• 就宽带互联网价格做了一个小小的调查

    I did a little survey of broadband Internet prices among my Twitter followers.


  • 希的来访,玛莎在他们交谈时感到紧张,她确信希也感觉到了。

    On Yuki's visit, Masa felt strained when they talked, and she was sure Yuki also felt it.


  • 小节将向介绍如何一个UML模型创建 C++函数

    This section tells you how to generate C++ friend functions from a UML model.


  • 一些笨的一些更好的版本得到帮助。

    Some passages are overly dense, and could have benefited from better editing.


  • 旧金山度假的途得以机会现实生活每一见面

    I got a chance to actually meet an online friend in real life when I went on vacation to San Francisco.


  • 在此过程,或敌或众多人物也纷纷登场,包括华盛顿国家大教堂瞎子牧师英明果敢情局安全主任

    It's a hunt where he's helped - and hindered - by many characters, including the blind dean of Washington's National Cathedral and the wise director of the CIA's Office of Security.


  • 生活包括:漫漫长行,创造交谈,与相依,与子同乐,箪壶羹,出外游玩,充满活力

    Life includes: taking long walks, creating things, having conversations with friends, snuggling with my wife, playing with my kids, eating simple food, going outside and getting active.


  • 受助者包括了无家可归日本他们巴西人不同,无法直面投亲靠以求栖身之所的选择。

    That included homeless Japanese men, who, unlike the Brazilians, cannot face turning to friends or family for shelter.


  • 同学们认真跟着齐声念道:“—印——好—”

    Students followed Premier Wen and read out aloud, "China-India Friendship".


  • 为了创建一个 C++函数需要在一个UML 类的内部创建一个 UML操作,并且将 cpp_operation套用 UML 操作上面。

    To generate a C++ friend function that is a friend of a class, you need to create a UML operation within a UML Class and apply the cpp_operation stereotype on the UML operation.


  • 这些活动很多同时TweetUps“(Twitter聚会有着类似兴趣Twitter用户的聚会。

    Many of these events are doubling as "TweetUps" or meeting of Twitter users with a similar interest.


  • 过程,或敌或众多人物也纷纷登场,包括华盛顿国家大教堂瞎子牧师英明果敢的情局安全主任

    It's a hunt where he's helped -and hindered -by many characters, including the blind dean of Washington's National Cathedral and the wise director of the CIA's Office of Security.


  • C#元程序集(friendassembly)和非严格委托relaxeddelegate概念都保留了下来,不过curry委托则推迟到下一个版本

    The C# concept of friend assemblies made it in, as well as relaxed delegates. The ability to curry delegates has been pushed off to a later release.


  • 那些已经可用widget雅虎发布了ebay的widget、一个CBS娱乐widget一个的widget。

    Among the widgets available today, Yahoo has announced an eBay widget, a CBS Entertainment widget, and a MySpace widget.


  • 农家(Farmer’sFriend)服务MTN(南非主要移动通讯运营商),谷歌以及Grameen基金的应用实验室(Application Laboratory,简写为AppLab)六月份推出的基于电话的服务产品种。

    Farmer’s Friend is one of a range of phone-based services launched in June by MTN, Google and the Grameen Foundation’s “Application Laboratory”, or AppLab.


  • 创建一个函数friendintClass2friendop (intx),同时函数的好性被定义class2,请您执行下述步骤

    To create a friend function such as friend int Class2: : friendop (int x), where Class2 is the class in which the function friendop is defined, perform these steps.


  • 为了访问一个用户定义的私有数据必须声明全局函数函数,并且定义

    But to be able to reach any private data within a user defined class you have to declare the global function as a friend within the definition of the class.


  • 请问对方如果学生上网大于利的话那么国家怎么会上网这个课程安排计算机课程来呢?

    Excuse me each other friends argue, if the Internet is middle school students more harm than good words, so how can countries the Internet this course arrangement to computer course?


  • 回到镇上,急功近利人们为了要在驴怒潮获利,借着旅馆窗口就能一目了然,对面旅馆水泥墙伸手可及。

    Back in town, the rush to take advantage of the tourist boom means that from the window of my hotel room I see a concrete wall of another inn withellon touchellong distance.


  • 结合《日知录》诗论解读顾炎武理解顾炎武诗歌一个途径

    It is an approach to understand Gu Yanwu's poetry using the poetics in Rizhilu to interpret his poetry of mourning for friends.


  • 采访得知,两个小孩分别念高小学

    In an interview that there are two long days of Friends of the children were in high school and elementary school.


  • 钟情本土麻将也好,体验他乡麻将也罢,只要铁杆热力麻将馆》欢乐

    Just love the local mahjong or would like to experience home worth mahjong, as long as you are a die-hard Friends of Ma, all in the "heat mahjong, " the joy of playing!


  • 回归时,我安藤美姬以及加里同场竞技,我只是享受

    When I came back, I was skating with Miki and Yukari, and I just enjoyed it.


  • 由是,由于亲爱感情伴精神而连结在一起时家庭各人,都觉得它是这个陌生世界最有生气快乐的地方

    Thus, bound together by affection and comradeship, the member of the family find the home the cheeriest and happiest place in the whole wild world.


  • 研究表明,在男女不论外部攻击还是关系攻击,一对表现攻击行为越多,其同伴接纳程度低。

    The results showed that regardless of gender and type of aggression, the more aggressive a child appeared, the lower the child's social acceptability with peers.


  • 酒注入在心灵,犹如注入到大酒缸本身力量在心发酵

    When men receive it with believing hearts, like capacious wineskins, it ferments within them by its own power.


  • 野人用餐纵然是很始级的餐馆,也可以请求把吃剩下的食品打包带走。

    When out with friends or family — even at a fancy restaurant — it's OK to ask for your leftovers to be wrapped.


  • 野人用餐纵然是很始级的餐馆,也可以请求把吃剩下的食品打包带走。

    When out with friends or family — even at a fancy restaurant — it's OK to ask for your leftovers to be wrapped.


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