• 全心全意服务的一个特点有效无论何时,只要上帝赋予的事,就会很好

    One characteristic of serving God from your heart is effectiveness: whenever you do what God wired you to love to do, you get good at it.


  • 反复的思考着一个问题就是,我相信只要事情是真正的用户着想,那么最终对我们自己产生好处

    "If it's one thing I'm starting to see over and over again, it's that if you do the right thing for users, it will benefit you in the end," he says.


  • 反复的思考着一个问题就是,我相信,只要事情是真正的用户着想,那么最终对我们自己产生好处

    “If it’s one thing I’m starting to see over and over again, it’s that if you do the right thing for users, it will benefit you in the end,” he says.


  • 无论是阿拉伯语英语法语意大利语日语韩语葡萄牙语西班牙语或者是越南语,等等只要就是最好

    Whatever Arabic, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, etc, What you do, What is the best!


  • 来了只要答应不和说的那样。”男孩坚持说

    "I shall only come if you promise not to do what you said," insisted the boy.


  • 自己干活自己老板允许充分的自由给自己指定一个自己要的工作计划只要喜欢所以,如果只想早上睡觉工作的话,可以这么

    Working for yourself allows you to have the luxury to set whatever type of schedule you like, so if you like to sleep in or work only mornings you can do so.


  • 只要中等缝纫手艺就能轻松地自己一双舒适的牛仔拖鞋

    If you have intermediate sewing skills then you can easily stitch yourself a pair of proper denim slippers.


  • 可能觉得很繁多但是并不苛求完美,只要愿意改变这样的事。

    Again, this all may seem too much. But the Lord does not require perfection, only that you want to change and work to do such.


  • 只要明白通过想让他们事情,他们就能避免某些损失就能影响他们特定事情

    Whenever you can show a person that they can avoid a loss of some kind by doing what you want them to do, you can influence them to take a particular action.


  • 一次改变都蕴含着巨大的机遇冒险等发现——只要仔细寻找主动出击。行动的巨人

    In every change there is great opportunity and adventure to be foundif only you look for it. Be proactive. Be a go-getter.


  • 这些都是好处没有靠不住只要自己时间这么

    All of those are the benefits - none too farfetched - of giving yourself time to just be.


  • 只要能定期服用很多如果确定问问的家庭医生,如果我感冒了,我会在早上鼻塞治疗。

    Just make sure that whenever you're taking it you drink a lot of water, and check with your GP if you're unsure.


  • 最喜欢体重锻炼俯卧撑仰卧起坐),因为任何地方它们只要介意得到一些困惑目光

    My favorites are bodyweight exercises (pushups, situps, etc.), since you can do them virtually anywhereas long as you don't mind getting a few confused looks.


  • 当然解脱了同时证明只要愿意可以一类的事情。

    You were relieved of course, but at the same time you proved yourself that you can do such a thing if you want to.


  • 只要怀着积极乐观态度敢于试验的心,自己的菜惊艳

    Just approach it with a positive attitude and a willingness to experiment and you'll amaze yourself at what you can produce.


  • 温和只要开始一些事情,必要立即完成所有任务

    But be gentle in the sense that you don’t have to do all your tasks immediately as long as you start doing some.


  • 欣慰,还有些简单补救在家欺凌一般都孩子们的游戏,所以只要搅拌器或是一个食物加工器一些烹饪指南甚至都不用);

    Thankfully, this is something you can easily remedy, since it's child's play to make ice pops at home, as long as you have a blender or a food processor (and for some recipes, not even that);


  • 只要止步自己只是承受外界某人发生“身上”想法那么就没有赋予自己力量去改变

    March 26 So long as you entertain the notion that there is something or someone else out there “doing itto you, you disempower yourself to do anything about it.


  • 复杂工具只要分钟学学什么怎么。它能成为一个高效聪明Web用户

    It's a complex tool but if you take a few minutes to learn what it can do and how it does it, it can make you a more productive, smarter Web user.


  • 尽管父母不会允许我们这样也向保证,只要,我答应可以带走

    I promise you that if you let me have your cat, I'll permit you to take my dog away, though my parents would not allow us to do so.


  • 可以毫不夸张的说,只要产品团队上家选择正确了那么商就已经成功一半了。

    Can literally, as long as your product, team, on the right, then you do wechat business success is half won.


  • 只要需要愿意所有事情我们越来越单纯

    As long as you need. I am willing to do all things. Our love more and more not pure.


  • 只要中的许多人去这么,会一个让人惊喜巨大力量产生,并根除转变黑暗能量

    When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.


  • 到了只要坚持一件事一定成功!

    I also learn that as long as you keep on trying you are bound to succeed.


  • 只要愿意介意一顿饭,特别是天气好的时候,我可以烧烤

    Only if you want to, I don't mind cooking once a day, especially when the weather is nice and I can barbecue.


  • 只要愿意介意一顿饭,特别是天气好的时候,我可以烧烤

    Only if you want to, I don't mind cooking once a day, especially when the weather is nice and I can barbecue.


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