• 因此特别是北部地区,现代农民试图玛雅家园种植玉米面临歉收

    As a result, modern farmers attempting to grow corn in the ancient Maya homelands have faced frequent crop failures, especially in the north.


  • 半岛北部海拔足够,因此玛雅能够经由被称为竖井深层排水口探及地下水位

    In the northern peninsula the elevation is sufficiently low that the ancient Maya were able to reach the water table at deep sinkholes called cenotes, or at deep caves.


  • 最近玛雅水资源管理研究发现一些城市城市建筑用来分流降雨径流相互连接水库重力补给系统中。

    Recent studies of ancient Maya water management have found that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs.


  • 玛雅文字风格上主要图画

    The ancient Maya writing is largely pictorial in Style.


  • 后生物金属构成,就玛雅文明箭头中世纪欧洲

    Artifacts are formed from metal, such as an Arrowhead from an ancient Mayan civilization, or a Metal Sword from Medieval Europe.


  • 玛雅建造了金字塔:一类用来爬上去的,另一类不是

    The ancient Mayans built two types of pyramids, those that were meant to be climbed and those that were not.


  • 默里奇略带牵强地故事建立一个玛雅传说之上——世界2012年毁灭

    Emmerich loosely bases his story on an old Mayan legend that the world will end in 2012.


  • 学者们通常是借助一个称为GMT常量”的数值,将玛雅历法转换成公历(现代历法)。

    To convert the ancient Mayan calendar to the Gregorian (or modern) calendar, scholars use a numerical value (called the GMT).


  • 就是为什么最近墨西哥卡拉克穆尔古玛雅所发现有1300历史壁画,具有非常重大意义的原因。

    That's why the recent discovery of a 1, 300-year-old mural at Calakmul, Mexico, is so significant.


  • 墨西哥卡拉克·穆尔·玛雅城(Calakmul),个彩色玛雅金字塔角落里,还有一壁画仍然需要继续发掘

    One corner of the painted Maya pyramid structure at Calakmul, Mexico. One layer of the mural must still be excavated.


  • 墨西哥南部玛雅社区土著人开始长达一年的倒计时——2012年12月21日玛雅日历标志五千年轮回的结束

    Indigenous Maya communities in southern Mexico have begun a year-long countdown to 21 December 2012, which will mark the end of a five-millenia cycle in the ancient Mayan calendar.


  • 最初理论认为2003年5月降爆发大灾难,结果什么都没发生,他们就把日期推迟2012年冬至,与玛雅历法中的循环结束相符

    Initial theories set the disaster for May 2003, but when nothing happened the date was moved forward to the winter solstice in 2012, to coincide with the end of a cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar.


  • 人们对凤尾绿咬崇拜已经很长的历史了。在人们这种献给玛雅阿兹·特人作为祭祀品,皇室成员和神父仪式上身着凤尾绿咬鹃的羽毛

    Such admirers continue a long history of adoration for the quetzal. The bird was sacred to the ancient Maya and Aztec peoples, and royalty and priests wore its feathers during ceremonies.


  • 信徒们世界2012年12月21终结玛雅日历上最后天,而且他们认为布加拉什是可以庇护人们免遭末日大灾难的几座“圣山之一

    Believers say the world will end on December 21, 2012, the end date of the ancient Mayan calendar, and they see Bugarach as one of a few sacred mountains sheltered from the cataclysm.


  • 尤卡坦半岛失去文明遗址奇琴伊察,神秘玛雅建造金字塔隐现而出的阳光下。

    A pyramid built by the mysterious Maya looms against sunburst clouds in Chichén Itzá, a postclassic site of the lost civilization on the Yucatán Peninsula.


  • 现在15岁男孩通过观察墨西哥绘制出来的星图结合卫星图像,发现了一座失落玛雅城。

    Now a 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of a forgotten Mayan city.


  • 那些喜欢远离人群游客来说中美洲很多秘密宝藏包括不计其数玛雅定居点故乡

    Central American is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds, including numerous ancient Maya settlements.


  • 现在15岁男孩通过观察墨西哥绘制出来的星图结合卫星图像,发现了一座失落玛雅城。 。

    Now wa 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of a forgotten Mayan city.


  • 现在大部分时间都待加德满都的两家里(),太太玛雅(Manmaya)负责照料扶持

    Gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in Kathmandu (above) tended to and supported by his wife, Manmaya.


  • 现在大部分时间都待加德满都的两家里(),太太玛雅(Manmaya)负责照料扶持

    Gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in Kathmandu (above) tended to and supported by his wife, Manmaya.


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