• 发布选项对话

    Publish Options Dialog Box.


  • DITA还缺乏很多发布选项比如转换README风格的文本或者完全类似图书的PDF。

    Many publishing options did not yet exist for DITA, such as transforms to README-style text or full book-like PDF.


  • 这里可以看到正常地发布内容过程可用所有选项

    Here you can see all the options that are available when normally publishing your content and processes.


  • 添加了一个一些参数传递样式选项它使XM基本发布功能更完美。

    I have also added an option to pass parameters to style sheets, which about rounds off the basic publishing functions of XM.


  • 异步消息传递存在一个名为发布订阅选项多个应用程序可以从中接收同一消息

    In asynchronous messaging there's an option called publish and subscribe in which multiple applications can receive the same message.


  • 基于选择性软件经济金融市场进行类比发布视为不动产选项运行软件的迭代

    Options-based software economics draws analogies from the financial markets: short iterations that deliver running software are seen as real options.


  • 我们已经ClearQuest测试管理开发团队提交请求将来发布考虑以下附加的性能或者选项

    We have submitted requests to the ClearQuest test management development team to consider the following additional capabilities or options for future releases.


  • DocBook发布所需所有软件安装系统上后,所需做的就是记住所有必需的选项正确顺序加以执行

    Now that all the software you need for DocBook publishing is installed on your system, all you have to do is remember all the necessary options and execute things in the correct order.


  • 程序使用许多命令选项.nodes文件进行发布

    This program accepts a number of command line options and a set of.nodes files to publish.


  • 为了测试项目可以创建需要运行服务器实例然后使用RunOnServer或者Deploy选项发布Portlet项目。

    To test the project, you can create the server instance of the desired run time and then publish the portlet project by using either the run on server or the Deploy option.


  • 确保Publish菜单选中Business选项输入注册时使用用户标识密码以及发布企业的名称/描述

    Make sure the Business option is selected in the Publish pull down menu, enter the user ID and password you used in the registration, and the name/description of the business you want to publish.


  • 因为最近Firefox 3.5b4发布我们AMO开发者工具中开启3.5.*最大版本号(maxver)的选项

    With the Firefox 3.5b4 release, we’ve enabled the 3.5.* maxver in the AMO Developer tools.


  • 编写本文KornShell 93 的最新版本 2007 年11 月5发布Releaseksh93s+”。这个版本提供了一个新的编译选项 “SHOPT_AUDIT”。

    The latest version of Korn Shell 93 as of the time of this writing is Release "ksh93s+" dated November 5, 2007, and provides a new compile option named "SHOPT_AUDIT."


  • 如果发布是付费内容难道需要数字版权管理高级选项么,这些内容只有Flash才有。

    If you deliver paid content, don't you need digital rights management, advance streaming options, etc., which are only available in Flash?


  • 模板系统一个典型的基于选项卡的系统,完全可以其他blog发布平台相匹敌

    The templating system is a typical tag-based system, which compared well with other blog publishing platforms.


  • VERIFYv6开始,还有一个VERIFY选项db2adutl实用程序发布

    VERIFY: There is also a VERIFY option that has been shipping with the db2adutl utility since V6.


  • 保持其余选项3的默认值(例如应用程序私有的,不想发布用户)。

    Keep the rest of the defaults shown in Figure 3 (for example, you want the application to be private, and you don't want to release to users).


  • 尽管之前发布已经提供了分配选项功能显然不够

    Even though there have been allocation options in the previous releases, it is clear that the functionality was not sufficient.


  • Django3个安装选项安装官方发布,安装用于分发的安装安装来自Subversion最新的“trunk版本

    There are three options: installing an official release, installing a distribution-specific installation package, or installing the latest "trunk" version from Subversion.


  • 在下一个屏幕上选择GeneralProperties选项配置查询发布connectionURL

    On the next screen, select the General Properties TAB to configure the inquiry and publish connection URLs.


  • 如果修改默认的服务器,那么您的应用程序myfirsttest将会自动地发布测试环境中如图11所示。

    If you have not changed the server preferences from the default, your application, MyFirstTest will be published to the test environment automatically as shown in Figure 11.


  • 单击Create回到CloudFront选项,这时您就可以看到刚刚创建发布了(3)。

    When you click Create, you will be taken back to the CloudFront tab, where you will see the distribution you just created (see Figure 3).


  • 针对分布式系统开发中会遇到各种通信选项微软发布WindowsCommunicationFoundation提供了一种单一编程模型

    Windows communication Foundation is Microsoft's approach of providing a single programming model for the diverse set of communication options faced when developing distributed systems.


  • 合并复制允许应用快照之前所有未完成更改上载发布服务器同步管理器没有提供选项

    Merge replication allows any outstanding changes to be uploaded to the Publisher before the snapshot is applied, but this option is not available from Synchronization Manager.


  • 可以通过编写函数选择菜单选项弹出对话框,设定变量发布命令

    You can write functions to select a menu choice, pull up a dialog, set a value for a variable, or issue a command.


  • 为了向选定用户发送照片不得不创建项新的发布内容选“公开朋友选项然后再添加选定用户的电子邮件地址

    To send pictures to a few select people, I have to create a post, de-select 'Public' and 'Friends,' then add specific email addresses.


  • 公开获取选项并不包含任何营利的发布行为;用于营利目的的发布行为事前经过同心学术联合会的再版同意

    The open access option does not include publication in any commercial format; commercial use must be preapproved through a reprint agreement with Common Ground Research Networks.


  • chrome13段时间发布已经有新的实验性用户界面选项了,这我们得以一开发人员的胸中成竹。

    A new experimental user interface option that has landed in early pre-release builds of Chrome 13 offers a first look at what they have in mind.


  • chrome13段时间发布已经有新的实验性用户界面选项了,这我们得以一开发人员的胸中成竹。

    A new experimental user interface option that has landed in early pre-release builds of Chrome 13 offers a first look at what they have in mind.


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