• 我们一些建议发表报告国家评判

    We have some advice for the two parties: publish the report, and let the country be the judge.


  • 经济学家罗伯特·斯坦因国家事务杂志发表报告,在西欧,这个数字为零

    0 in Western Europe, reports economist Robert Stein in the journal National Affairs.


  • 伊朗反感国际原子能结构发表报告伊朗的活动可疑

    Iran dislikes its reports on the regime’s dubious nuclear activities.


  • 近日乐施会发表报告外国投资者非洲购买土地损害当地民众利益

    Q: Oxfam recently released a report saying that foreign investors' land buying in Africa hurts local people's interests.


  • 周一研究人员德国波士顿发表报告一个令人惊讶消息

    That is the message of a surprising new look at the body's reaction to exercise, reported on Monday by researchers in Germany and Boston.


  • 世界银行当天发表报告呼吁非洲国家有效地利用抗击艾滋病援助资金

    The World Bank said in a report calling on African countries to make more effective use of aid funds to fight AIDS.


  • 哈佛大学德克萨斯大学研究员当期《自然杂志发表报告用进化解释了这一问题

    And that, report researchers from Harvard University and the University of Texas in the current issue of the journal Nature, is where evolution enters the story.


  • 正如那里博士同事实验生物学期刊》上发表报告指出那样,这种影响确实发生

    As Dr Narici and his colleagues report in the Journal of Experimental Biology, this is in fact what happens.


  • 不同发表报告骨膜内镜技术剥离规避骨膜释放缝合固定额头水平

    It differs from the published reports of subperiosteal endoscopic techniques in the plane of dissection, circumvention of a periosteal release, and suture fixation at the brow level.


  • 科学家们发表报告说,也许天,一个简单尿检可以检测出人们是否有患肺癌危险

    SUNDAY, April 19 (HealthDay News) -- Someday, a simple urine test might spot smokers at highest risk for lung cancer, scientists report.


  • 跟踪hbos分析师此前发表报告,对该行及其他英国银行面临资金问题表现越来越严重担忧

    At HBOS, analysts following the bank had issued reports expressing increasing concern that HBOS and other U.K. Banks faced funding questions.


  • 科学家《科学》(Nature杂志发表报告说,据认为三分之一研究区域中的植物归入此类

    Plants in almost a third of the habitats studied were thought to fall into this category, the scientists reported in the journal Nature.


  • :据报道荷兰环境评估近日发表报告中国排放增长速度大幅超出预期中方对此有何评论?

    Q: What is China's comment on the report recently released by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which says that the growth rate of China's carbon emissions is far beyond expectation?


  • 跟踪hbos分析师此前发表报告,对该行及其他英国银行面临资金问题表现越来越严重担忧

    At HBOS, analysts following the bank had issued reports expressing increasing concern that HBOS and other U. K. Banks faced funding questions.


  • 本周发表报告公司类型非常广泛,下至技术公司,航空公司上至地区银行,2009年的前景广阔。

    This week, the range of industries issuing reports and 2009 outlooks is broad, from technology companies to airlines to regional Banks.


  • 通过对参与项心脏研究4700名儿童志愿者数据进行分析美国研究人员日前发表报告快乐传染

    Happiness is contagious, us researchers reported recently after studying data from 4700 children of volunteers in an extensive health study.


  • 英格兰学校培训发展局(TDA)发表报告去年12月以来,该局网站上记录的有关招聘询问的数目增长40%。

    England's Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) has reported a 40% increase in recruitment enquiries to its website since last December.


  • :美国国会“美中经济安全评估委员会近日发表报告今年4月,中国电信公司拦截美国网站流量18分钟

    Q: The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission said in its recent report that a Chinese telecommunications firm rerouted Internet traffic to and from US websites for 18 minutes this April.


  • 今天BMJ期刊研究者发表报告报告指出,对于喝酒人来说,在他们一口酒的时候,消化过程减慢了。

    For the wine-drinkers, the researchers report today in the journal BMJ, digestion slowed along with the first sip.


  • 美国联邦通信委员会本周发表报告,美网络用户使用宽带连接实际下载速度,只有服务提供商当初承诺的一半左右

    The actual download speeds that broadband consumers get are about half of those promised by service providers, according to a report released this week by the US Federal Communications Commission.


  • 普拉卡什博士同事实验生物学期刊》上发表报告睡莲甲虫已经进化出同时空气活动的独特方式

    The lily pad beetle, which Dr. Prakash and his colleagues report on in The Journal of Experimental Biology, has evolved a unique solution to moving in water and air at the same time.


  • 贝尔斯与其同事上周四三(25日)的《科学杂志发表报告指出颗钻石行星质量木星稍大一些密度却是木星的20

    The measurements suggest the planet has slightly more mass than Jupiter but is 20 times as dense, Bailes and colleagues reported in the journal Science on Thursday.


  • 新加坡《联合早报报道世界医学研究人员墨西哥首都墨西哥城举行世界艾滋病大会上发表报告公布这样研究成果。

    According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" reported that the World Medical researchers in Mexico City at the World AIDS Conference issued a report, released the results of research on this.


  • 新加坡《联合早报报道世界医学研究人员墨西哥首都墨西哥城举行世界艾滋病大会上发表报告公布这样研究成果。

    According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" reported that the World Medical researchers in the capital, Mexico City, Mexico at the World AIDS Conference issued a report published this research.


  • 大使发表报告西方外交官包括科索沃的阿族)最终决定科索沃的命运/地位,但俄国塞尔维亚)却认为如此。

    Western diplomats (and Kosovars) say that will be the end of the game; the Russians (and Serbs) say it will not be.


  • 大使发表报告西方外交官包括科索沃的阿族)最终决定科索沃的命运/地位,但俄国塞尔维亚)却认为如此。

    Western diplomats (and Kosovars) say that will be the end of the game; the Russians (and Serbs) say it will not be.


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