• 猎手科学身体打烂,眼前外科医生能用科学又把尸重组,还有什么景象古怪的呢?

    Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners USING science to shatter men's bodies while, close at hand, surgeons USE it to restore them.


  • 所以英国几十年来最大一次小学教育回顾又把国家不重视事实教育的方向推进一步时,尤为令人失望

    So it is a particular disappointment that the interim version of the biggest review of British primary schooling in decades nudges the country a little further down its path toward factfree education.


  • 我们自己期望要比对别人的期望多得多,常常使自己感到不满足因为我们忘了庆祝一个成功而是目标得更远一点。

    We expect much more of ourselves than we do of others, and this often leads to dissatisfaction as we forget to celebrate each success and just push those goal posts out a bit further.


  • 姑娘字条认识叫作马侬女人那里,后者受到警察的密切注意,被捕

    This woman in turn transmitted the note to another woman of her acquaintance, a certain Magnon, who was strongly suspected by the police, though not yet arrested.


  • 过程的本意是一箭双雕既减少排放资金技术转移穷国从来就太可能奏效

    Supposed to kill two birds with one stone - reduce emissions and transfer money and technology to the poor - this was, however, never likely to work.


  • 街垒比起第一受攻打更坚固五个人离开后,大伙加高了一些。

    The barricade was stronger than on the occasion of the first attack. Since the departure of the five, they had increased its height still further.


  • 起小石碰碰那条链子,然后看看变化与否,它扔掉,成了习惯;就是疯子找到失掉了块点金石

    It had grown into a habit, to pick up pebbles and touch the chain, and to throw them away without looking to see if a change had come; thus the madman found and lost the touchstone.


  • 但是医疗科学喜欢长相,回赠家“粉色酒吧

    Medical science had decided they didn't like the look of it and had bequeathed it right back to the Old Pink Dog Bar.


  • 而且深信上帝既然造了我们和谐几乎奇迹般把这两颗心联在一起,它不会最后又把我们分开的。

    And I have also a deep conviction that heaven would not have created two hearts, harmonizing as ours do, and almost miraculously brought us together, to separate us at last.


  • 说了疯疯癫癫的话之后,拔起来的河水之中,仿佛我自己也随着青草一起跃进河中。

    Having made this lunatic confession, I began to throw my torn-up grass into the river, as if I had some thoughts of following it.


  • 一起时,一贯互相挑战他们忠于各自的信仰。即使他们各自信念他们保持距离时,相互间尊重又把他们两人到了一起。

    Together, the two consistently challenge one another, each steadfast in their respective beliefs. It is this mutual respect which draws them together, even as their convictions keep them apart.


  • 饼要一个筐子里,连筐子带来又把公牛只公绵羊牵来

    And thou shalt put them into one basket, and bring them in the basket, with the bullock and the two RAMS.


  • 其中就包括了留住卡卡,今天《阿斯卡卡皇家马德里联系一起。

    This includes keeping hold of Kaka, who has once again been linked with Real Madrid in Spanish newspaper 'as.


  • 为什么荷兰队经常挑中错误教练,时间白费在他们所选的教练上?十分明显违背取得成功目的

    Why, when it so obviously defeats the purpose of achieving success, do the Dutch so often pick the wrong coach or spend all their time and energy complaining about the coach they do pick?


  • 军事上,猜忌航母能显示多大的要挟,我不想看到又把当作个理由增添我们潜艇

    Militiarily, I doubt this carrier presents much threat. I would hate to see it viewed as reason to ramp up our fleet.


  • 军事上,猜忌航母能显示多大的要挟,我不想看到又把当作个理由增添我们潜艇

    Militiarily, I doubt this carrier presents much threat. I would hate to see it viewed as reason to ramp up our fleet.


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