• 完成此类活动训练的动物偶尔点水,完全没有食物

    Training for these events is accomplished by withholding food and sometimes water.


  • 手动初始内置类型非成员对象因为C++偶尔初始它们)。

    Manually initialize non-member objects of built-in types, because C++ only sometimes initializes them itself.


  • 由于工作缘故较少参与美术业界活动偶尔艺术摄影方面外界交流

    Because of the sake of work after, less involved in fine arts industry activity, only occasionally in art photography and outside make some exchanges.


  • 烦,所以偶尔颗,因为甜的一颗留给你:宝贝,注意身体

    Afraid of you, so I can only give you one, because I want to put the sweetest one for you: baby, it's too hot, pay attention to the body oh!


  • 上空空荡荡,只偶尔贴着美纹胶纸一个角落里,还贴着一张小小的铅笔肖像画,画上伦纳德

    There was nothing on the walls but bits of masking tape and, in one corner, a small portrait of Leonard, done in pencil.


  • 他们专心致志地埋首电子邮件视频游戏中,偶尔抬头听一下最新的报道,他们感兴趣的是游戏里的爆炸场面

    They buried their heads in email and video games, glancing up at the reports only occasionally. Make-believe explosions held more interest than real ones.


  • 篇叙述开始还延续早期小说轻松描述语气但是随着故事的展开,这种语气变得模糊了,偶尔一些幽默的字词。

    The narration at first continues the light spoken tone of the earlier novel, but as it develops, this tone recedes, only occasionally, bursting forth in humorous words.


  • 偶尔鹰群中,发现肉的小嘴乌鸦

    You do occasionally find a carrion crow among the eagles.


  • 但是偶尔变成了“经常”,当老板停止的加班进行丰富感谢并且那当成一种常态就是我们陷入麻烦时候

    But when "occasionally" turns to "often", when your boss stops thanking you profusely for your efforts and just treats it as norm, this is when we're all in trouble.


  • 这些食物偶尔一点点糖果精制谷粒油炸食品含糖饮料

    I eat a few foods in modest amounts, only occasionally: sweets, processed grains, Fried foods, sugary beverages.


  • 飞行员漂流47天——勇敢地面对鲨鱼袭击日军扫射饥饿干渴靠暴雨偶尔捕获的维生

    He and the pilot drifted for 47 days-braving shark attacks, Japanese strafing, hunger and burning thirst, with only rainstorms and occasional fish or birds for sustenance.


  • 电动牛奶车之类的不同,电动车行驶起来出奇安静听得见车轮辘辘声,还有就是偶尔提醒前方障碍物时所发出的电动呜呜声。

    Unlike, say, an electric milk float, EVs are astonishingly silent, with just the wheel rumble and an occasional electric whine to alert you to their approach.


  • 我们奖励看着我们的小孩逐渐成长为一个快乐,能进行良好自我调节的-我们十分幸运时候,我们或许还偶尔收到一对不起”的歪歪扭扭小猫

    Our reward is the satisfaction of watching our children develop into happy, well-adjusted peopleand, if we're very lucky, the occasional lopsided kitten saying "Sorry".


  • 偶尔家里打打电话不会有什么困难吧,或者他们下来分钟也好,他们一手拿一袋子

    It wouldn't hurt to call sometimes and invite them down for a minute or two. They might come with bags of groceries in each arm.


  • 这些数据输入人工智能软件中,从而操控导航这些已经有过14万英里驾驶里程(其中掺杂着偶尔人工控制)的自动驾驶车辆

    These are then fed into the artificial-intelligence software that guides the autonomous vehicles, which have clocked up some 140, 000 miles with only occasional human control.


  • 可能偶尔思考是否同步化这个方法调用还是同步化方法线程安全子集

    You may have occasionally pondered whether to synchronize an entire method call or only the thread-safe subset of that method.


  • 其次工作会降格成猴子虽然有时为了支付账单偶尔一些这样工作,但是为什么要刻意追求

    Second, doing this type of work reduces you to a monkey, and although some of your work may be like this to pay the bills, why purposely pursue it?


  • 我们应用程序多个大多数情况下数据库A打交道服务方法它们偶尔也会数据库“B”中获取数据

    Our application has several service layer methods which only deal with databaseAin most instances; however occasionally they also retrieve read-only data from database “B”.


  • 肢体切割比如切断耳朵或是偶尔对于那些犯有重罪罪犯身上尤其是伦敦那样较大司法管辖区里

    Mutilation, like the severing of an ear or hand, was occasionally used as a punishment against those who'd committed serious crimes, especially in larger jurisdictions like London.


  • 大家知道喜欢收集飞蛾蝴蝶,最调皮的事情也不过是偶尔尾巴的老鼠藏进口袋或是课桌里

    I was known to collect moths and butterflies and to get into no worse mischief than hiding now and again an old tailless white rat in my coat-pocket or my desk.


  • 不必说视频画面中偶尔瞥见一双戴着橡胶手套大手从黑色粘稠的水洼轻轻捡起螃蟹

    It is even too much to come across a snippet of video that shows a huge rubber-gloved hand gently plucking a tiny crab out of a puddle of black glop.


  • 可能的话,在日常工作偶尔能发现一些主意不想指望这种偶尔

    It's possible that I might stumble upon some good ideas as part of my daily work, but I don't want to count on that alone.


  • 如今两个人(一个已八十六岁)能够偶尔聊聊天了。

    The two remaining (the other is also 86) sometimes chat to each other in Manchu.


  • 印度人口最多北方邦(uttar Pradesh)首府勒克市,你偶尔能看见这样的塑像矮胖妇女手里紧握着,其中有些雕像前还环绕大象

    STATUES of a stout woman clutching a handbag, sometimes surrounded by elephants, dot Lucknow, capital of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India's most populous state.


  • 青春容器装满不安躁动青涩偶尔疯狂

    Youth is like a container, filled with anxiety, restlessness, sentimental, and occasionally crazy.


  • 纯净天空洁白云彩搭配一起,构成了一美丽无比的画卷偶尔飞过的一两燕子,使画卷展现出了动态

    Pure sky and white clouds collocation are together, constitute a beautiful picture scroll, occasionally passing one or two swallows, make this picture shows dynamic beauty.


  • 纯净天空洁白云彩搭配一起,构成了一美丽无比的画卷偶尔飞过的一两燕子,使画卷展现出了动态

    Pure sky and white clouds collocation are together, constitute a beautiful picture scroll, occasionally passing one or two swallows, make this picture shows dynamic beauty.


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