• 所以人们贝利梅斯死与卡拉丁、麦克马洪、福塞杰克逊相提并论

    So this week folks are mentioning Billy Mays in the same breath as Carradine, McMahon, Fawcett and Jackson.


  • 欧盟扩大专员凡•富乐卡拉时,达武卢先生的声明出台了

    His statement came as the EU's enlargement commissioner, Stefan Fule, was in Ankara.


  • 文集开头概要部分世界银行负责编辑此书的英德米·吉尔黄育川霍米·卡拉思指出,短文贯串四个主题

    In an overview chapter at the beginning of the collection, editors Indermit Gill, Yukon Huang and Homi Kharas of the World Bank suggest that four themes permeate the essays.


  • 萨姆维奇(卡拉):必须上车相信

    Sam 'Spike' Witwicky: [to Mikaela] You have to get in the car. Trust me!


  • 帕尔顿公司经理莫斯在接受记者采访时称,公司共生产了一万个“卡拉购物袋其中大多数都是产品附赠。

    Pardon boss Mertes told reporters his company had manufactured 10,000 'Carla' bags and that most of them were gifts to clients who bought other products.


  • 什内尔一家同时占有Hotesur98%股份,公司的主要财产卡拉---另外一家该镇高档宾馆

    The Kirchners also own 98% of Hotesur, a company whose main asset is Alto Calafate, another luxury hotel in the town.


  • 这座正式名称叫‘迈克•奥卡拉·帕·尔曼纪念大桥’,经过12规划5施工之后,现在它的美丽身姿终于浮现在世人眼前。

    Twelve years in planning and five years under construction, the development - known officially as the 'Mike o 'callaghan-pat Tillman Memorial Bridge' - is finally taking shape.


  • 卡拉·卡拉浴场尚可穿泳衣尴尬来到浴池则不准穿衣因此你能否在此浸浴则要胆量勇气了!

    In Carla Carla bathing within you still wear swimsuit avoid embarrassing, but came to Frederick baths are no dressing, so you can be in the bath, depends on your courage with courage!


  • 所能地帮助他们杰拉德卡拉库伊一样——我们在这里帮助这些年轻小伙子努力以身作则

    I try my best to help them just like Stevie, Carra or Dirk do - we're all here to help the young lads and to try and lead by example.


  • 团结提出这项命令卡拉拉瓦,计划未能执行

    It was at one time proposed to unite this order with that of Calatrava, but the scheme failed of execution.


  • 这座瑞士建筑师圣地亚哥·卡拉拉瓦·瓦尔设计建造观景平台,而且还1820多用途楼层,同时有时装商店以及酒店

    Designed by Swiss architect Santiago Calatrava Valls, the tower will have observation decks, in addition to 18 to 20 mixed-use floors that will host restaurants and a boutique hotel, Alabbar said.


  • 如果法院不能证明克罗地亚存在共同犯罪”,又如何证明在对位波斯尼亚塞尔维亚领导人,拉科·拉迪奇拉多万·卡拉季奇审判中存在这样的“共同犯罪”呢?

    If the court could not prove a "joint criminal enterprise" in Croatia, how can it prove that one existed in the cases of the two Bosnian Serb leaders on trial, Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic?


  • 实际上卡拉班克斯目前准备更好参加比赛因为场上责任没有艾班克斯的外线防守那么重。

    In fact Caracter may be better prepared to play than Ebanks at this point because his responsibilities in the paint would not be as great as Ebanks' defensive responsibilities on the perimeter.


  • 命令的夸伦人手下阿纳金关进蒙卡拉电鳗笼里。

    He orders his Quarren lackeys to place Anakin and Kit inside a cage of electrified Mon Cala eels.


  • 以及父辈许多利物浦球迷心中的英雄伊恩-卡拉-麦德的足迹。

    Then further back players like Ian Callaghan and Terry McDermott who were heroes to my dad and so many other Liverpool fans.


  • 卡拉拉瓦建筑诗学主体结构包括:建筑泛神论自然主义结构

    The poetics of architecture in calatrava ' s mind contains : pantheism of architecture, naturalism, and poesy in structure.


  • 当地书店可能并不销售德·唯一的小说集《你一生故事》,一般的赛博朋克爱好者《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》之类的粉丝可能并不知道

    Your local bookstore probably doesn't carry Chiang's only story collection, Stories of Your Life and Others, and the average fan of cyberpunk or Battlestar Galactica likely has no clue who he is.


  • 鲁伊·科斯塔安布罗西尼作了100卡拉巴勒·斯一起专注技术训练随后他们协助因扎吉进行了头球训练。

    Rui Costa and Ambrosini ran 100 metre sprints, Kaladze focused on technique with Balestra and they then ran some drills to help Inzaghi's headers.


  • 卡拉新泽西州布里奇服装公司行政管理人员,他患上的是非小细胞肺癌,是肺癌中常见的一

    Cara, an apparel industry executive from Bridgewater, New Jersey, had non-small-cell lung cancer, the most common form of the disease.


  • 圣地亚哥·卡拉拉瓦建筑师结构工程师雕塑家于一身大家。

    Santiago Calatrava is a great master of architect, structural engineer and sculptor.


  • 所有有关情况贝尼继承的投诉,霍奇森接手一个包含雷纳卡拉马斯切拉诺,史蒂芬·杰拉德托雷斯队

    For all his complaints about the situation he inherited from Rafael benitez, Hodgson took over a squad containing Pepe Reina, Jamie Carragher, Javier Mascherano, Steven Gerrard, Dirk Kuyt and Torres.


  • 卡拉·克同样可以精妙的步法服务湖人而且他宽大身躯可以占有利的抢板位置

    Caracter could also help the Lakers with his polished footwork in the post, and his wide body that sometimes dwarfs the opposition for rebounding position.


  • 赫曼•卡卡拉(Hermant Kerkare),防恐警察小组长官,同时也是全国知名度最高的警官之一独自领导这次行动,不幸遇难

    Hermant Kerkare, the head of the police anti-terrorist squad and one of the most high-profile officers in the country, who was personally leading the operation, was one of the victims.


  • 圣地亚哥·卡拉拉瓦当今将技术建筑艺术完美结合大师之一,早期作品厄斯廷工厂方整的体量中表达了丰富的效果。

    Santiago calatrava is few of those who can be called universal for they had joined the technology and the architecture in their design.


  • 肯定知道,塔大部分国家依靠卡拉谷物种植和其他食物产品

    As you're doubtlessly aware, Tarant and much of the unified Kingdom is dependent upon Caladonian farming for grain and other food products.


  • 都柏林,卡拉格鲁吉亚面对拉帕·托尼爱尔兰,他们都在第8小组意大利在这个小组。

    In Dublin at 8.45pm, Kaladze's Georgia will face Giovanni Trapattoni's Ireland, valid for the World Cup qualifiers. Ireland and Georgia will meet in Group 8, the same one of the Azzurri.


  • 都柏林,卡拉格鲁吉亚面对拉帕·托尼爱尔兰,他们都在第8小组意大利在这个小组。

    In Dublin at 8.45pm, Kaladze's Georgia will face Giovanni Trapattoni's Ireland, valid for the World Cup qualifiers. Ireland and Georgia will meet in Group 8, the same one of the Azzurri.


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