• 2010年,女性所有国内250创票房最高纪录电影导演执行制片人、制片人、编剧摄像剪辑16%。

    In 2010, women comprised 16 percent of all directors, executive producers, producers, writers, cinematographers, and editors working on the top 250 domestic grossing films.


  • 2006年,30品牌通过GDSCRS预订量CRS预订量的31.3%,2009年一季度,GDS的比例下降24.8%。

    Back in 2006, GDS CRS reservations constituted 31.3% of total CRS bookings for the top 30 brands. GDS share has decreased to 24.8% in Q1 2009.


  • 万豪(MAR财富500)联袂酒店业者伊恩施拉格推出全新时尚连锁酒店品牌EDITION——直接瞄准当前喜达屋酒店集团旗下W酒店主要地位细分市场

    Marriott (MAR, Fortune 500) has linked with hot hotelier Ian Schrager to launch a new chain called EDITION hotels -- aiming squarely at the segment currently dominated by W Hotels owned by Starwood.


  • 即使扣除经济周期效果布什所继承1%盈余在2008变成GDP2%赤字

    Even if you strip out the cyclical economic effects, the 1% surplus he inherited had become a deficit of more than 2% of GDP last year.


  • 2009年,财富500企业削减了82.1万个工作岗位,是财富500企业历史上最大裁员,500企业员工总数3.2%。

    In 2009, the Fortune 500 shed 821,000 jobs, the biggest loss in its historyalmost 3.2% of its payroll.


  • 处理器方面Intel产品500中的绝大部分,Top500超级计算机中使用Intel处理器的产品了80%。

    In terms of processors in use, Intel still enjoys the lion's share, with 80 percent.


  • 许多工作场所实行过时的政策,原因之一就是妇女财富500公司首席行政官3%。

    And one reason many workplaces still have outdated policies is because women only account for 3 percent of the CEOs at Fortune 500 companies.


  • 1995年第一份《财富世界500排行榜上,日本企业主导地位上榜数量达149家,总收入所有上榜企业37%。

    That first Fortune Global 500 ranking in 1995 was dominated by Japanese companies, which numbered 149 on the list, and together represented some 37% of total revenues of all companies on the list.


  • 之后会出现核力主导作用的短效应,进而,原子聚合成为氦

    This allows a short-range phenomenon called the strong nuclear force to take over and causes the nuclei to merge and form helium.


  • 国内开展防风防尘技术研究主要结合一些工程可行性研究需要技术验证工作

    China windbreak strong dustproof technology research, mainly is to combine some of the project feasibility study of technological verification work need.


  • 结果40前列腺患者前列腺癌组织雄激素受体表达阴性10例,阳性30例,分别为25%75%,其中阳性5例,12.5%。

    Results: Androgen receptors of 10 prostate carcinoma patients expressed negative in 40 patients, 30 positive, 25% and 75% respectively, which 5 strongly positive, accounting for 12.5%.


  • 上市中国公司,大多数由国家控制,部分进入世界最大行列,全球股市总值十分之一,但多数国内业务为主

    Listed Chinese firms, which are largely state-controlled, are already some of the world's biggest, and account for over a tenth of global stockmarket value. Most are still mainly domestic outfits.


  • 一旦遭遇5 ~6地震,倒塌或严重破坏房屋40%左右。

    If a moderate earthquake of m S5 ~ 6 occur, 40 per cent of the cottages are severely destroyed.


  • 品种高产、米质优、抗性、后期转色好、抗倒性2002~2003福建省区中,平均对照种佳禾早增产2.86%。

    In the regional test of Fujian in 2002-2003, the average yield in two years was 2.86% higher than that of Jiahezhaozhan.


  • 德勤研究美国女性财富500公司董事会的15.7%,相比之下,德国女性只财富榜600公司董事会8.2%。

    S. , women make up 15.7 percent of Fortune 500 company boards, according to a Deloitte study, compared with 8.2 percent of a sample of 600 listed companies in Germany.


  • 近几年重机市场集中度很高,柴、玉柴、锡东风康明斯重汽重机市场有率之和整个重机市场85%以上。

    Recently, market intensity of heavy engine is remarkable, since the market share for Weichai, Yuchai, Xichai, Dongfeng Cummins and Sinotruk account for more than 85%.


  • 宽度深度随的增大而增大,产生细沟侵蚀量迅速增大,最大侵蚀量的91%。

    Rill width and depth become bigger with rainfall intensity, erosion amount promptly enhances after rill appears, accounts for 91%.


  • 同时英国金融时报公布的2008年全球市值500企业排行榜(FTGlobal 500),全球企业排名第140位。

    Meanwhile, the British "Financial Times" published in 2008 global market value of 500 rating (FT global 500), ranking in the global business occupies 140.


  • 我市玻璃纤维出口名列全国全国同类产品出口量16%,仅次于浙江山东

    The city of glass fiber exports have ranked the top three nationwide, and similar products accounting for 16 percent of exports, second only to Zhejiang, Shandong.


  • 病人医生服务态度好的评价标准依次耐心倾听病人诉说6 1 6 % ,责任心、看病认真30 6 % ,对病人热情、主动7 8%。

    A criteria of patientssatisfactory degree on the optional service attitudes of doctors in order were that listening attentively to patient (61 6%), responsibility (30 6%), enthusiasm (7 8%).


  • 目前为止已有2458家客户财富500”中三分之一以上的企业。

    Up to now, we have 2458 clients and 30% are "FORTUNE 500".


  • 目前为止已有2458家客户财富500”中三分之一以上的企业。

    Up to now, we have 2458 clients and 30% are "FORTUNE 500".


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