• 知道7天内哪个地震频发区

    Then I want to know which general area had the most earthquakes over those seven days.


  • 通过分析流云地理位置,寻找对流云易发区

    Finally the vulnerable areas of convective cloud are found through the analysis of the position of convective clouds.


  • 土丘保护洪水发区房子成为庭院景观延伸

    The mound protects the house in a flood-prone zone and becomes an extension of the courtyard into the landscape.


  • 黄河三角洲中国重要滨海湿地分布也是中国风暴潮发区

    Yellow River Delta is an important distribution area of coastal wetlands in China, and it is vulnerable to storm surge.


  • 背景材料:地震发区3英里长的钻入6英里长的隧道

    Background: a nearly 3-mile-long bridge dips into this6-mile-long tunnel in a region prone to earthquakes.


  • 摘要体育赛场各种危机,赛场危机管理形势非常严峻

    Absrtact: Various kinds of crises take place in the sports court frequently, the situation of court crisis management is very severe.


  • 限制地质灾害发区开采矿产资源禁止在地质灾害危险开采矿产资源。

    We shall restrict the exploitation of mineral resources in areas liable to geological disasters, and prohibit the exploitation of mineral resources in areas with real danger from geological disasters.


  • 2012年,北京有两万多名农民搬离泥石流易发区生存条件恶劣的居住

    Up till 2012, Beijing will relocate over 20,000 rural residents from areas prone to mud and rock flows or with poor living conditions.


  • 目的探讨肝癌谷胱甘肽转硫酶(GST)M1T1缺失基因肝癌的关系。

    Objective To explore the association between the null genotypes of GSTM1 and GSTT1 and the genetic susceptibility of primary liver cancer(PLC) in the low-incidence area of PLC.


  • 基于模型提出新的方法确定山洪灾害临界降雨条件应用于典型山洪发区的暴雨山洪预报。

    Based on the full hydrodynamic model, a new approach is proposed to calculate the distributed threshold rainfall for flash flooding, which constitutes the basis for effective flash flooding warning.


  • 食管癌发区之间有无癌家族史之间、吸烟吸烟之间血浆维生素c水平显著差异

    A statistical difference in the levels was not found between individuals in the high-and low-risk areas of esophageal cancer, in cancer and no-cancer family, and of smoking and no-smoking groups.


  • 胃癌高发区水源粮食NO_3~-含量明显高于,胃癌高发区居民NO_3~-点摄入量有高于低发区的趋势。

    The NO3- contents in the samples of drinking water and grains collected from high-risk areas were significantly higher than that from low-risk.


  • 合理配置及利用水资源控制城市规模城市现有地质灾害进行专项整治、对地质灾害易发区进行监测避免不必要的损失

    We should make use of rationality, control the size of city, renovate geological hazards presently and inspect, geological hazards easy - happening areas to avoid expense.


  • 斯里兰卡2004年海啸之后许多拒绝沿海搬迁远离海岸住房项目因为搬迁影响他们生计

    After the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka, many people refused to relocate from the coastal area to housing projects away from the coast because the move would disrupt their livelihoods.


  • 虽然大猩猩数据在得出明确结论需要进一步分析,但是类人猿进出等候改变行为非常重要的。

    While the gorilla data will require further analysis before any clear conclusion can be drawn, the discovery that great apes' behaviour changes when they go into holding areas is important.


  • 尼泊尔家庭事务部证实说法目前为止,他们开没有要求这个国家75个行政管理居民写明性别身份证

    His claim is underscored by the fact that Nepal 's Ministry of Home Affairs is yet to direct the country's 75 administrative districts to issue citizenship certificates that indicate gender identity.


  • 市场在上周四信号是,市场对欧洲央行作为欧元成员国最终贷款人角色并不抱任何信心

    Nevertheless, the market signaled on Thursday that it had no faith in the ECB's new role of being this sort of lender of last resort to its member nations.


  • 管理自治财政统一工资工作。

    to take charge of uniform wages payment from autonomous regional finance.


  • sowko星期一俄克拉荷马洪水城市西部低压

    In Oklahoma city's flood on Monday, says Sowko, there was a low-pressure area to the west of the city.


  • 循环系统:过去心悸,气急浮肿,心前疼痛

    Circulating system: no palpitation, out of breath, cyanosis, edema, precordia pain history.


  • 周五数据证实上海自贸距离成为国际金融中心遥远。

    Data released on Friday confirmed the FTZ was a long way from becoming an international finance hub.


  • 工程地震学所指“面源”属于这样一类潜在震源——断层位置走向都是不确定的。

    Area source in engineering seismology is such a type of potential earthquake source which the positions and strikes of genetic faults are uncertain.


  • 头颅MRI改变主要表现白质损害主要分布分水岭基底节的腔隙性梗死

    The change of skull MRI was mainly in white matter of frontal lobe, and single or multiple infarction in watershed and basal nuclei.


  • 恶性淋巴瘤,呈局灶性密度不均匀强化

    Primary lymphoma of spleen had presented part range low density regions and uneven enhancement .


  • 研究卡岩铜矿床,岩体围岩接触带石榴石矽卡岩十分

    The Tongshan skarn type copper deposit in Guichi county has well-developed garnet skarn zone.


  • 方法上海市黄浦2002—2005年704例盲人致盲病因统计分析

    METHODS We statistically analyze the primary causes of the blindness in the 704 new blind from 2002-2005 in Huangpu District of Shanghai.


  • 中国地处世界上活跃地震之一这里强级地震。

    China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.


  • 该虫四川省卧龙自然保护通常越冬。

    In general, it has two generations per year in Wolong Reserve, Sichuan Province. It hibernates in pupal stage.


  • 当前这一环境问题并不理想,人口密集、环境污染河湖淤浅、灾害矛盾比较突出。

    The grave issues involved in the current environmental dilemma include high population density, environmental pollution, an overabundant of silt in rivers and lakes, and the frequency of disasters.


  • 当前这一环境问题并不理想,人口密集、环境污染河湖淤浅、灾害矛盾比较突出。

    The grave issues involved in the current environmental dilemma include high population density, environmental pollution, an overabundant of silt in rivers and lakes, and the frequency of disasters.


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