• 冰岛人决定冷水轰炸直到结冰选择另一

    Icelanders decided to bomb it with cold water until it froze and chose a different path.


  • 另一条路,骗过了追捕的人。

    He foxed his pursuers by taking another route.


  • 我们继续尝试,我们找到另一条路出去

    We're going to keep moving and we're gonna find another way out of here.


  • 婚礼那天强烈的暴风雨迫使新郎条路教堂

    On the big day, a major storm forced the groom to take an alternate route to the church.


  • 后面什么谢桥转身沿着另一条路走了

    Behind mention of what, thank bridge but didn't hear to anew, corner circular according another road hiked.


  • 死亡不是尽头,它只是另一我们

    No. The journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path. One that we all must take.


  • 倘若一条不能到达地方就试试一条路吧。

    If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another.


  • 线交叉地方可以换车不过通常多买另一条

    And you can change at any station where two intersect, although you usually have to pay another fare in transferring to another system.


  • 一下我们可以在下一个十字口转弯知道我们可以走另一条路

    Wait a minute! We can turn at the next intersection! I know another road we can take.


  • 选择了那条看来足迹较少希望也能从一条走过

    I have chosen this road where has a few footprints, but I still hope that I also walked on the other road in some day.


  • 为了增加新鲜感我们经常变换线几天这条几天跑另一条路

    In order to increase the novelty, we often transform course, run the road these days, the days that run another road.


  • 他们鸦树城的没有任何逃犯和狼群骚扰所以詹姆决定回去

    Neither outlaws nor wolves had troubled them on their way to Raven-tree, so Jaime decided to return by a different route.


  • 出租车司机一下我们可以在下一个十字转弯知道我们可以走另一条路

    Taxi Driver: Wait a minute! We can turn at the next intersection! I know another road we can take.


  • 区别在于:似乎行人很稀少,一条路留着人们来来往往的足迹

    The distinction between two roads is: one road seems few foot traveler, but other one still left the footprint of foot traveler.


  • 裂缝选择另一代替,随之你发现你通往个更高频率目的地

    As one crawls out of the rifts and chooses another path in lieu of the one that was a detour, then one find's one's way to the destination of a higher frequency.


  • 麦奇往回走几步,仔细观察一下地形,选了一条路然后踩在那些小一点石头上绕过来

    Munchie steps back, scans the terrain, and takes a different route over a number of smaller rocks.


  • 2005年,瑟斯坦立门户,结束华尔街最后的伟大合作关系——也走向了另一条路

    Mr Wasserstein got his way in 2005, bringing an end to Wall Street’s last great partnership—and earning himself another fortune.


  • 眼前好了两个是向来认识一位东洋大班,帮忙另一条路就是公司

    I can see, there axe two ways open to me: either I go to see the head of a Japanese firm I know quite well and who's willing to help me out, or else I approach the Yi Chung Trust Company.


  • 找到前进另一想象一下爬山你到达封死了;或者的攀技能不足以越过

    To Find Another Way to Advance: Imagine climbing a mountain and reaching a point where the route is blocked or requires climbing skill beyond your ability to pass it.


  • 但是“从一个方面添加道,“也是我们找到条路离开地球占领太阳系一个空间的一种刺激。”

    But "looked at another way," he added, "it is an incentive to do something about finding ways to leave our planet and colonize other areas in the galaxy."


  • 丹尼洛夫:这里只有两种选择,要么是被德国人子弹要么是被我们自己人打死,还有勇气一条热爱祖国

    Danilov: here the men's only alternatives among German ammunition and ours yet there's variant path; a direction of bravery a way of love of the Motherland.


  • 丹尼洛夫:这里只有两种选择要么是被德国人子弹要么是被我们自己人打死,还有一条勇气之之一条热爱祖国的道

    Danilov: here the men's only choices between German bullets and ours, but there's another way; a way of courage, a way of love of the Motherland.


  • 爸爸语气温和地说:“明白了吧,亲爱的,通向广场的不止生活也是如此,如果一条路不到地方,就试着另一条路。”

    "see, my dear, " father said gently. "there is more than one way to the square. life is like that. if you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another.


  • 阿迪化石发现为研究早期人类祖先进化过程提供了极重要线索那个时期的人类祖先生活在进化之分岔口条路通向人类,一条路则通向黑猩猩类。

    The discovery of Ardi provides vital clues about the earliest human ancestor that lived at the fork in the evolutionary road that led to humans on one side and chimps on the other.


  • 阿迪化石发现为研究早期人类祖先进化过程提供了极重要线索那个时期的人类祖先生活在进化之分岔口条路通向人类,一条路则通向黑猩猩类。

    The discovery of Ardi provides vital clues about the earliest human ancestor that lived at the fork in the evolutionary road that led to humans on one side and chimps on the other.


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