• 布赖恩先生还要查阅美国记者安东尼·斯卡杜托写本书

    Mr. Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.


  • 这种名为番茄斑潜蝇昆虫已经摧毁了尼日利亚最大的番茄产地——卡杜80%的农场导致当地政府宣布进入紧急状态

    The insect, Tuta absoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato-producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.


  • 卡杜纳州尼日利亚最大西红柿生产地,这种名为番茄斑潜蝇的昆虫破坏了那里80%的农场,致使当地政府宣布进入紧急状态

    The insect, Tutaabsoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.


  • 收费进行了严格的检查

    Cardew keeps a rigorous check on her charges.


  • 世界原住民岩石艺术集中地区之一。

    Kakadu is home to one of the world's highest concentration of Aboriginal rock art.


  • 无国界医生组织Abu Gebiha卡杜格利开设2个治疗中心

    Médecins sans Frontières have opened 2 treatment centres in Abu Gebiha and Kadugli.


  • 阿玛尼表示希望能为这座城市重现麦克德安东尼鲍勃当年辉煌

    Armani has said he wants to bring back the city of Milan to the glorious days of Mike D’Antoni and Bob McAdoo.


  • 目前难以了解更多细节但是目击者,该省首都卡杜格利发生了激烈枪战

    No details are available, but witnesses say there's been heavy shooting in the state capital Kadugli.


  • 截至2017年2月23日尼日利亚卡杜纳州南部地区安全现状不容乐观。

    As of February 23, 2017, Nigeria, southern Kaduna security situation is not optimistic.


  • 尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲尾部包括哈科特诺,拉各斯卡杜翁多高原地区。

    Nigeria: Rump Niger Delta including Port Harcourt; States of Kano, Kanduna, Lagos, Ondo and Plateau. The Niger border.


  • 尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲尾部包括哈科特诺,拉各斯卡杜翁多高原地区。

    Nigeria: Rump Niger Delta including Port Harcourt; States of Kano, Kanduna, Lagos, Ondo and Plateau, Niger border.


  • 常用坐骑一种无翼爬行鸟类根人羽毛装点它们着它们冲上战场

    Their most common mount is the kaadu, a wingless reptilian avian which Gungans adorn with feathers and ride into combat.


  • 一个部分·维奥脸部彩绘但是神话结构学》中“,列维开始谈论是俄狄浦斯神话。”

    The next part is Caduveo face painting, but in "the Structural Study of myth," Levi-Strauss begins by talking about the Oedipus myth.


  • 哄哄我,让好接受这个事实啊… 你应该这么说:“卡杜斯爬屋顶, 当跳下来的时候摔断了一条腿

    You've got ease me into it… you gotta say something like, "Kados got on the roof. And he jumped off and broke one of his legs."


  • 目前已知卡杜纳州疫情最初始于110日。就表明,此前地区其它地方很可能已经出现接触病例

    The initial outbreak in Kaduna state is now known to have begun on 10 January, raising the possibility that earlier human exposures and cases may have occurred in that area and elsewhere.


  • 尼日利亚国家紧急管理机构发布数据显示,2016年年底以来,已有200多人卡杜纳州南部部族冲突丧生

    More than and 200 people have been killed in tribal clashes in southern Kaduna since the end of 2016, according to figures released by the national emergency management agency in Nigeria.


  • 沙姆沙伊赫这样度假胜地给人总体感觉就是安宁,”美国一家旅行社总裁托尼·接受CNN采访时说。

    "The overall sentiment is that resort areas like Sharm el Sheik are very safe," said Tony Cardoza, President of a US travel agency, in an interview with CNN.


  • 截止2005年11月16日科尔多凡不同地区(abu Gebiha、拉沙德、迪林、卡杜格利、Talodi)报告了404118例死亡

    As of 16 November 2005, 404 cases and 118 deaths were reported from different localities in South Kordofan State (Abu Gebiha, Rashad, Dilling, Kadugli, Talodi).


  • 什·我们英国文学传授者,在他狂热奔放英国诗歌朗诵中,有着非同一般陶醉

    In the impetuous declamation of English poetry by Akshay Chowdhury, our initiator into English literature, there was the wildness of intoxication.


  • 看过穆阿迈尔·扎菲最后时刻悲惨视频后,年轻翻译阿卜了电话,去年春天班加西一起工作过。

    After viewing a few of the gruesome videos of Muammar Qaddafi's last moments, I called Abdullah, the young translator with whom I'd worked in Benghazi last spring.


  • 他们殖民地爪哇派出只小船,称作伊芬号或者号,驶入奔塔利亚沿着海湾东部航行了海湾一半

    From their colony at Java they sent out a small vessel, the Duyfhen, or Dove, which sailed into the Gulf of Carpentaria, and passed half-way down along its eastern side.


  • 很多受欢迎艺人很害羞包括美国电视节目主持人约翰·大卫·雷德曼不过舞台面对镜头他们会很放松,

    Many popular entertainers, including American TV show hosts Johnny Carson and David Letterman, are shy but feel more at ease when they're on stage or on camera, Zimbardo says.


  • 研究奥克兰大学的麦吉•莱弗博士马修·教授共同开展的。

    The study at Auckland University was undertaken by Dr Maggie Kalev and Professor Matthew During.


  • 此外布罗迪还告诉陪审团,2009年大脑扫描,说明不了当年杀死吉奈恩·尼·里科的大脑是个什么样子

    Moreover, Brodie told the jury, Dugan's brain scan in 2009 says nothing about what his brain was like when he killed Jeanine Nicarico.


  • 至于阿卜枪杀扎菲很满意,他确信是某个人处决扎菲,城内个传言说是一个班加西人枪。

    As for Abdullah, he was sanguine about the shooting. He was sure someone had executed Qaddafi, and the rumor around town was that a Benghazian had pulled the trigger.


  • 新一年里,我们要撇清关于交易梅罗·安东尼传言全神贯注于如何将主教练汤姆锡伯防守准则一一运用到场上

    We swear off any more rumor and innuendo about staying alive in the Carmelo Anthony sweepstakes and just concentrate on getting Tom Thibodeau's defensive principles down pat.


  • 克罗地亚佩列沙茨半岛塞恩特葡萄园陡峭斜坡上当地葡萄酒生产者布拉夫•塞尔·科维克说道葡萄酒永远在这里驻足了。

    Standing on the steep slopes of the Saints Hills vineyard on the Peljesac peninsula in Croatia, Dubravka Serkovic, a local producer, says wine has been made here "for ever".


  • 克罗地亚佩列沙茨半岛塞恩特葡萄园陡峭斜坡上当地葡萄酒生产者布拉夫•塞尔·科维克说道葡萄酒永远在这里驻足了。

    Standing on the steep slopes of the Saints Hills vineyard on the Peljesac peninsula in Croatia, Dubravka Serkovic, a local producer, says wine has been made here "for ever".


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