• 有效保护微波设备安全运行,有效控制危险事故发生

    Effective protection of the safe operation of microwave equipment, effective control of the occurrence of dangerous accidents.


  • 其他产品会提醒将入睡驾驶员处于危险事故中的驾驶员。

    Other products warn drivers if they are falling asleep or in danger of an accident.


  • 请务必阅读安全警告注意事项以免不当使用导致危险事故

    Please read the safety warning and attentions to avoid any accidents due to incorrect operations.


  • 对于下列危险事故所致保险标的物之损失公司依本保险契约之约定,对被保险人赔偿责任。

    The Company shall, subject to these conditions, be liable to indemnify the Insured for any loss of or damage to the insured property caused by.


  • 预防措施应用实际生产中,能够提高煤矸石排放管理能力,能减少矸石危险事故发生

    The application of precautionary measures to practical production can improve management of gangue discharge and reduce the occurrence of dangerous accidents caused by gangue dump.


  • 这次事故及时提醒了人们登山运动有时多么危险

    The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.


  • 这种危险因为所有交通事故中,有一半都与有关

    The illness is dangerous, because it is involved in half of all automobile accidents.


  • 这次事故提醒人们注意登山种种危险,倒不无益处。

    The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.


  • 这位伟大的、沉迷速度并且似乎已习惯恐惧危险车手不是普通如此严重的事故会影响心理吗?

    The great drivers, addicted to speed and seemingly inured to fear and risk, are not ordinary men but surely an accident this serious has affected him psychologically?


  • 刚刚过去的暖冬科学家们有关气候变化灾难性警告使许多民众都相信,二氧化碳排放核电厂事故或者放射性废料危险的多。

    A warm winter, and dire warnings by scientists about climate change, convinced many that carbon emissions might be a bigger danger than nuclear accidents or radioactive waste.


  • 三里岛事故处理工作组可以靠近反应堆工作而在日本由于放射性太强,这样做可能非常危险

    His team could work close to the reactor. In Japan it may well be too dangerous to do so because of high levels of radiation.


  • 许多匈牙利人眼里这些事故表明家庭生育非常危险,而那些倡导家庭生育的都是不负责任的疯子

    In the eyes of many Hungarians, such incidents show that home births are insanely risky and that those who promote them are little more than irresponsible cranks.


  • 有人甚至暗示一些广告牌可能制作粗糙存在引发事故危险为由遭到撤除。

    One even hinted that some billboards might be taken down on the pretext that they were poorly made and might fall and cause accidents.


  • 专家们说驾驶员开车重音节拍音乐放松音乐出交通事故危险大。

    Drivers are at even greater risk if they listen to music with a pounding beat rather than more relaxed tunes, according to experts.


  • 引用话说:“由于危险风筝线而造成的死亡事故依据国家反恐怖进行处理。”

    "Action under the Anti-Terrorism Act would be taken in case of deaths due to... dangerous kite-flying string," he was quoted as saying.


  • 如果存在每年1%钻井事故金融崩溃危险,则灾难今后10年内发生概率为10%。

    If there is a 1 percent annual probability of a disastrous drilling accident or financial collapse, the probability that the disaster will occur any time in the next 10 years is only 10 percent.


  • 不过斯图尔特指出,此次意外事故的全过程中,无论是飞机还是乘客没有置于危险状态之下。但没有透露当时该架飞机内到底有多少名乘客。

    Stewart stressed that at no time had the plane or passengers been in danger. She did not say how many people had been on board.


  • 加兹尼(阿富汗南部)2007.3.5事故报告检查站危险

    MARCH 5, 2007 | GHAZNI PROVINCE Incident Report: Checkpoint danger.


  • 调查者事故分析原因时候,连续不断的泄漏事件已经引发公众遍布全国的16.7万英里危险液体管网失察情况关注

    While investigators have yet to determine the cause of either accident, the spills have drawn attention to oversight of the 167,000-mile system of hazardous liquid pipelines crisscrossing the nation.


  • 根据瑞士保罗·谢勒研究所三十世界范围内超过1800事故研究结果,煤炭行业危险的(见左边底部)。

    In developed countries, coal is the most hazardous (bottom left), according to the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, which studied more than 1, 800 accidents worldwide over nearly 30 years.


  • 提到死亡率马路危险碰撞事故不是另一辆车正面撞击或是侧面撞击成T字型,是单车碰撞事故

    When it comes to fatality rates, the most dangerous collision on the road isn't getting rammed head-on by another car or T-boned from the side.


  • 配有雷达技术如果侦测到前方可能发生相撞事故就会自动减慢车速当然,如果危险刺激点,你也可以关掉这项功能

    It also features radar technology that will slow the bike automatically if it detects an oncoming collision... a feature which you can of course disable if you like to live dangerously.


  • 相对来说事故危险的多,但是一旦发生就是非常严重事故

    The risks of a nuclear accident are small in comparison. But when one of them happens, it does so big time.


  • 降低事故风险有效措施不是采用更多更先进技术而是确保每一位员工都完全理解运行规则以及违反的危险后果

    The best way to start reducing accidents may not be employing more technology but making sure that staff understand the rules of the road-and its dangers.


  • 新闻稿中写到:“ANP认为下储油层钻探活动危险性质发生此次漏油事故现场危险相同甚至可能会因为深度更深更具危险。”

    "[ANP] understands that drilling in pre-salt reservoirs comes with risks of identical nature as those occurred at the site of the oil spill, and even amplified by greater depth," read the release.


  • 如果知道人们旅行危险那么比赛可能成为任何事故原因

    If you know people's journeys are going to be treacherous, then arguably the match would be the cause of any accidents.


  • 最近雪佛龙漏油事故唤醒了人们墨西哥湾重大漏油事故记忆突显了深海钻探危险

    Chevron's recent spill sparks memories of the brutal Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and highlights the dangers of ultra deepwater drilling.


  • 25以下年龄组青年男子道路交通事故死亡的危险大于女性

    Young males are at higher risk for road traffic fatalities than females in every age group under 25 years.


  • 飞机应用技术相似,在飞机易发生事故危险阶段,起飞着陆,飞机襟翼可以有效的调节升降稳定负荷

    The technique is also similar to that used on aircraft, where flaps regulate the lift and stabilize the load during the most critical times such as at take-off and landing.


  • 此项工作集中越南危险条公路上开展,其事故死亡人数占越南交通事故死亡总数50%以上。

    The effort focuses on the three most dangerous roads in the country, where over 50 percent of Vietnam’s traffic fatalities occur.


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