• 中国潜在市场国外先进技术资金优势结合起来,就能形成众多发展机遇和强大的发展活力

    China "s potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development."


  • 公司宗旨植根于共同理解,提供具有长期实用价值的解决方案以可持续发展的技术和项目为基础,协助客户迎接每一次发展机遇

    Our philosophy is rooted in mutual understanding, practical long-term solutions, and crafting sustainable, context-focused programs to meet each specific development challenge.


  • 报告审视了该地区中长期发展前景,提出该地区能否抓住机遇应对挑战从而步入快速持续增长轨道的问题。

    The report also examines the region's outlook in the medium to long term, asking whether it can harness opportunities and tackle challenges to proceed on a path of rapid and sustained growth.


  • 我们正处在新千年开始和全球化迅猛发展十年即将结束的历史阶段,评价过去、认识现在擘画未来的时刻也是一个充满机遇挑战的时刻,我们必须全球化机遇贫困挑战。

    This is a time to assess where we have been and where we are now, as well as to provide a vision for the future. This is a time of great opportunity, but also of tremendous challenges.


  • 美国人应上下求索,重塑美国一个新的世界正在蓬勃发展,它里面,既纷繁复杂充满机遇

    Americans may seek to reinvent the United States, and thrive in a new world that is more complex but also laden with opportunity.


  • 当今世界处在飞速发展网络经济时代外贸企业面临更大挑战更多机遇

    Now the world is occupying the rapid development network economical time, foreign trade enterprises must face bigger challenge and more opportunities.


  • 我们应该抓住机遇迎接挑战尽快发展壮大我们民营高新技术企业

    We should seize the opportunity and welcome the challenge, develop and strengthen our private high and new technology enterprises as soon as possible.


  • 信息网络技术飞速发展高校理想信念教育提出了严峻挑战,但同时也大学生的理想信念教育提供新的机遇

    The rapid development of information network technique put rigorous challenge to university education of ideal and faith, and provide a new opportunity for it .


  • 我们应该抓住机遇迎接挑战尽快发展壮大我们高新技术企业

    We should seize the opportunity and welcome the challenge, develop and strengthen our high and new technology enterprises as soon as possible.


  • 随着21世纪全球信息技术迅猛发展全球化市场的逐步形成,企业正面临着新的机遇挑战

    In the 21st century, every enterprise faces new opportunities and challenges because of the rapid development of global information and formation of global markets.


  • 世界各种不同文化体系广泛交融,极大推动人类文化迅猛发展我国吸收融化外国文化长处提供了难得的机遇

    The blending of different cultures has been greatly promoting the development of human culture, thus providing a rare chance for us to absorb and blend the good points of foreign cultures.


  • 情况下,房地产企业如何抓住机遇进行快速质量跨区域扩张提高企业竞争能力发展潜力,已成为企业亟待解决的首要问题

    So in this situation, it is the chiefly matter for the enterprise to get hold of the opportunity to expand in high quality and to improve its competitive ability and its development potential.


  • 近年来,计算机网络通信技术飞速发展数字信息保护技术带来新的机遇同时带来了新的挑战

    In recent years, with the fast development of communication technology in computer network, both the new chances and challenges have been created for protecting the digital information.


  • 近年来,随着计算机技术网络迅猛发展作为传统行业服装工业面临巨大的挑战面临前所未有机遇

    With rapid speed development of computer science and Internet, garment industry, as traditional industry, is confronted with not only tremendous challenges, but also unmet opportunity before.


  • 本文介绍中国养狐业机遇、存在问题发展趋势

    This paper presented the chance, current question and developing trends of the fox's breeding in China.


  • 渠县电力公司根据自己的实际情况,响亮地提出了:“机遇内功,谋发展口号

    Quxian Elettric Company Loudly raises the slogan"Seize the opportunity, Practise internal Capacity and strive for development" based on their own conditions.


  • 随着现代科学技术迅猛发展全球一体化经济趋势加强各国面临着前所未有机遇挑战

    With the swift and violent development of the modern science and technology and strengthen of trend of the global economic integrated, various countries face unprecedented opportunity and challenge.


  • 计算机技术飞速发展舰船总体测试验证提供了新的机遇

    The rapid development of computer science and technology brings a great opportunity for ship performance test and verification.


  • 当今世界正处在飞速发展网络经济时代企业面临更大挑战更多机遇

    The world today is in the rapid development of network economy era, enterprises are facing greater challenges and more opportunities.


  • 我国处于经济社会发展重要战略机遇社会矛盾凸显期,维护社会和谐稳定的任务艰巨繁重。

    Our nation is undergoing an important strategic opportunity period for the development of economy and society as well as a period of the highlighted social contradictions.


  • 随着网络技术电子技术迅猛发展世界正迈入充满机遇的后pc时代

    Along with the dramatic development of the computer network technology and the electronic technology, the world is stepping into Post-PC era filled with a lot of opportunities.


  • 全球化作为一种新的经济社会发展趋势,中国带来了机遇带来了挑战

    As a new economic and social treads, globalization has brought China opportunities and challenges as well.


  • 信息时代,计算机网络迅猛发展网络营销企业带来了新的机遇

    In the information age, Internet develops rapidly and net marketing brings opportunities to enterprises.


  • 再加上二十一世纪到来绿化美化沙河机遇大力发展花卉产业前景广阔。

    Superadding the opportunities of the arrival of 21st century and afforesting and beautifying Shahe within three years, energetic development of flowers industry has a broad prospect.


  • 蓬勃发展区域经济合作珠三角地区带来新的机遇

    The vigorous development of regional economic cooperation has brought about new opportunities for the Pan-Pearl River Delta.


  • 本文我国国际工程承包企业如何面对加入WTO带来机遇挑战,如何大力发展我国国际工程承包事业进行了探讨

    This paper discusses about how Chinese contractors face the challenge and opportunity of international engineering contractors after Chinas entry into WTO.


  • 现代科技飞速发展经济一体化浪潮使我们真正进入机遇挑战并存全球化时代

    The rapid development of modern technology and the economic integration wave tide have made us entered a globalization ages full of unprecedented opportunity and challenges.


  • 现代科技飞速发展经济一体化浪潮使我们真正进入机遇挑战并存全球化时代

    The rapid development of modern technology and the economic integration wave tide have made us entered a globalization ages full of unprecedented opportunity and challenges.


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