• 希望更多商店可以品尝

    I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share.


  • 而且希望更多商店可以品尝

    And what's more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share.


  • 这些香草激发品尝各种异国风味菜肴!

    These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes!


  • 六一撞上端午,就更多美食品尝

    When six one hit the Dragon Boat Festival, there will be more food waiting for me to taste.


  • 知音用心交流友谊不能言表,要用心品尝

    Friend, do not need to say more, to work hard to exchange; friendship, not words to heart to taste.


  • 如果,您可以每周晚上可以去品尝不同国家风格食物

    If you wanted to, you could have food from a different country every night of the week.


  • 莫非:“总是一些铁杆美食爱好者千里迢迢地飞往哥本哈根品尝美食。”

    "There will always be die-hard foodies who will fly to Copenhagen to taste them," Murphy said.


  • 需要孩子们那样实验去品尝新的食物有规律地锻炼有业余爱好

    You need to experiment like kids do. Try new foods, exercise routines, and extracurricular passions.


  • 如果大家品尝川菜的话务必点上沸腾鱼片鱼肉很嫩,值得喔!

    If we Sichuan to enjoy it, be sure to point a pot of boiling fish, fish Hennen, it is worth a try!


  • 必须承认,我没有勇气品尝其中一些新食物我确信他们当地人喜欢它们

    I have to admit, I would not have had the guts to taste some of the other choices. But I'm sure their own locals love them.


  • 知道你们许多人认为布丁中但是除非你们去品尝它否则你们怎么出呢?

    I know that many of you think it is in the pudding, but how can you tell unless you eat of it?


  • 我们到家时母亲正要那个面包师那里,说我们可以一道去品尝一些小吃。

    When we arrived, my Mom said she was on her way to the baker, and we could join her for a snack.


  • 每年春季都会有大批投资商批发商品酒师涌入法国波尔多的知名品尝发酵葡萄汁

    Every spring a group of investors, wholesalers and wine critics descend on a few established Bordeaux wine producers to taste the fermented grape juice.


  • 理想现实之间天壤之别。又或者听说有一家餐馆的食物不错期待亲自品尝

    Your expectations and reality just don't match. or you heard great things about a certain restaurant and looking forward to go there.


  • 完美约会古典音乐会健康餐厅晚餐淫秽站姿扮装然后回家去品尝睡前的小饮料。

    Ideal date: Classical concert, dinner at a health food restaurant, bawdy stand-up or drag show then back home for a nightcap.


  • 综观全球不少食物的毒性它们的美味同样驰名。许多美食家会不远万里品尝这些致命美味。

    Around the world there are many foods with deadliness equaling their deliciousness — and many diners who travel far and wide to just to consume them.


  • 因为广州以他的食物闻名他们的时候,我会他们品尝当地美食带他们购物

    As Guangzhou is famous for its food, I will take them to taste the delicious local foods when they come and I will also take them shopping.


  • 相信枪手三明治永久挚爱,因为它的超乎传统一般异彩-当然我也会品尝测试知道我肯定。

    I think the shooter is my ultimate sandwich on grounds of excess, tradition and general splendour - I'm certainly going to keep testing until I'm sure.


  • 哭泣只是宣泄泪滴只是自己知道悲伤所以忧郁阿修罗选择一个人角落里品尝孤独

    Cry just a person's anger, tears to just let know that sorrow, so sad the asuras would only choose a person in a corner to savor solitude and injured.


  • 情人来到过节人们小兔扑通等着情人电话来呼叫品尝爱情味道愿有情人幸福的比翼鸟

    Valentine's day arrived again, the holidays people heart such as the rabbit plop jump, waiting lover phone calls, to taste the taste of love. Lovers do get happiness!


  • 哭泣只是宣泄泪滴只是自己知道悲伤所以忧郁阿修罗选择一个角落里品尝孤独伤心

    Cry just a personal catharsis, tears to just let yourself know how sad, so sad the Asuras will only choose a person in the corner to taste lonely and sad.


  • 如何转向内在古鲁阐释,按照纯粹逻辑生活没有价值的活法。然而,要超越逻辑思维去品尝人生,则需要坚定的承诺热忱的投入。

    How to turn inward? Sadhguru explains, a life lived purely logically is not worth living. However, tasting life beyond the logical requires commitment and intensity.


  • 如果我们必须要和其他的地分开而且让它保持神圣,让这个地方白人可以品尝经过草地上的甜美味道。所以我们会考虑你买地的提议。

    And if we sell you our land, you must keep it apart and sacred as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow's flowers.


  • 可以找到一些由英国名厨经营地道餐馆,您所需要做的就是遇到适合您口味的美食专家!一定记得去品尝最新的英国葡萄酒、正宗啤酒、苹果酒以及最好的苏格兰麦芽威士忌。

    Horseracing in Britain is also a national institution and a great family day out, while a visit to one of Scotland's links courses is an absolute must for golf fanatics.


  • 的搭档蒙住双眼探索你的身体发现食物只能品尝接触来辨别食物。

    Your partner is blindfolded and they have to explore your body, find the food and identify it only by taste and touch.


  • 的搭档蒙住双眼探索你的身体发现食物只能品尝接触来辨别食物。

    Your partner is blindfolded and they have to explore your body, find the food and identify it only by taste and touch.


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