• 投资者公司收购消息反应积极

    Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover.


  • 法律变化中的观念常常反应迟缓

    The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.


  • 空气发生反应产生铁锈

    Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.


  • 股市反应再下跌两个百分点。

    The market reacted by falling a further two points.


  • 各国对于未授权飞越领空反应强烈

    Nations react strongly to unauthorized overflights.


  • 光化学反应使变为电脉冲

    The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.


  • 对于将要邻居这件事多种反应

    There was a mixed reaction to the prospect of having new neighbours.


  • 竞选胜利已经引起震惊反应

    His election success has provoked a shocked reaction.


  • 言辞激起了问题双方强烈反应

    His words drew sharp reactions from people on both sides of the issue.


  • 乳制品可能会引起某些过敏反应

    Dairy products may provoke allergic reactions in some people.


  • 公司必须顾客需求作出积极反应

    Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand.


  • 他们条新闻反应强烈

    They reacted violently to the news.


  • 观众迟缓反应沮丧

    I'm depressed by the bovine enthusiasm of the crowd's response.


  • 他们等待的一贯反应

    They waited for his habitual response.


  • 其他药物食物可能之起不良反应

    Other medications or foods may react unfavourably with it.


  • 胳膊肘捅了一下,没有反应

    I nudged her but she didn't react.


  • 这部作品审美特质反应十分强烈

    He responded very strongly to the aesthetic of this particular work.


  • 华尔街昨天裁决迅速地做出了反应

    Wall Street reacted swiftly to yesterday's verdict.


  • 我等如何反应

    I waited to see how she responded.


  • 一些参议员总统言辞感到愤怒反应强烈。

    Some senators reacted angrily to the President's remarks.


  • 能与水产生化学反应不如以及那么剧烈

    Calcium reacts with water but less violently than sodium and potassium do.


  • 人群反应强烈

    The crowd reacted violently.


  • 华尔街股价暴跌全球股票市场上引起连锁反应

    The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.


  • 洛夫顿队的反应激怒了雀队队员席休息的球员

    Lofton's reaction infuriated players in the Cardinals' dugout.


  • 每年,有5000会对麻醉剂产生致命的不良反应

    Every year, 5,000 people have life-threatening reactions to anaesthetics.


  • 考虑这个男人不再有干系反应有点过分

    Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.


  • 条新闻总体反应或许可用“儿哈儿”来概括

    My general reaction to this news might be summed up as "ho-hum."


  • 曾的反应好像显得有点屈尊俯就无疑不是那样

    Barzun's response seemed a little patronizing, though he undoubtedly hadn't intended it that way.


  • 警方对付犯罪的办法,不是事先加以防范而是事后作出反应

    The police presented a reactive rather than preventive strategy against crime.


  • 大选在即,你们代表应该你们的要求作出迅速积极的反应

    With an election coming soon, your representative should be very responsive to your request.


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