• FA可视式中压砂聚丙烯酰胺棉纤维复合堵漏剂进行了室内试验研究

    Laboratory experiments were done on the evaluation of a composite lost circulation material (LCM) prepared by Polyacrylamide and cotton fibers on a FA Model Filter tester.


  • 结合工厂多年生产经验,对于性能、结构以及浇注过程中的注意事项提出明确的要求。

    The requests for dry-sand, vibrating table, structure of negative pressure sanrl box and proceedings to be noticed in casting pro-cesss have been put forward definitely.


  • 用水化学药物撞击它们的“高破裂法”释放出气泡这个过程水力”。

    By cannoning water, sand and chemicals at them, a process known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, the bubbles can be released.


  • 根据材料工艺学原理使用石材厂石粉泥浆为原料制备蒸

    Based on the principle of autoclaved process, autoclaved sand-lime brick have been made using stone powder slurries from stone processing factories.


  • 它采用孔密孔径穿透射孔抽吸炮眼清洗技术,不仅能提高油井产能,解除近井带污染,还可以改善防完井效果。

    The technology uses deep penetration perforation charge with high perforation density and large perforation diameter and surging perforation with greater pressure differential.


  • 通过预测,得到预防出临界生产临界产量

    Gained the critical production pressure difference and the critical output by the model.


  • 利用黄金和生石灰,采用养护工艺生产出质量砌筑砖

    The gold tailing can be used to produce high quality brick by steam pressure curing technology.


  • 气井施工过程产生影响效果同时将会产生严重经济损失

    In the process of fracturing operation, sand plug will affect the effects of fracturing and cause serious economic loss.


  • 文章介绍超正射孔工艺技术原理、技术特点、工艺流程以及联作技术白马气田应用

    The article introduces the principle, features and procedures of joint operation techniques of overpressure perforating and sand fracturing, and its application in Baimamiao gas field.


  • 讨论制备用作裂支撑树脂覆膜使用的树脂固化剂选择、包胶设备工艺

    The selection of resin and curing agent and the equipment and the technology are discussed for manufacturing resin coated sand as proppant for hydraulic fracturing.


  • 设备包括机组车、散装运输设备(运送设备)以及拖车

    Fracturing equipment includes pumping units, blenders, bulk handling equipment such as sand and frac fluid transports, and a manifold trailer, etc.


  • 酸化协同作业工艺技术,近年来针对渗透等复杂油气藏开展热门技术

    Aeidization and sand fracturing cooperation operation technology is a hot spot of new technologies developed for complicated hydrocarbon reservoir with low permeability.


  • 充填工艺中高渗透油气层不稳定松软地层有效增产措施,又是一种新的完井方法

    Frac and pack technology is both a effective stimulation and sand control treatment, and a new completion method in unstable crumbly formation and high permeability reservoir.


  • 借助于含水层模型溶解研究对象,模拟气体聚集或稀释的异常产生,其含水层中的运移过程

    In this study a sand-box confined aquifer model is used to simulate gas transportative process in aquifer after abnormal source gas has formed by selecting argon dissolved gas as study gas.


  • 通过孔道出预测模型计算得到油井时的临界生产临界产量

    The critical production pressure drop and critical output during sanding in oil Wells were gained by the calculation with the channel sanding prediction model.


  • 2005年5口井进行试验取得了不错效果类似稠油油藏防提供了借鉴

    Five Wells had been carried out the fracturing sand controlling test in 2005, and achieved good increase production results, which also provided a reference fors.


  • 技术一项技术,具有增产双重作用

    Fracturing sand control is a new technology, which has the double effects of sand control and stimulation.


  • 一方面,大型作业有效有机地匹配优化层、裂液和工艺系统地控制裂质量。

    On the other hand, the effective large-scale sand fracturing requires optimum reservoir formation, fracturing fluid and techniques, and systematic control of the fracturing quality.


  • 本文某矿为实例简要介绍了高浓度全尾充填采矿技术可行性研究的内容方法。

    In this paper, taking some mine as an example, the pump backfilling mining method with high density unsized tailings, as well as its investigation in technical feasibility are introduced.


  • 由于施工井口常规工艺无法实施作业

    For high well head pressure, the operation of conventional adding sand fracture treatment tech can not fulfilled.


  • 通过工程试验提出高强预应力混凝土管桩地基静力桩力,分析产生原因

    Through engineering trials, this paper brought forward the static installation pressure of PHC piles in sandy soil, and analyzed the reasons why PHC piles were caused to rupture.


  • 采用了基岩酸化、前置液胶凝酸酸工艺措施

    The technology measures of bed rock aciding, preflush and gelling acid fracturing, as well as sand fracturing etc. are used.


  • 粉细岩油井由于埋藏地层程度低、胶结疏松,在较大生产容易

    The fine siltstone reservoir is likely to produce sand under larger pressure drops because of its shallow depth, worse compaction and unconsolidated.


  • 解决套管弯曲问题通过建立实、出引起弯曲套管的力学模型解释部分段产生相对滑动以及弯曲机理。

    To solve the problem, this paper establishes a mechanical model of casing bend to explain the relative slipping and casing bend mechanism for some layer segments.


  • 川西致密气层普遍采用的改造技术措施

    Sand fracturing is the major stimulation measure in Western Sichuan tight sandstone gas reservoir.


  • 消失铸造技术(简称LFC)中模样消失模铸造成败关键泡沫珠粒充填获得优质泡沫模样的关键工序之一。

    In lost foam casting (LFC), the foam pattern is the key qualification, and the filling process is one of the crucial processes to ensure the high quality of the foam pattern.


  • 消失铸造技术(简称LFC)中模样消失模铸造成败关键泡沫珠粒充填获得优质泡沫模样的关键工序之一。

    In lost foam casting (LFC), the foam pattern is the key qualification, and the filling process is one of the crucial processes to ensure the high quality of the foam pattern.


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