• 这个地区继续国际舞台主导地位

    This region continues to occupy centre stage in world affairs.


  • 创建一个伊斯兰教信念占主导地位的社会。

    He wants to create a society where Islamic principles predominate.


  • 西班牙人名字在这个名单中占主导地位适当的。

    It is appropriate that Hispanic names dominate the list.


  • 然而很多非西方社会一夫一妻制从未占主导地位

    In many non-Western societies, however, monogamy has never dominated.


  • 女子体育运动正在打破障碍进入一些先前由男子占主导地位领域

    Women's sports are breaking down the barriers in previously male-dominated domains.


  • 的和的一样所以无法反驳占主导地位理论

    He hadn't done any more than Young had been able to do, so he couldn't disprove the dominant theory.


  • 使用恭敬语言儒家理想女性象征日本保守性别规范占主导地位

    The use of deferential language is symbolic of the Confucian ideal of the woman, which dominates conservative gender norms in Japan.


  • 如果这个群体面临过度捕猎的问题,那么那些提早达到繁殖成熟个体主导地位

    If the group faces excessive hunting, individuals that reach reproductive maturity earlier will come to predominate.


  • 工具性关系次级群体主导地位我们当作达成目的手段不是目的本身。

    Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right.


  • 以往一样,处理经济问题文章主导地位此时出现了神学文学历史法律著作

    Texts dealing with economic matters predominated, as they always had done; but at this point works of theology, literature, history, and law also appeared.


  • 现在传统艺术占主导地位观点罗马艺术家缺乏创造力技巧,与他们之前希腊艺术家相比更是如此

    Now the dominant view in traditional art is that Roman artists lacked creativity and skill especially compared to the Greek artists who came before them.


  • 目前为止开展过有限研究表明它们那些重视独立甚于合作以及重视和谐甚于对抗人群中尤其占主导地位

    The limited research conducted thus far indicates they're especially dominant among those who value independence over cooperation, and harmony over confrontation.


  • 亚拉那拉提瓦北大年是穆斯林人口占主导地位的地区,他们一直抱怨在这个佛教为主国家受到忽视歧视

    Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation.


  • 可再生能源全球主要能源消耗一小部分化石能源仍然主导地位——煤炭石油30%,天然气25%。

    Renewables account for only a small share of global primary energy consumption, which is still dominated by fossil fuels—30% each for coal and oil, 25% for natural gas.


  • 雨林中,很少透过树叶树枝形成树荫到达地面——或者接近地面——这些高度上,黄色到绿色的波长占主导地位

    Very little light filters through the canopy of leaves and branches in a rain forest to reach ground level—or close to the ground—and at those levels the yellow-to-green wavelengths predominate.


  • 研究推测,对于在学业方面有所准备黑人学生来说,或许拥有白人室友可以帮助他们进行调节适应一所白人占主导地位大学

    The study speculated, having a white roommate helps academically prepared black students adjust to a predominantly white university.


  • 因此占主导地位批判成为艺术史学家们所使用的方法一种专业性学术方法,致力于艺术品所创作时代文化背景下发现艺术品的意义”。

    Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialized academic approach devoted to "discovering the meaning" of art within the cultural context of its time.


  • 克莱数下,扩散占主导地位

    At low Peclet numbers, diffusion dominates.


  • 主导地位出口品肉,出口收入三分之二

    The leading export is the coconut product copra, which accounts for about two-thirds of export revenue.


  • 一直以来在全球工业公司主导地位通用汽车可能面临破产

    And one of the major industrial corporations of the world-of all time [General Motors] could be on the brink.


  • 阿根廷生活中主导地位这个国家世界上伟大骑马者传统

    The horse still plays a vital role in Argentine country life; the nation has one of the world’s great equestrian traditions.


  • 这种学说达尔文以及其后的孟德尔理论占主导地位时,几乎被完全抛弃

    The latter theory was largely abandoned as Darwin's, and later Mendel's, theories took hold.


  • 因为两者都果断的哲学倾向所以其适合计划推理重组准备占主导地位的这些领域

    Of a decidedly philosophical bent, it does best in areas where planning, theorizing, reorganization and preparation play a primary role.


  • 直到最近IBM占主导地位大规模编辑格式一直都是IBMIDDocSGML

    Until recently, the primary large-scale authoring format inside IBM was IBMIDDoc SGML.


  • 项目级别新的方法可能被需要例如打印的、广播文档电子占主导地位模型的变迁。

    At the project level, the new approach may require, for example, migrating from printed, signed off documents to electronically maintained models.


  • 亚洲越来越主导地位世界里北欧不过是一股边缘化的全球力量也许最近专注内部事务的原因

    In a world dominated increasingly by Asia, northern Europe cannot be anything more than a peripheral global power, which may explain its new introversion.


  • 根据最近发布调查表明康师傅中国方便面市场占主导地位这个牌子国家销售额70%。

    According to the survey released recently, Master Kong holds a dominant position in China's instant noodle market, with nearly 70 percent of pot noodles sold in the country by this brand.


  • 根据最近发布调查表明康师傅中国方便面市场占主导地位这个牌子国家销售额70%。

    According to the survey released recently, Master Kong holds a dominant position in China's instant noodle market, with nearly 70 percent of pot noodles sold in the country by this brand.


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