• 不幸是,由于这种方法未能解决通胀根本原因工资价格控制最终崩溃迄今为止受到压制的通胀再次出现。

    Unfortunately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually collapse, the hitherto-repressed inflation resurfaces.


  • 如果他们停止,他们接近船只受到压制

    If they still do not stop, they would be neutralized before they close in on the ship.


  • 19世纪后期白澳政策推行中医澳洲受到压制

    As the "Policy of White Australia" was carried out in late 19th century, TCM was also oppressed there.


  • 最终没有告诉他们怎样学习需求他们工作受到压制

    But ultimately, no one can tell them what to study, or demand that their work be suppressed.


  • 一切事物都发挥充分利用否则不满出现本性就会受到压制

    It should be making the best use of everything, or grievances will arise and the nature will be repressed.


  • 他们语言为文化受到压制数以百万计民众恶劣条件下日本做苦力有些人完全变成了工。

    Their language and culture were suppressed. Millions of Koreans found themselves working for the Japanese in deplorable conditions, some effectively slave laborers.


  • 有关死亡毁坏统计数据没有受到压制因为这些情况已经被媒体如实地报道了众所周知

    But statistics on death and destruction are not suppressed, as they are frankly reported in the media and well known.


  • 想法受到压制会有一个麻烦,就是你无意识地做出一些举动个人段关系常常有害

    The problem with repressed ideas ist that they give rise to unconsciously motivated actions that are often harmful to an individual or to a relationship.


  • 换言之分娩家庭健康抚养孩子以及其他母性女性各个方面受到压制或者侦查

    In other words, childbirth, domestic care, nurturing activities and other maternal and womanly aspects of the gender should not be repressed or scrutinized.


  • 贾谊深刻的哲学思想因文学上的声名受到压制,以致于中国哲学史对贾谊论述不足,有失偏颇。

    His literary reputation weakened his philosophic fame. As a result, Jiayi had been hardly written in Chinese philosophic history.


  • 受到压制排斥的异常事物(及其发现者)凭借反面事实揭竿而起夺取王位颠覆一系列已确立地位的典范

    A series of established paradigms are overthrown by downtrodden and oppressed anomalies (and their finders) as they rebel and usurp the throne by their counter truth.


  • 多年拖延之后,他高兴参加投票,因为选举能够提升少数族裔的地位。他说,少数族裔一直受到压制

    He says he is happy to vote after a delay of so many years, because the election will uplift ethnic groups that he says have been suppressed.


  • 墨西哥联邦竞争委员会(CFC)发现,往返墨西哥城的航班那些较少受到压制机场的航班票价要40%到80%。

    The CFC found that flights to and from Mexico City were between 40% and 80% dearer than those to less strangled airports.


  • 还是这个年纪时候,也觉得时刻受到压制,无法为这个世界做些什么,甚至因为公开表达校长室里感到压抑而被逐出学校

    And I actually almost got expelled from school once because I openly expressed how repressed I felt in the middle of the principals' office.


  • 通过电阻率测深数据作数值差分处理,使区域场受到压制而局部场得到突出,并且多个相互叠加的异常也得到分离有利于解释推断

    To process data of resistivity sounding by numeric difference method will separate all anomalies and it will be beneficial to interpretation and inference.


  • 一些市民受到附近饭店屋顶设伏塞尔维亚狙击手火力压制时,波斯尼亚特种部队士兵正在举枪击。

    A Bosnian special forces soldier returns fire in downtown Sarajevo as he and civilians come under fire from Serbian snipers positioned on the roof of a nearby hotel.


  • 不要权力压制认为有害意见因为如果你采取压制,其实只说明你自己受到了这些意见的压制

    Do not use power to suppress opinions you think pernicious, for if you do, the opinions will suppress you.


  • 但是失业率上升生产力闲置表明希望工资上涨的工人受到极力压制获得工资上涨。

    But rising unemployment and spare capacity suggest that workers who want higher wages will be hard pressed to win them.


  • 但是免于娇生惯养自由弥补了这种约束压制的不足。我们心灵由于没受到持续的溺爱纵容漂亮衣着的诱惑,因而显得清澈明亮

    But the freedom of not being petted made up even for the harshness of this bondage, for our minds were left clear of the toils of constant coddling, pampering and dressing-up.


  • 同样的,公司也将受到极大压制,避免提高价格补偿输入价格上涨。

    Firms will, equally, be hard pressed to raise prices enough to recover their higher input bills.


  • 广泛,增长——受到全球低迷压制——应该服务建设和(气候条件好的情况下)农业方面强有力的表现所支持

    More broadly, growth-while stifled by the global downturn-should be supported by robust performances in services and construction, and (assuming good weather) the agricultural sector.


  • 就是还没有耗尽的青春活力,受到短暂压制之后又重新高涨起来青春带来了希望,也唤醒不可压制的追求快乐的本能

    It was unexpended youth, surging up anew after its temporary check, and bringing with it hope, and the invincible instinct towards self-delight.


  • 我们知道莎士比亚的自我主权意志故乡受到沉重压制莎士比亚伦敦来,就是解放自我的主权意志。

    We know Shakespeare's own sovereign will, in the home by the heavy repression, while Shakespeare to London, is must liberate the self-sovereignty willpower.


  • 不要权力压制认为有害意见因为如果你采取压制,其实只说明你自己受到这些意见的压制

    Do not use power to suppress opinions you think pernicious, for if you do the opinions will suppress you.


  • 但是对于其他形状复杂零件目前不能生产也是高速压制技术受到局限重要原因。

    But still could not produce at present regarding other shape more complex components, this is also the high speed suppressed technology receives the limitation the substantial clause.


  • 她们爱情婚姻受到周礼的压制她们善良美丽、勤劳,但是仍然不免被抛弃。

    Their love and marriage were oppressed by Zhou manners. They were still abandoned by the society although they were kind, beautiful and industrious.


  • 她们爱情婚姻受到周礼的压制她们善良美丽、勤劳,但是仍然不免被抛弃。

    Their love and marriage were oppressed by Zhou manners. They were still abandoned by the society although they were kind, beautiful and industrious.


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