• 2016年,加拿大的英属哥伦比亚大学的菲利克斯·克发现,仅在温哥华,人们每天就会扔掉大约10万双筷子。

    In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.


  • 作为挪威移民美国曾孙洛格1914年爱荷华东北角克列斯科小镇的一个农场长大

    A great grandson of Norwegian immigrants to the United States, Borlaug was born in 1914 and grew up on a small farm in the northeastern corner of Iowa in a town called Cresco.


  • 洛格美国挪威移民曾孙,1914年出华州东北角名为Cresco小镇上的一个农场长大

    A great-grandson of Norwegian immigrants to the United States, Borlaug was born in 1914 and grew up on a small farm in the northeastern corner of Iowa in a town called Cresco.


  • 那个年代,按照惯例,毕业——也是其中之一——会被授予一双香过手套现在,得到一张可以挂到墙上的上等皮纸文书。

    At the time it was customary instead of presenting a sheet of vellum to hang on the wall to present graduates like Borough with a pair of perfumed gloves.


  • 记住作为青少年处于中的这样一个最后阶段听到电话找你就高兴。(依茨)。

    Remember that as a teenager you are ai the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.


  • 这些文章可能哈佛研究精心设计的恶作剧但是措辞简介照片来看似乎不像。

    Note: These tweeters may well be Harvard doctoral candidates playing an elaborate practical joke, but the verbiage and profile photos seem to indicate otherwise.


  • 通过轻敲键盘寻找工作的人不单单只是大学毕业而已,在职人士想通过来寻求更多更好的工作机会

    College graduates aren`t the only ones taking to their keyboards to find a new job. China`s gainfully employed are also using microblogs to seek bigger and better opportunities.


  • 煞费苦心描绘幅图景如此栩栩如只不过反映沉闷乏味的苏联式的冰川一角

    The picture Mr Zubok paints so painstakingly is vivid. Yet it is only a tiny corner of the dreary canvas of Soviet life.


  • 当然想让恩斯教授教训教训斯内普可是的气。

    Of course, he wanted Professor Burns to give Snape a correction, but he also was very mad at her.


  • 撇开这个不说,科尼赛克几乎没有共同点,科尼赛克不到20辆跑车,平均价格超过120万美元,员工只有45人——大约为萨1%。

    That apart, Saab has little in common with a firm that makes fewer than 20 cars a year, at a price of more than $1.2m apiece, and has a workforce of 45about 1% of Saab’s.


  • 但是如果明知考虑、一些考虑的建议对手工作透彻理解的读岁月重复训练考虑你当中收货最多的时光。

    But with the right PhD preparation, some sound advice, and a thorough understanding of the task at hand, your years as a doctoral student can be some of the most rewarding of your life.


  • 除了纸袋之外,王雪一些纸盒丝带,上面都印着各式各样奢侈品商标例如马仕路易·威登香奈儿普拉达以及柏利

    Wang sells paper bags as well as paper boxes and ribbons featuring a wide rage of luxury brands such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada and Burberry.


  • 高婷我们上海办公室实习记录了马拉松当天的盛况觉得她的体验非常有意思,值得拿出来给大家分享。

    One of our youngest employees, Gaoting, who is intern with our shanghai office, wrote about her day via Weibo through the way and I thought her experience was well worth relaying.


  • 当地书店可能并不销售特德·唯一的小说集《你故事》,一般的赛朋克爱好者《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》之类的粉丝可能并不知道

    Your local bookstore probably doesn't carry Chiang's only story collection, Stories of Your Life and Others, and the average fan of cyberpunk or Battlestar Galactica likely has no clue who he is.


  • 据称一位米兰中国人已经照片删除

    He is allegedly a Chinese man living in Milan. The photo has since been removed from his page.


  • 1984年发帕尔毒气事件称做化学工业广岛。

    The Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 can rightly be called the Hiroshima of the chemical industry.


  • 吾先书法结体丑陋,笔画拙,气韵厚重,情调高古,当代书坛上独树一帜。

    Mr Tao Bowu flies his own colours in contemporary calligraphy circles with his rough structure, simple strokes, solid flavor and elegant sentiment.


  • 呢位阿提出嘅问题,喺第1出现咗,网友睇唔晓只能所以好评论

    This gentleman's question, open Bo appeared on day 1, users can not read can only guess, so little comment.


  • 莫韦”(1986年)出现了-华丽,髋关节心脏出血原先黑色,科幻霍科无处恋情-他一个新的法国电影不妥协

    By the time "Mauvais Sang" (1986) appeared - a gorgeous, hip, bleeding heart mash-up of noir, sci-fi and boho romance from left of nowhere - his was the uncompromising face of a new French cinema.


  • 北约飞机轰炸斯洛丹·米洛舍维奇(Slobodan Milosevic)治下塞尔维亚(Serbia)迫其屈服后,8年来塞尔维亚的科索沃(kosovo)一直处于(suspended animation)状态。

    FOR the eight years since NATO aircraft bombed Slobodan Milosevic's Serbia into submission, the Serbian province of Kosovo has been in a state of suspended animation.


  • ,她觉得研究有吸引力而且就业市场还是不景气,所以最有可能还是接着读

    But finding graduate school more appealing and facing a job market that remains weak, she said she would most likely go on to earn her Ph. d.


  • 2006年美国立顿大学上海分校毕业,并获得工商管理本科文凭就职于美国标准纤维有限公司

    I graduated from Benedictine College Shanghai Campus and was granted Bachelor's Degree in Business in 2006. Now I was employed by American Standard Fiber, LLC Shanghai Office.


  • 2006年美国立顿大学上海分校毕业,并获得工商管理本科文凭就职于美国标准纤维有限公司

    I graduated from Benedictine College Shanghai Campus and was granted Bachelor's Degree in Business in 2006. Now I was employed by American Standard Fiber, LLC Shanghai Office.


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