible for Banks to manage risk through the accumulation and depletion of reserves.


  • 这种情况下银行风险管理通过积累消耗储量

    In this case it will not be possible for Banks to manage risk through the accumulation and depletion of reserves.


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