• 最终承认的。

    Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right.


  • 如果GQ》杂志的排行榜还不够说服力的话,那么《亚特兰大月刊》(The Atlantic)今年11月刊将列入27位勇敢思想家”榜单。 (榜单内还包括巴马联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)董事长希拉•拜尔(Sheila Bair)人。)

    If GQ isn't enough for him, The Atlantic's November issue includes Bernanke on its list of 27 'Brave Thinkers' (alongside Barack Obama and Sheila Bair, among others).


  • 国内批评者予以还击说,如果美联储采取行动失业率可能继续上升,而通胀率并且还有可能进一步下降。

    Mr. Bernanke also makes his case against domestic critics, arguing that unemployment could keep rising without action by the Fed and that inflation was too low and could fall further.


  • 同时补充说:“通胀前景高度不确定。”似乎淡化通货膨胀风险相对其它所面临的挑战——经济全球信贷市场

    And while he added that the "inflation outlook remains highly uncertain," Bernanke appeared to downplay inflation risks relative to other challenges facing the economy and global credit markets.


  • 批评者美联储行动可能造成通胀率飙升,但决心通胀率保持2%左右。

    Though critics say inflation could soar because of the Fed's actions, Mr. Bernanke says he is committed to keeping inflation at around 2%.


  • 尽管需要时间但是克是可以事情简单许多如果能担起目前这场风暴责任利率调升25个基点

    That'll take time, but Bernanke could make things a lot easier if he accepted some responsibility for the current turmoil and raised rates by 25 basis points.


  • 由于持续存在抵押贷款问题房地产市场仍然处于疲软中。

    Bernanke said the housing market is continuing to weaken as problems persist with mortgage lending.


  • 博士最近几个星期皇家海军正好也苏格兰西北伊斯特附近,后来他们离开了。

    Dr Berrow said the Royal Navy had been in the area off the island of South Uist, North West Scotland, in recent weeks, but had moved away.


  • 可能不是平衡两个角色理想人选因为以往在察觉泡沫方面成绩不佳而且强烈反对美联储清除泡沫的举措

    Mr. Bernanke likely isn't the ideal person to balance these two roles, since he has a poor track record of spotting bubbles and has argued vigorously against the Fed popping them.


  • 当然,米金意识到了2007年金融危机可能性肯定也是如此。

    Mr Mishkin recognised the potential for a financial crisis in 2007, of course. Mr Bernanke certainly did as well.


  • 如果认真看看身边现在好莱坞很难遇上谁胡子的:扎克。埃夫,种。哈姆。奥乔治·克鲁尼最近都爱蓄须。

    But if you really look around, it's hard to go anywhere in Hollywood now without bumping into a beard: Zac Efron, Jon Hamm, Conan o 'brien, and George Clooney have all recently sported them.


  • 克之所以不断发誓维持物价稳定就是要避免人们的通货膨胀预期失控

    Mr. Bernanke's repeated vows to maintain price stability are aimed at keeping those expectations under control.


  • 大家都忽略了一点:首先必须明确的建立宽松货币环境克可是帮凶之一,同罪魁祸首一起为这场金融风暴煽风点火

    It ignores the fact that Mr Bernanke was complicit in creating the loose monetary conditions which fuelled the financial frenzy in the first place.


  • 提供了一个详细最强烈关于美联储作用公开辩护:即挽救尔斯登(Bear Stearns)投行三月破产

    Bernanke offered one of the most detailed and strongest public defenses of the Fed's role in preventing a bankruptcy at Bear Stearns in March.


  • 上个月与其同事将一项关键贷款利率持续保持在接近零点的水平,并且承诺会继续保持“更长的时间”。

    Bernanke and his colleagues last month held a key bank lending rate at an all-time low near zero and pledged to hold it there for an "extended period."


  • 3第1个期间地处该国另外3,即布拉、努埃河流州,也发现了该病毒

    During the first week of March, the virus was detected in three additional states, Anambra, Benue, and Rivers, located in the southern part of the country.


  • 保罗解释道,“圣诞节一习俗是维多利亚时期受到阿尔亲王德国传统鲍姆圣诞树双重影响所普遍开来的。

    Christmas really took off for the Victorians because of the influence of Prince Albert and the German tradition of the Tannenbaum Christmas tree。


  • 来自康涅狄格州参议员多德(Christopher Dodd)若被再次任命,金融市场发出正确信号掌舵美联储期间工作得“非常不错”。

    Sen. Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.) said that Mr. Bernanke's reappointment would send the right message to financial markets and that he had done a 'very good job' at the helm of the central bank.


  • 费尔多·托雷斯倍感焦虑尼特斯身边走过

    Fernando Torres walks off past a concerned Rafael benitez.


  • 这些数据表明劳动力供应过剩情况单纯的失业率数字揭示还要大。目前的失业率是10.2%。

    'These data suggest that the excess supply of labor is even greater than indicated by the unemployment rate alone,' Mr. Bernanke said. The unemployment rate is now 10.2%.


  • 利物浦最近几周很多前锋联系尼特斯想费尔多·托雷斯在锋线寻找支援

    Liverpool have been linked with a host of strikers in recent weeks as Benitez looks to provide support for Fernando Torres.


  • 利物浦最近几周很多前锋联系尼特斯想费尔多·托雷斯在锋线寻找支援

    Liverpool have been linked with a host of strikers in recent weeks as Benitez looks to provide support for Fernando Torres.


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