• 单纯已经没有多少人了。

    If cars are sold simply as transportation vehicles, nobody would have the least intention to buy them.


  • 报纸登了广告但是到目前为止尚无回音

    I put up an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of my car, but there have been no responses so far.


  • 信用等级不够的消费者借钱越来越,不管是新还是二手的。

    Buyers with below average credit ratings found it increasingly hard to borrow to buy cars, new or used.


  • 对于我们这样的外国人市场经历整个过程非常复杂的。

    For foreigners like us, it's very complicated to go through all the procedures to sell your car at a market.


  • 长沙正规二手的冷江家乡人提供免费咨询大家可以有比较的。

    We do a regular second-hand car in the Changsha cold river, for the hometown people buy cars, selling cars to provide free advice, you can compare.


  • 其它之前是需要公司把此买下然后而且可能要纳营业税

    Selling a leased car to another individual could require buying it from the leasing company, then reselling it, and possibly paying sales tax.


  • 没有太多年轻人那么能言善辩价也就是仅有那一点点

    The car was not much to look at, the young man selling it was not very convincing, and the car cost money, of which I had precious little.


  • 虽然女人,但产业一个部分长久以来一直男性独占:就是设计

    But while women drive, buy and sell cars, there's one part of the car industry that has long remained almost exclusively male: design.


  • 比如通用(GM)的债务养老金负担膨胀公司无力偿还时,公司只能申请破产。

    For example, GM's (GM) debts and pension obligations grew so large that the company simply could not sell enough cars to pay the tab. The company had to file for bankruptcy.


  • 之后在返回重逢了工人傻根,傻根因为一直生活民风淳朴山里所以不相信世界上有

    After selling the car, they met ShaGen again on the train, this bumpkin had been living in the hills where life is simple and honest, never believed that thieves existed.


  • 不过进入市场后凯美瑞价格回归下了,毕竟长期的亏本可图也不是厂商初衷

    However, nine of the gold into a seller's market, the Camry is also the price of a return, after all, long-term buy cars at a loss, no profit is not original car manufacturers.


  • 的会告诉你开有危险?香烟的会告诉吸烟会每年他们的商品的害死更多人起码我的商品还有保险呢。

    How many car salesmen talk about their work, huh? How many cigarette salesmen? Both their products kill more people every year than mine. At least mine has a safety switch.


  • 如果一个公司设计卖车网站,“这个角色作为设计工具毫无意义的,因为不同行为非常不同的。

    If you're designing a Web site for a car company, "car buyer" is meaningless as a design tool-different people approach the task in very different manners.


  • 我们打算去淘汰下来租赁只有龄,要包括所有额外费用,最好不用讨价还价——标啥啥价!

    We decided to buy a former rental car, only a year old, all the extras included, and best of all NO haggling - the price is the price!


  • 如果这些款能够,那带来翻天覆地变化因为向来几乎完全都依赖石油驱动

    If these are successful, they could bring sweeping changes to the automobile industry, which has relied almost exclusively on petroleum to power its cars.


  • 经理解雇因为毒品第二个被解雇吸了毒,第三个被解雇则地下设备室变成了一个玩具博物馆

    One manager had been fired for selling drugs, another was clearly using them, and a third had turned the basement of the facility into a toy-car museum.


  • 当然,让人讨厌价格堪比辆精致二手的就是这种风格

    Of course, the damn thing costs as much as a nice used car, but such is the price of style.


  • 吉普黑暗中颠簸着行驶,突然一个茶水夹心饼干的小摊了下来。

    The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selling instant noodles, tea and bourbon biscuits.


  • 过程中,经销商们二手“大众”五十铃”的出价只有250,000福林(合1,172美元),他们担心,今年冬天恐怕多少钱。

    As the auction proceeds, dealers bid as little as 250, 000 forints ($1, 172) for used Volkswagens and Suzukis, fearing they won't be able to sell them for much more this winter.


  • 我们在路转弯处,过去豆奶小贩人力停在那里,然后拿起松松地绕在脖颈上的毛巾去额头上的汗水

    We stood at the curve of the road where the bean-curd vendor used to rest his rickshaw and wipe off the sweat from his forehead with the towel looped around his neck.


  • 我们在路转弯处,过去豆奶小贩人力停在那里,然后拿起松松地绕在脖颈上的毛巾去额头上的汗水

    We stood at the curve of the road where the bean-curd vendor used to rest his rickshaw and wipe off the sweat from his forehead with the towel looped around his neck.


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