• 办公室套间位于立面流通社交空间之间

    The faculty office suites are located along the south facade with circulation and social Spaces between.


  • 遮阳设备同样被应用主楼特别是立面

    Solar shades are similarly used especially on the southern facade of the main building.


  • 立面立面墙壁覆盖可回收栅栏

    At each of the south and north elevations, the walls are clad in reclaimed snow fencing planks.


  • 沿立面外廊设有预制的水泥栏杆常见于周边住宅楼

    Along the south facade there were exterior corridors featuring pre-fabricated cement handrails, which is also used on neighboring residential buildings.


  • 南立面金属水平方向是密集玻璃北面暴露玻璃

    The south-facing elevation is clad in metal panels and horizontal glass fins with a dense frit, while the north side features exposed glazing.


  • 用来砌筑立面块石头由于连年潮湿不得不重新抹灰进行修复

    Part of the south facade formed with very small stones has had to repair due to continuous moisture, so we propose a mortar render.


  • 一楼厨房洗衣厨房客厅餐厅房间蔓延至整个立面

    On the ground floor is the kitchen, laundry room and pantry, and the large living and dining room that stretch over the entire south facade.


  • 沿着立面中庭连接公共区域一楼教室有着特殊椅子办公室

    The atrium along the south façade connects the common areas and ground floor classrooms with the offices of the particular chairs on the upper floors.


  • 完成立面基础砼垫层施工;完成立面洞石草坪贴。

    Completion of East and South facades hole stone base Fm construction; completion of the northern and Eastern facades hole stone and brick paving the lawn.


  • 建筑立面650块太阳能面板覆盖,提供了整个学校75%能源需求

    The south facade is clad with 650 solar panels that shade the building and provides 75% of the energy needs for the school.


  • 立面层次丰富,体量较小包含基座公共空间,休息室候诊

    The more layered and scaled down south facade contains the public elements of the base, such as lounges and waiting areas.


  • 立面部分砌筑围墙以及立面末端拆除,转而由花岗岩进行加固覆盖。

    The masonry enclosure continuing the south facade was partially demolished as well as the end of the north facade; both had been stabilized and capped with granite masonry.


  • 立面地板天花板采用全玻璃夏天依靠连续挑檐周围森林树冠遮荫

    The southern façade, with floor to ceiling glazing relies on a continuous overhang and the surrounding forest canopy for shading in summer time.


  • 立面朝向湖面地板天花板都通高玻璃材料,环抱住宅屋顶形式

    The southern facade opens towards the lake, and is glazed from floor to ceiling, embracing the form of the home's steep gabled roof.


  • 立面将矩形基座曲线形塔楼体量相互交融,与入口通道的环境形成了呼应

    The south elevation weaves the rectilinear and curvilinear geometry of base and bed tower together to scale the building down to relate to the environment of the entry boulevard.


  • 建筑立面大面积窗户减少建筑能耗、节约能源、改善大气质量具有重要意义。

    The southern single glass window with large area of the building is greatly meaningful for energy reduction in building, energy saving, and environmental improvement.


  • 室内光线空气流通天花板玻璃幕墙大型滑动沿着整个立面形成。

    The interior sense of light and airiness is created by the high ceilings and the big glass façade with large sliding doors along the entire South façade.


  • 立面混凝土锯齿形带状玻璃围成消防楼梯其他立面直线型外观

    The south elevation is faced with brick, concrete and a zigzagging band of glass that houses a fire stair. The other facades have a more rectilinear appearance.


  • 建筑单元组成通过原有工厂立面塑造,与公寓邻近并且面向其原有窗户

    The units comprised in the a building are shaped by the former factory's north-facing facade, which the apartments adjoin and whose original Windows they respect.


  • 立面一部分以自然石膏特色,它当地泥土沙子制成,立面一个网格结构

    A portion of the northern facade features natural plaster made of local dirt and sand, while the southern elevation has a trellis structure.


  • 六个新的窗户提高立面其他由暴露混凝土砌块组成元素如(楼梯…)交叉通风

    Six new Windows improves the cross ventilation with the south facade, and other elements (stairwell, brick up...) of exposed concrete block.


  • 设计策略立面后方每块空间提供一个适当的布局模块保障充足的采光存储要求

    The design strategy was to provide each space behind the south facade with a proper brick arrangement module to support enough daylighting and storage requirements.


  • 立面外界隔绝,建筑师设计了一窗户可开启走廊进行交叉通风。建筑内没有空调系统

    The south facade is isolated from the outside, and a corridor of operable windows is created to generate cross ventilation. There are no air conditioning systems.


  • 为了保留原始结构我们安装了一些以此减少循环空间并且房子温暖阳光立面

    Thus preserving the original structure, we have made new doors, we dwindled circulation Spaces and opened the house to the warm light of its south facade.


  • 上图一个四分之一ZED立面视图使用ZED的标准盒子户型(这里展示了单元户型01&03) 。

    Above A view of the south elevation of a ZED quarter, which uses ZED in a Box standard house types (unit type 01& 03 shown here).


  • 窗户设置建筑立面,因为面的屋檐夏天时候能遮挡强烈阳光,而冬天的时候能接受阳光照射。

    The window is based on the south side where the eaves shut off the intense sunlight in summer while receives it in winter.


  • 长长的立面必须应对较高太阳负荷,而立面又面临来自A 10号高速公路空气污染噪音问题。

    The long south elevation has to contend with a high solar heat load and the north elevation with noise and air pollution from the A10 motorway.


  • 沿着立面大面积种植区域随着高度创造一个垂直的“绿色屏幕调节阳光渗透室内公寓/办公室

    Along the south façade, large planting areas run the length of the tower and create a vertical "green" screen modulating the sunlight that spills into the interior of the apartments / offices.


  • 为了达到拥有明亮内部房间目的,建筑的立面大部分使用玻璃遮阳,这样就可以接收间接光照可以打开面向湖水视野。

    With the intention of having bright interior rooms, most of the south façade was covered with windows that receive the indirect light from the south and open the view to the lake.


  • 为了达到拥有明亮内部房间目的,建筑的立面大部分使用玻璃遮阳,这样就可以接收间接光照可以打开面向湖水视野。

    With the intention of having bright interior rooms, most of the south façade was covered with windows that receive the indirect light from the south and open the view to the lake.


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