• 根据海岸带土壤发生形成土壤资源特点确定海岸带中比例尺土壤制图原则目的内容

    The principles of mapping, and objectives and contents of the medium scale soil map were defined according to soil geneses and the characteristics of soil resources of coastland.


  • 第三类型可能由于火山活动形成的,一般发生活动性褶皱地区北美西部喀斯喀特山脉。

    A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America.


  • 一种相互作用复杂现象波浪形成发生的风向水的动量传递

    An interacting—and complicatingphenomenon is wind-to-water transfer of momentum that occurs when waves are formed.


  • 所说形成土壤多样性原因来看,你们可能会认为森林动态——即树木发生什么变化——土壤多样性之间关系单向的。

    From what I have been saying about the causes of pedodiversity, you might assume that the relationship between forest dynamics, what happens to the trees, and pedodiversity is a one-way street.


  • 随着大量通过蒸发抽离,形式沉淀形成冰川海洋同位素比率发生变化

    The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice.


  • 逐渐认识到避免人类发生冲突有益的,所以可能会逐步形成这种行为

    This behavior may have evolved as dogs gradually learned they could benefit from avoiding conflicts with humans.


  • 地球火星大小的撞击物发生如此巨大的碰撞可能导致了月球形成

    Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have given rise to Earth's Moon.


  • 首先纽约这座城市,在这里出生男女认为这座城市的存在理所当然的,认为城市规模动荡自然形成的,是必定发生的事情。

    There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable.


  • 肌肉发生起始生肌节形成胚胎肌肉发育中的两个关键事件。

    The initiation of myogenesis and the formation of myotome are two critical eventsin myogenesis.


  • 只有到了这个——只有我们这些未来好处认为必然会发生——参与者之间信任契约开始形成

    It's only at this point -once we take those future benefits for granted -that the bonds of trust between the players began to form.


  • 像是糖尿病或者哮喘由于压力形成这种可能发生任何人身上。

    It is like diabetes or asthma, an illness, due to a build up of pressures, which can happen to anyone.


  • 通常发生夜晚前段,对于记忆形成至关重要。

    It tends to happen in the first part of the night and is critical to memory formation.


  • 许多来自于动物实验证据指出美金刚胺可以防止蛋白发生形成细胞内结的改变。

    But there is evidence from several animal studies that it also prevents the modification of tau protein that leads to the formation of intracellular tangles.


  • 这个指环可能两个星团发生碰撞形成的。

    The ring may have been formed when two galactic clusters collided.


  • 次生气溶胶最初以气体形态出现,大气发生化学反应从而形成颗粒物

    Secondary aerosols begin life as gases and chemically react in the atmosphere to form particles.


  • 这些液体周围金属原子发生反应,形成几个分子、坚固且具有保护性修复表面的损害

    These react with nearby metal atoms and form tough, protective films a few molecules thick to ameliorate the damage.


  • 疑似三角洲沉积物中提取的光释光样本提供给我们信息滑坡沉积物何时发生湖泊何时形成

    sample from the suspected delta deposit could give us information on when the landslide happened and the lake formed.


  • 复杂砂岩并不是因为小时数天沉积形成的,”, “沉积发生一段长的时期。”

    "The sandstone complex was not deposited over hours or days, " she says. "Deposition occurred over a very long time period."


  • 这种结合发生胆固醇蛋白质共同形成脂蛋白

    When this happens, the cholesterol and protein form a lipoprotein together.


  • 只有到了这个——只有我们这些未来好处认为必然会发生——参与者之间信任契约开始形成

    It's only at this point - once we take those future benefits for granted - that the bonds of trust between the players began to form.


  • 然后这些可控性条件下形成雪花天然雪花进行比较推断在天然雪花形成的过程发生些什么

    He then compares flakes grown in these controlled conditions with natural flakes, and is able to infer what was going on in the places where those natural flakes formed.


  • 完成手术程序后的角膜可以使光线精确发生折射形成焦点位于视网膜上,不是超过或者达不到视网膜。

    After the procedure, your cornea should bend (refract) light rays to focus more precisely on your retina rather than at some point beyond or short of your retina.


  • 最近如此的浮冰岛的形成发生1962年,当时加拿大沃德亨特冰架崩解形成小岛

    The last time such a large ice island formed was in 1962 when the Canadian Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved an island.


  • 但是这样情况却并没有眼下发生:在据称泡沫形成整个过程中,石油库存几乎保持正常水平

    But it hasn't happened this time: all through the period of the alleged bubble, inventories have remained at more or less normal levels.


  • 我们可以看到充满活力新生星团轮廓虹彩粉氢气这些都预示着正在发生恒星形成过程

    These are silhouetted against glowing newborn star clusters and iridescent pink clouds of hydrogen, the existence of which indicates ongoing star formation.


  • 脉冲星恒星发生爆炸形成超新星遗留下来

    Pulsars are the dense cores left over after stars of a certain mass explode into supernovae.


  • 按照传统见解包括海绵水母珊瑚在内的简单动物按部就班发生演变线性方式形成哺乳动物一样更加复杂的生物体

    According to conventional thinking, simple animals, including sponges, jellyfish and corals, evolved step-by-step in a linear fashion into those with more complex bodies, such as mammals.


  • 坡坠落熔岩形成巨大分散式沉积物表明熔岩穹丘最近发生了崩塌形成巨大的岩屑崩落现象

    The hot trail of material descending to the south forms a large distributed deposit, indicating a recent collapse of the lava dome and formation of a large debris avalanche.


  • 坡坠落熔岩形成巨大分散式沉积物表明熔岩穹丘最近发生了崩塌形成巨大的岩屑崩落现象

    The hot trail of material descending to the south forms a large distributed deposit, indicating a recent collapse of the lava dome and formation of a large debris avalanche.


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