• 但是偶尔变成了“经常”,当老板停止的加班进行丰富感谢并且那当成一种常态就是我们陷入麻烦时候

    But when "occasionally" turns to "often", when your boss stops thanking you profusely for your efforts and just treats it as norm, this is when we're all in trouble.


  • 中,由于测试包含功能,所以一旦成功,就会停止处理可见验证输出XML

    In this example, because you are testing only the include functionality, upon success the process stops and outputs the XML for visual verification.


  • 软件没有加密在线内容加密了发送视频播放器命令比如开始播放停止播放

    The software doesn't encrypt online content, but only orders sent to a video player such as start and stop play.


  • 每隔分钟山羊停止咀嚼,环顾四周然后若无其事继续吃草似乎什么事情也没发生

    Every few minutes, one stops chewing, looks around, and then nonchalantly continues eating as if nothing has happened.


  • 有时最好运行代码可疑代码停止运行,在这个位置检查数据

    Sometimes it's better to just run a section of code and stop execution at that point so you can examine data at that location.


  • 麦德医生南希的手术使邻居停止投诉并且手术真的没有改变狗的个性,现在,南希仍然是快乐的狗狗,美美的摇着尾巴

    Dr. Marder said that Nestlé’s surgery stopped the neighbor’s complaints, andit really did not change the dog’s personality whatsoever, ” adding, “He’s certainly a tail-waggy, happy guy.”


  • 这样生成跟踪文件,并且由于copyonce选项,该命令运行周期停止

    This way, a trace file will be generated and with the copyonce option the apply will only take one cycle and will stop.


  • (请注意Zope启动读取Product文件,这意味着为了测试必须能够停止重新启动 Zope进程)。

    Note that Zope only reads Product files at startup, meaning that for testing you must be able to stop and restart the Zope process.


  • 接着,史蒂文挖出了小鸟那颗仍跳动心脏我们可以看到颗心脏在手上猛烈地抽动着,他那颗心脏放在手心感觉到那颗心仍在跳动,并且逐渐了下来,我又把它放到了哥哥的手中,在那里抽动了一两下,就停止了心跳。

    We could see it pumping furiously in his grimy hand. He then put the heart in my hand where I felt it beating and slowing.


  • 我们希望按照一个有序过程工作,以跟踪服务器何时启动所以我们完成之后停止此服务器。

    We just like to do things in an orderly process to keep track of when the server's started, so we remember to stop it when we're done.


  • 一点显而易见的:停止捕鱼活动(即便持续六年时间对于洄游鱼类的影响对于非洄游鱼类的影响同样

    But one lesson is clear. Laying off, even for just six years, has as big an effect on migratory fish as it does on sedentary ones.


  • 第二以色列恢复了供应但是保证最低需求防治发电厂停止供电

    Israel restored supplies the next day, but said it would keep them to the bare minimum needed to prevent a shutdown.


  • 歌声停止歌手忸怩地微笑着相互斜睨一眼,然后是一片寂静——一会儿

    The voices ceased, the singers, bashful but smiling, exchanged sidelong glances, and silence succeeded-but for a moment only.


  • 收集联系方式的时候收集需要信息——索取非必要信息会让用户厌烦停止登记信息。

    When gathering contact information, only gather the demographic information you really need - asking for unnecessary information annoys people and may discourage them from signing up.


  • 如果您想故意实现这种行为发生一个单独后续执行,又或者并行分支到达某个单独的停止节点之前已经重新联接,那么可以安全地使用这些停止节点。

    You can safely use them when this behavior is intended, when only a single sequential execution occurs, or when parallel branches rejoin before reaching a single stop node.


  • 极性中拯救鲸鱼导致了国家停止捕杀另一个国家开始捕杀它们。

    In polarity, saving the whales only causes one country to cease hunting and another country to begin hunting whales.


  • 例如可以授予较为低级的管理员启动停止服务器能力授予夜间操作员监视系统的能力(Monitor)。

    For example, you can give the less senior administrators just the ability to start and stop servers and the night operators just the ability the watch the system (monitor).


  • 梦想力量来源需要外在动力的话,停止寻找,梦想的动力内在

    External power source of the power of a dream need to stop looking for, dream only in your intrinsic motivation.


  • 这个特性POWER 6服务器可用它允许物理服务器之间转移AIXLinux分区而不需要停止应用程序

    This feature, available only on POWER6 servers, allows clients to move AIX (or Linux) partitions from one physical server to another, without application downtime.


  • 上个月弗内斯城的小学生们发现一直关注风筝鸟停止运动——他们将卫星定位装置绑在一鸟腿上,并通过英特网观察鸟的飞行。

    Last month primary-school children in Inverness became concerned when a red kite-whose movements they had been watching over the Internet via a satellite-linked tag on the bird-stopped moving.


  • 经过连续9工作大约5个小时之后,整个人完全垮掉了,不得不暂时停止工作。

    After working nine consecutive days and averaging five hours of sleep a night, he had a complete meltdown and was temporarily relieved of his duties.


  • 我们何不停止追问接纳我们感知的。

    If we cease making questions and accept only what we can perceive.


  • 并不是说你停止使用母语适用这项通用语言

    Here I am not saying to stop speaking your mother tongue and only this common language is to be used.


  • 可能缩短头发生长周期,使得头发在脱落长度停止生长了。

    This can cut your hair's growing cycle short so the hair will only grow to a certain length before shedding.


  • 如果一位母亲完全停止喂食母乳使用奶粉事实上小孩并不好

    If a mother stops using her own milk and only USES the powder, it could actually hurt the baby.


  • 如果一位母亲完全停止喂食母乳使用奶粉事实上小孩并不好

    If a mother stops using her own milk and only USES the powder, it could actually hurt the baby.


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