• 未来30内打算增加消费人群中,56%的说购买节日礼物节日支出大头。

    Duringthe next 30 days, among consumers who expect to spend more, 56 percentsay they will be spending the most on holiday gifts.


  • 第二似乎找到答案火车诺维20英里到达格贝尔采,景色变了

    I got a partial answer the next day when, after I'd taken a train 20 miles south from Nove Zamky to Gbelce, the landscape changed.


  • 未来30打算增加消费人群中,56%的购买节日礼物节日支出大头。

    During the next 30 days, among consumers who expect to spend more, 56 percent say they will be spending the most on holiday gifts.


  • 据报出口产品30%巴西刚孵出一小鸡价格(潜在产量变化早期指标)下降了50%。

    In Brazil, where 30 percent of products are exported, the price of a day-old chick, an early indicator of a possible change in production, reportedly fell by 50 percent.


  • 摄入食物总量中富含水分的食物要80%,坚持10,关注你身体的变化。

    Eat 80 per cent water-rich food. Try it for the next 10 days.


  • 监测最初化合物32%,25%。

    Acids made up 32% of the compounds detected in the first two days, but dropped to 25% after the third day.


  • 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)称,1993年至2008年期间,成立90之内企业美国总雇佣人数的14%。

    Businesses in their first 90 days of life accounted for 14% of hiring in the U.S. between 1993 and 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


  • 工作制工作效率有效工作时间时间百分之七十,每周浪费2.4个小时

    The low working efficiency of the current 5-day workweek. The efficient working hours only take 70 percent of the total time.


  • 第一沙特承诺增加产量20万/b/d),大约全球每消费量8700万桶的0.2%。

    Saudi Arabia has only offered to boost its output by 200,000 barrels a day (b/d), about 0.2% of the world’s current consumption of 87m b/d.


  • 第一沙特承诺增加产量20万/b/d),大约全球每消费量8700万桶的0.2%。

    Saudi Arabia has only offered to boost its output by 200, 000 barrels a day (b/d), about 0.2% of the world’s current consumption of 87m b/d.


  • 每逢星期家长们往往孩子参观金门公园很大面积美丽日本茶场,观赏茶场里那些稀奇古怪树木

    On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge spaces of Golden Gate Park.


  • 氨基酸总量53%;谷氨酸氨酸、丙氨酸亮氨酸等含量很高

    The contents of flavor development amino acids like Glutamic acid, Aspartic acid, Alanine , Leucine , Proline, Serine and Methionine reach 53% of the total amino acid.


  • 田表表土125I活度时间下降第60田表水中125I活度下降到只引入量的019%;

    The specific activity of 125I in paddy water and topsoil decreased with time. On the 60th day, the specific activity of 125I in paddy water reduced to 019% of the initial.


  • 鉴于影片制作流程镜头花费进行编辑之后,组镜头在整个影片1520分钟左右。

    Because of the lengthy process of film making, each scene takes 4 full days to film. After editing, this scene will only be a 15 to 20 minute segment of the whole video.


  • 中国建造座仓库需要37道审批程序耗时336花费人均国民总收入的579.23%。

    It requires 37 procedures, takes 336 days, and costs 579.23 % GNI per capita to build just a warehouse in China.


  • 美国劳工统计局(Bureauof LaborStatistics)称,1993年至2008年期间,成立90之内企业美国雇佣人数的14%。

    Businesses in their first 90 days of life accounted for 14% of hiring in the U. s. between 1993 and 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


  • 工作制工作效率有效工作时间时间百分之七十,每周浪费2.4个小时

    The low working efficiency of the current 5-day workweek. The efficient working hours only take 70 percent of the total time. In other words, 2.4 hours are wasted per week.


  • 古木,巨自然风光风流

    Valuable day Bangkok wooden create shades, the great peak skyscraping, the natural scenery occupies loosely;


  • 古木,巨自然风光风流

    Valuable day Bangkok wooden create shades, the great peak skyscraping, the natural scenery occupies loosely;


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