• 古娜箭头湖要开两个小时的车。

    I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to LakeArrowhead.


  • 海洋公园正在确定实际情况尽快正式通知古娜酒店。

    They are still in the process to determine what is the actual status and will inform us officially soon.


  • 来自西班牙米蕾亚·拉拉古娜·罗约中国三亚剧院荣获2015年世界小姐冠军。

    Mireia a Lalaguna Royo of Spain was crowned Miss World 2015 at the Beauty Crown Theater in Sanya, China.


  • 古娜瓦德博士还获得了富布莱特法案基金的学者地区研究,并于2004-2005学年在摩洛哥斯里兰卡从事相关研究工作。

    She received a Fulbright scholar regional research award to conduct research in Morocco and Sri Lanka during the 2004-2005 academic year.


  • 卢安镇长伊斯梅尔·托•曼达达图妻子就是受害者之一愤怒地指着安帕图恩周围的人不得不阻止

    Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, deputy mayor of Buluan, whose wife, Genalyn, was one of the victims, angrily pointed at Ampatuan and had to be restrained by those around him.


  • 艾米丽·布朗宁·马龙杰米·钟联合主演批住在残忍精神病院里的可怜妹子,她们要在疯狂的女医生(卡拉·奇诺饰)指引杀出一片狂野的奇幻复仇之旅。

    Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning, Jena Malone and Jamie Chung co-star as ferocious loony-bin inhabitants who unleash wild revenge fantasies under the guidance of a mad doctor (Carla Gugino).


  • 2001年希腊制作8字曲线合成照片,你可以看到太阳好似Tholos——特尔斐雅典圣域圆形建筑——附近的山后升起来。

    The sun seems to rise from behind the hills near the Tholos, a circular building in the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia in ancient Delphi, in an analemma photo composite made in Greece in 2001.


  • 士兵警察最初发现了24具尸体包括达达图妻子(Genalyn)和两个姐妹,他们被击毙

    Soldiers and police initially found 24 bodies, including those of Mangudadatu's wife, Genalyn, and his two sisters, shot or hacked to death.


  • 依文·林奇(·洛夫):“一样正常。”

    Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) : "You're just as sane as I am."


  • 开始为:海伦·米兰(身着薇薇安·维斯特伍德设计的礼服);莎朗·斯通(身着迪奥礼服);希拉里·斯万克(身着礼服)以及海莲·伯翰·卡特

    From left: Helen Mirren wearing Vivienne Westwood; Sharon Stone in Dior; Hilary Swank in Gucci Premiere; Helena Bonham Carter.


  • 罗伯特·查尔斯·约瑟夫·爱德华·萨巴蒂尼·奇奥尼1930年12月17生于布鲁克林,是安东尼·奇奥尼儿子

    Robert Charles Joseph Edward Sabatini Guccione was born in Brooklyn on Dec. 17, 1930, the son of Anthony and Nina Guccione.


  • 天鹅》(Black Swan)一部2010年上映的的心理惊悚影片戴伦·艾洛诺夫斯基导演塔莉·波特曼、凡松·卡塞、米·妮丝主演

    Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis.


  • 卡特里飓风席卷了洛杉矶查尔梅特的家园迫使他们不得不撤离,那个时候赖安.格雷瓦(RyanGregoire只有15岁。

    Ryan Gregoire was 15 when Hurricane Katrina flooded his Chalmette, La. , home and forced his family to evacuate.


  • 卡特里飓风席卷了洛杉矶查尔梅特的家园迫使他们不得不撤离,那个时候赖安.格雷瓦(RyanGregoire只有15岁。

    Ryan Gregoire was 15 when Hurricane Katrina flooded his Chalmette, La., home and forced his family to evacuate.


  • 那时伊拉·要求安装主要公共场所展出雕像整个欧洲美国日本以色列博物馆作品

    Since then Ilana Goor was requested to install statues in major public locations and exhibited her works in museums throughout Europe, America, Japan and Israel.


  • 伊拉·家人20年前他们纽约市,他们居住的以色列轮流加利福尼亚州洛杉矶

    Ilana Goor and her family had lived in la California for 20 years before they moved to New York City where they reside alternately with Old Jaffa, Israel.


  • 接着兰斯出现了,伸出,抱起德斯

    Appeared then the God, and with bony hands outstretched, welcomed the girl into His fold.


  • 哈里霍格·莫德约会,赫敏·洛夫安排塔·斯基特采访哈利故事爸爸本名为《唱唱反调》的杂志上。

    Harry and Cho go on a date to Hogsmeade, and Hermione and Luna Lovegood arrange for Rita Skeeter to interview Harry, with his story to be published in Luna's father's paper, the Quibbler.


  • 调查发现攀枝花市仁和区平地啊喇么村俚濮彝族图腾崇拜自然崇拜祖先崇拜等方面都有自己特色

    Investigations revealed that the LiPU Yi ethnic group who live in A La Me village of the Panzhihua City Renhe Town have their own features in natural worship, ancestor worship and totem worship.


  • 这个婴儿的母亲米勒奥罗可?奥·儿子个月体重便开始飙升。

    The childs mother, Milena Orosco DE Agudelo, said her sons unusual growth spurt began when he was just two months old.


  • 这个婴儿母亲米勒奥罗可?奥·儿子个月体重便开始飙升。

    The child's mother, Milena Orosco DE Agudelo, said her son's unusual growth spurt began when he was just two months old.


  • 周日投票结果显示保守派拉斯·萨拉科奇社会党成员西·罗雅尔12个竞选阵营中领先

    Projections from polls on Sunday show Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist Segolene Royal leading the 12 contender field. If this hold, they'll both advance to a May runoff.


  • 费欧所不用其极地维护自己权力新奥尔良“女巫之首”的地位

    Fiona Goode will stop at nothing to maintain her power and position as the head-witch-in-charge of New Orleans.


  • 1986年伊拉·介绍家具艺术家签名限量配件美国市场集合

    In 1986 Ilana Goor introduced a collection of iron furniture and accessories to the American marketplace as limited editions signed by the artist.


  • 1986年伊拉·介绍家具艺术家签名限量配件美国市场集合

    In 1986 Ilana Goor introduced a collection of iron furniture and accessories to the American marketplace as limited editions signed by the artist.


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