• 尽管已经74高龄,但身体依然健壮,是爱达荷州博伊西市商界老的水管工

    At the age of 74, he is still going strong as the oldest plumber in business in Boise, Idaho.


  • 田纳西州志愿学前教育项目一项皮博迪研究报告称,学前教育是有效的,这种效果不会持续年级。

    A new Peabody study of the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works, but the gains are not sustained through the third grade.


  • 朋友马克·迈克莱伯国防部工作分享封私信。这封私信交给编辑并于上周登在了家乡的《罗纳州博福特公报》上。

    My friend, Mark Mykleby, who works in the Pentagon, Shared with me this personal letter to the editor he got published last week in his hometown paper, the Beaufort Gazette in South Carolina.


  • 激烈战斗发生博尔诺州的首府迈杜古里——教派总部的所在地。

    Fierce fighting took place in Maiduguri, capital of Borno state, where the sect has its headquarters.


  • 博伊威斯康星州劳伦斯大学性别研究教授,她领域的研究表明许许多多的配偶会分手

    Boyd, a professor of gender studies at Lawrence University in Wisconsin, said her work in the field indicates that far more partners split.


  • 乔治亚州共和党议员菲尔·金格雷一月份林博其他评论家只不过是站在背后砖头的人”。

    Georgia Republican Representative Phil Gingrey apologized in January a day after suggesting that Limbaugh and other commentators simply "stand back and throw bricks."


  • 斯特罗布.塔尔博特阿肯色州看望我们讨论了是否寄出封信。

    Strobe Talbott came to Arkansas to visit and we discussed whether I should mail it.


  • 洪博培策略是,如果决定参选最有可能新罕布什尔州开始。

    The strategy for Mr. Huntsman, if he decides to run, would most likely begin in New Hampshire.


  • 犹他州西南部科罗拉多山脉西侧爱达荷州内的博伊西市郊出现类似惊人的增长

    Similarly explosive growth occurred on the outskirts of Boise in Idaho, along Colorado’s front range and in southwest Utah.


  • 黄石公园平原东北。蛇河平原是一个巨大的U弧形由爱达荷州博伊西山脉向外延伸出来的群山西大约400英里(640公里)。

    Yellowstone is at the northeastern end of the Snake River Plain, a great U-shaped arc through the mountains that extends from Boise, Idaho some 400 miles (640 km) to the west.


  • 依阿华州博格市的企业主,以及皮斯塔的农场主农场工人们坐下交谈。

    I sat down with small business owners in Gutenberg, Iowa; and ranchers and farmers in Peosta.


  • 195名志愿者参与了伊凡斯斯坎博格博士实验,他们也是伊凡斯纽约州展开长期社会医药研究的成员。

    Dr Evans's and Dr Schamberg's volunteers were 195 participants in a long-term sociological and medical study that Dr Evans is carrying out in New York state.


  • 某些角度来说一定是愿意参加竞选的,”犹他州参议员罗伯特·班纳特。 这位参议员认识茨曼家族(洪博培的家族)很多年却一直支持罗姆尼。

    He clearly would like to run at some point,” said former Senator Robert Bennett of Utah, who has known the Huntsman family for years but is supporting Mr. Romney.


  • 科海姆,即“西方教化邪恶”之源自尼日利亚东北部布诺州首府迈都纳瑞。

    Boko Haram, meaningWestern education is sinful”, originates in Maiduguri, capital of the north-eastern state of Borno.


  • 上周,住在田纳西州莱特吉恩·克拉尼夫妇孙子他们屋外燃烧桶里点火,从而引起了一场火灾

    Last week, Paulette and Gene Cranick's grandson started a fire in a burn barrel outside the couple's Tennessee home.


  • 年前巴拉克·奥巴马选取了犹他州州长约翰洪博培作为美国驻华大使

    TWO years ago Barack Obama picked Jon Huntsman, the governor of Utah, to serve as America's ambassador to China.


  • 他们来自德克萨斯州特,两人的父亲都是非美国传教士。他们从小同一个社区长大,交往了几年之后走入婚姻的殿堂。

    They were both children of African-American ministers in Beaumont, Texas, who grew up in the same neighborhood and had gone together for years before they married.


  • 康涅狄格州,韦斯特·波特的莱博瑞姆太太丈夫迈克尔拒绝就此发表评论

    Mrs. Lieberbaum, who lives in Westport, Conn., with her husband, Michael, declined to comment.


  • 由于巴马看似不可战胜,诸如印第安纳州州长米奇·丹尼尔斯密西西比州州长巴博,新泽西州州长克里斯蒂德克萨斯州州长克·派瑞这些颇追捧的州长并未参加提名选举

    Popular governors such as Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Perry of Texas chose not to run when Mr Obama looked unbeatable.


  • 斯丹博,个很坦率同性恋者,没有并补充俄勒冈州结婚不合法因为他“将会选择位男同性恋结婚。”

    Stambaugh, openly gay, said that he was not, adding that it would be illegal for him to be married in the state of Oregon because he “would choose to marry another guy.”


  • 顶着亚利桑那亚州图森附近酷热,博格斯一直监测着一块沙漠带,科学家进行了持续80测量拍摄

    Out in the stark sun near Tucson, Arizona, he has been monitoring a desert plot that several generations of scientists have continuously measured and photographed for 80 years;


  • 哈博先生离开可能会使印第安纳州州长MitchDaniels,加速竞选进程。

    Mr Barbour’s departure may make Mitch Daniels, Indiana’s governor, more likely to run.


  • 工作主要弗吉尼亚州McLean毕博公司工厂进行预计在2013年9月完成

    The work, which will be performed primarily at the company’s facilities in McLean, is expected to be completed in September 2013.


  • 1954年8月31日巨浪席卷了新泽西州艾斯博公园的沿岸沙滩猛烈撞击着岸边木板人行道,年轻人们惊恐地逃离岸边破碎的护栏

    High waves roll in over the beach and crash against the boardwalk at Asbury Park, New Jersey on August 31, 1954, driving these youngsters away from the rail.


  • 上周科罗拉多州阿斯彭市举办财富科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune ' s Brainstorm Tech conference)上,卡森·博格和与会者坦诚地分享见解

    Katzenberg appeared at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference last week in Aspen, Colo., where he offered the attendees some frank insight. Here's an edited portion of his comments.


  • 上周科罗拉多州阿斯彭市举办财富科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune ' s Brainstorm Tech conference)上,卡森·博格和与会者坦诚地分享见解

    Katzenberg appeared at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference last week in Aspen, Colo., where he offered the attendees some frank insight. Here's an edited portion of his comments.


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