• 6显示了博客页面使用元素

    Figure 6 shows the components used in the Blog page.


  • 博客页面创建参与博客入口

    The blogs page is your entry point to creating and participating in blogs.


  • 这种情况下博客显示浏览博客页面以及博客页面中。

    In this case, the blog will display on the Browse Blogs page as well as on your My Blogs page.


  • 通过博客页面显示内容进行分类可以定制信息呈现方式

    You can also customize the way information is presented by sorting the display on the Blogs page.


  • 不会显示浏览博客页面中,但是出现博客页面中。

    It will not display on the Browse Blogs page, but it will appear on your My Blogs page.


  • 点击一下餐,就能把观者带到菜式个人美食博客页面上,展示道菜详细做法。

    Clicking on a dish directs readers to the web page of an individual food blogger with the recipe's full details.


  • 这类站点通常会他们帮助建立博客页面放置广告他们盈利的途径。

    He said such sites generally put ads on the blogs that they help create, which is how they make money.


  • 国内博客搜索引擎只是传统搜索引擎技术应用于博客页面之上查询效率低下

    However, the domestic blog search engines only apply the traditional search engine to the blog searches, which results in low efficiency of query.


  • Sohublog搜狐博客门户网站搜狐提供的博客服务允许用户不同小插件添加他们博客页面中。

    Sohu blog: blog service by Sohu, a popular Internet portal site, just upgrade to allow users to add various widgets into their blogs.


  • 博客页面中,如图20所示可以浏览博客、阅读最新博客条目看看其他人正在查看推荐的内容,申请自己的博客

    From the blogs page, shown in Figure 20, you can browse for blogs, read recent entries, see what others are viewing or recommending, and request your own blog.


  • 可以几个月来掌握搜索引擎优化技术尝试不同博客页面主题,或者Twitter上建立人际网络你可能只是在浪费时间

    You could spend months mastering SEO, tweaking your blog theme and building up your network on Twitterbut you could be wasting your time.


  • 因此如何设计研发能够准确抓取博客页面,较大程度上覆盖博客资源,更新及时的博客搜索引擎成为目前搜索引擎研究领域热点挑战

    So how to design a type of search engine that can crawl blog pages accurately, cover blog resourses entirely is becoming the hot topic and the challenge in the search engine studying area.


  • 博客页面构造通过memcached加载各个组件(比如blogpostcategorylistposthistory)完成HTML客户机实现

    Construction of the blog page can then be achieved by loading the components (blog posts, category list, post history, etc.) from memcached and writing the completed HTML back to the client.


  • 可以页面群组编辑博客所有设置但是不能编辑成员关系

    You can edit all Settings for the blog, except for membership from that page, as well as from the group.


  • 博客建立起来其他找到博客列出你地址并且维护页面使得你的名字信息保持在搜索结果的前端。

    Once your blog is up and running, address the points you found on other blogs and maintain pages that get your name and message up on top of the search results.


  • 或者如果希望突出显示鼓励使用群组博客可以放到概览页面突出位置。

    Or if you want to highlight and encourage the use of the group blog, you can place it high on the overview page.


  • 下面一个页面添加博客组合应用程序例子

    What follows is an example of how to add a page to the Blog composite application.


  • 移除不需要的插件:无用的插件会使博客,因为它们增加页面受访问时加载的不必要、不可代码

    Remove unused plugins: They slow down your blog by adding unnecessary, unused code that still has to load every time somebody accesses your page.


  • 1可以看到一个博客站点缓存页面分区。

    You can see in Figure 1 some of the page fragments within a blog that could be cached.


  • 如果开了博客赚钱,你八成会在页面上挂上广告。

    If you have a blog and want to make money, you probably have ads on your site.


  • 比如可以博客收藏夹快捷方式页面顶部标题上。

    This means, for example, that you can drag a shortcut to your favorite blogs to Streamy's title bar at the top of the page.


  • 这个页面显示当前用户博客条目应该博客主页中访问它

    This new page displays the log entries of the current user, and it should be accessed from the Blog main page.


  • 显然执行一次搜索之后页面看上去好多了。视频博客搜索结果使页面更加美观。

    Obviously, the page looks a whole lot better once you do a search; the video, blogs, and search results give the page a nicer look.


  • 日本博客Facebook粉丝页面以及电视到处可见这样虎牙笑脸。 大家普遍认为,在一张可爱的脸孔上加上一点点恰到好处的瑕疵,会增添女性魅力。

    The look - frothed about on blogs, Facebook fan pages and on Japanese TV - is seen as adding a well-calculated dash of imperfection to a pretty face, adding to a woman's desirability.


  • Wiki页面博客文章公告项目任务联系人信息作为Web内容存储

    Wiki pages, blog posts, announcements, project tasks, and contacts are each stored as Web content.


  • 因此,很容易下载文件减少Web服务器负载不是用户查看整个博客帖子页面提供通常很分散所有信息。

    Thus, you can easily download the files and reduce the load on the Web servers rather than supply all of the information normally distributed when the user views a full page of blog posts.


  • 许多精神病医生博客Facebook页面一个聊天室。这些患者可以找到有时会是匿名的。

    Many psychiatrists have blogs, Facebook pages, and a chat-room presence that patients could uncover, sometimes anonymously.


  • 1 给出一个取自SamRubyIntertwingly博客页面示例,其中文章、一条已经发表的评论用来发表评论表单

    Figure 1 is an example of a weblog page with an entry, one posted comment, and the form for posting further comments, taken from Sam Ruby's "Intertwingly" weblog.


  • 1 给出一个取自SamRubyIntertwingly博客页面示例,其中文章、一条已经发表的评论用来发表评论表单

    Figure 1 is an example of a weblog page with an entry, one posted comment, and the form for posting further comments, taken from Sam Ruby's "Intertwingly" weblog.


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