• 一个元音动用很多面部肌肉

    A tense vowel requires you to use a lot of facial muscles to produce.


  • 神父马可:希望一个沉默誓言一样。

    Father Marko: I wanted to take a vow of silence like you.


  • 电话想起好久联系向阳了,于是便一个信息去问候一下

    After hanging up the phone, I thought of my good friend, Xiangyang, whom I had not touched for a long time. Therefore, I sent him a greeting message.


  • 朋友曾经e - mail宣布新的一年尽力戒烟

    A friend of mine once sent me an E-mail announcing that for the New Year, he was going to try to stop smoking.


  • 阻止每天给用户发一个通知,而用户对接到这些通知又不兴趣。

    This prevents the notices for everyday users who are uninterested in receiving these reports.


  • 或许团队成员午餐或者只是他们一个简单衷心感谢邮件

    Maybe you buy lunch for your team or just email them a simple and heartfelt thank you.


  • 喜欢手机,她因为她已不再需要几英里只是为了一个信息朋友。

    She loves her mobile phone, she said, because she no longer has to walk miles simply to give a message to a friend.


  • 我们摧毁一个消息为什么他们成为军事强国同时经济最强。

    We should blow it up and send a message. Why let them become the greatest military power on earth along with the biggest economy?


  • 囚犯每人勺子一个——不仅用来吃饭喝水还要夜里尿盆用。

    Inmates were each given a spoon and a tin bowl - not just to eat and drink from, but also to urinate in at night.


  • 如果同意不要打电话;如果同意就发一个非常想你”的短信

    If you agree, don't phone me; if not, please send me this message "I miss you so much."


  • 注册帐号阅读“常见问题”,然后访问移除恶意软件论坛帖子

    Register for an account, read the FAQ, then visit that Malware Removal forum, and post a new topic.


  • 会议室办公室邀请问问老板有没有预算提供午餐甜点

    Reserve a room, send a calendar invite to the whole office, and ask your boss if there is budget to provide lunch or dessert.


  • 一轮:在魔法灵光最多敌人身上瞬一个强力解除魔法然后最近的敌人冲锋。

    Round I: Use a quickened greater dispel magic on the foe with the most magical auras and charge the nearest foe.


  • 然后为了访问呼叫被叫方的地址信息,电话局信令网关一个SS7消息

    The central office then sends an SS7 message to a signaling gateway in order to get access to calling and called address information.


  • 微笑的唇儿歌声怎样消失沉默里,一只在荷花沉醉蜜蜂

    Lett your smiling lips say on oath how my voice lost itself in silence like a drunken bee in the lotus.


  • 只要电话一个传真我厂工程技术人员随时解决所有相关技术问题

    So long as you make a phone call, send a facsimile, my factory engineers and technicians may as necessary solve all correlation technical question for you.


  • 最后一点最重要的,因为如果传递者从来没有收到过传递请求的话,那么他不能一个日程安排了

    This last part is important, because the shippers will not be able to send a schedule if they never received shipping requests.


  • 如果评论员觉得倾向某一点他们站点上直接一个通知或者通过电子邮件将通知。

    If they feel inclined, they will post a note directly on your site or via email to you.


  • 猴子无法我们那样控制呼吸-他们一口气只能短暂一个长的声音然后不得不再喘下一口气。

    Monkeys can't control their inhale and exhale the way we can - they can only make short sounds a few seconds long before they have to take another breath.


  • 给久联系朋友写封信,简短信息或者发一电邮尤其是圣诞节这样的公共假期

    Drop a line to a friend if you haven't heard from them for a while, a quick text or an email, especially in times of communal contract like Christmas.


  • 例如人员代码时,也许需要电子邮件构建工程师其他人开始一个构建过程

    When a developer checks in code, for instance, she may need to E-mail a build engineer or someone else to initiate a build process.


  • FOB哪个港口美金价格,必须您公司做出口!请一个这个盒子图片,请之详细的材料

    Please offer FOB by sea and advise the delivery time. Please send a photo of the offered box and advise the material specification.


  • 经常有人这个问题,所以决定一个帖子说明如何少量HTMLCSS代码设计完美的分页样式

    It's a question I often receive, so I decided to publish a very simple post which explains how to design a perfect pagination style using some lines of HTML and CSS code.


  • 第一件事,“特别字体不再允许出现密码中,如果这样不适应,一个电子邮件我会关注的。

    The first thing is that "special characters" are no longer allowed in your password. If this means you, drop me an email and I'll take care of it.


  • 惹人烦事情之一就是新手一个“需要帮助” 的请求要求一个巨大的团队加入游戏制作,解释这个游戏到底有多

    One of the most annoying things ever is when a newbie posts a "help wanted" request, asking for a huge team to join his game, explaining how cool the game is.


  • 建立了客户机连接服务器客户机INVITE消息消息的客户机一个临时响应(Trying)。

    After the connection is made to the client, the server sends the INVITE message to the client and a provisional response (Trying) back to the client that sent the message.


  • 这种情况下一个吊胃口东西过去—不是全部创意请求面谈数字营销公司WebMetroceo卡洛斯·尤加尔德这样建议

    In that case, send a teaser — rather than the full ideaand request a face-to-face meeting, advises Carlos Ugalde, CEO of WebMetro, a digital marketing firm.


  • 作为礼物购买者希望可以一个相应电子邮件给接受者这样他/便会知道我送礼物他们Facebook墙上

    As a buyer, I also wish that I could send the recipient a companion email, so that the he or she knows that I are giving them a gift on their Facebook wall.


  • 今天(农历十一月十七)阿弥陀佛圣诞诸佛一个誓愿什么誓愿呢?我所愿,是关于真伪的问题。

    Today (the seventeenth day of the eleventh lunar month) is Amitabha Buddha's birthday. I shall now make a vow regarding the Shurangama Sutra 's authenticity before the Buddhas of the ten directions.


  • 今天(农历十一月十七)阿弥陀佛圣诞诸佛一个誓愿什么誓愿呢?我所愿,是关于真伪的问题。

    Today (the seventeenth day of the eleventh lunar month) is Amitabha Buddha's birthday. I shall now make a vow regarding the Shurangama Sutra 's authenticity before the Buddhas of the ten directions.


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