• 针对空间机动目标建立机载无源定位模型

    A 3-dimensional model is set up for passive locating of the maneuvering targets in space by single airborne observer.


  • 信息地区信息有机地结合一起去推求设计洪水。

    It combines at site and regional information to infer probabilities of extreme hydrological events.


  • 另外单站要素本地地形预报局地暴雨重要参考因素

    In addition, local meteorological factors and local topography could be taken for factors of the reference to forecast local heavy rainfall.


  • 该产品设计用于这些高压离心远程安装发动机

    Designed specifically for single station-systems, these high pressure centrifugal pumps mount remotely in the engine room or under the sole.


  • 无源定位技术基本工作原理及其定位精度进行分析

    This paper analyzed the basic work principle of single observer passive location technology, and it also analyzed the location accuracy.


  • 并用环流特征单站要素找到某些预报雨季起始指标

    And some forecast indexes for the rainy season beginning are found with general circulation features and meteorological elements at Xichang Satellite Launch Center.


  • 本文研究利用辐射源无源定位跟踪技术的可观测问题

    This paper studies the state-observability problem for single observer passive locating and tracking using radiation reflected by target from external transmitter.


  • 通过提出的余切关系定理解决单站方位观测的非线性问题

    A new cotangent theorem is deduced to solve the nonlinearity for bearing-only measurement.


  • 该文在现有无源定位方法基础介绍了相位差变化率定位法。

    In this paper, the single observer-passive location method using phase difference change rate is introduced based on existing methods.


  • 提出了相位差卡尔曼(ukf)算法结合单站定位方法

    A new single-station passive location method combining phase difference and UKF algorithm is presented.


  • 数字仿真表明分布式联合估计算法各种性能指标上都优于单站跟踪算法。

    The Monto Carlo simulation shows that the distributed fusion algorithm performs much better than the local estimation algorithm in every function index and achieves the expected effec…


  • 数字仿真表明分布式联合估计算法各种性能指标上都优于单站跟踪算法。

    The Monto Carlo simulation shows that the distributed fusion algorithm performs much better than the local estimation algorithm in every function index and achieves the expected…


  • 无源定位与跟踪技术由于自身辐射电磁波电子侦察中扮演着重要角色。

    Passive locating by single station technology is not radiate electromagnetic wave when measuring the target's position; it has broad application in electronic reconnaissance.


  • 宽带线性调频信号方位角估计以及类信号辐射源跟踪问题进行了研究

    In this paper, the problem of DOA estimation and single station localization and tracking of wideband chirp signals emitter researched.


  • 目标空间运动模式改变识别问题单站探测数据多维探测数据的融合问题;

    They are how to recognize the model of movement of a target?how to fuse the information from two-dimension sensors and one-dimensions on one platform or more;


  • 特点是能所有GPS位移参数及其精确度进行估计检验,这通常变形分析方法不同

    The method is different from the one by a single station, and has the characteristics of the displacement parameters and accuracy estimated and tested for all GPS stations.


  • 另外根据大风前期吐鲁番天文动力结构特征分析解释和印证了这场大风内在动力机制

    In addition, according to the astronomical dynamical structure characteristic of single Tulufan station, the dynamical mechanism of the cross over mountain gale was explained.


  • 介绍了一种基于红外成像序列图像处理运动分析技术的对机动目标红外单站被动定位算法

    A new algorithm for infrared mono-station passive location for a mobile target is presented based on infrared imaging, series images processing and three dimensional movement analysis.


  • 定位技术有着广阔应用前景,文中现有定位方法基础上,介绍了相位差变化率定位法。

    Technology of passive location has broad prospects for application. The single observer-passive location method of phase difference rate of change is introduced based on existing methods.


  • SAR不同,一般情况下由于平台速度矢量不同,双SAR的回波信号方位平移可变的。

    Unlike the monostatic system, the BISAR is in general azimuth-variant system as both the transmitter and the receiver move along different motion trajectories with unequal velocities.


  • 系统地介绍了国内外近年来无源定位技术定位各种方法定位算法特点进行了分析。

    All kinds of methods and algorithms of single station and multi-station location in passive location technologies are systematically introduced, and their characteristics are analyzed in this paper.


  • 大量仿真研究表明了本算法有效性,其中多跟踪跟踪具有更高的精度、算法稳定性快速收敛性。

    Simulation results show the validity of the presented algorithm. Compared with single-sensor tracking, multi-sensor tracking is of higher accuracy, stability and convergence rate.


  • 将一种适用于非线性系统UKF应用无源定位结合具体应用背景,通常UKF作了适当的改进。

    The Unsctened Kalman Filter (UKF) for nonlinear system is applied in passive locating by single station, and the general UKF is improved according to the specific application.


  • 采用新的思路推导一种TOA测量方程线性化方程,分析了测量TOADOA单站无源定位观测条件

    A linearization equation is deduced through a new idea, and the observability (conditions) (of) (SOPLAT) using TOA and DOA measurements are obtained.


  • 提出利用平面解三角,并结合辐射源信号到达方向脉冲到达时间差运动辐射源进行单站无源定位算法

    An algorithm used trigonometry to passively locating a moving emitter with direction of arrival (DOA) and time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the emitter signal is given.


  • 利用子域基和物理模式两种不同基函数下矩量法对平面波照射下的理想导电圆柱单站RCS进行计算和分析。

    The article calculates the perfectly conducting thin cylinder RCS in incidence of TM plane wave by using the two different basis MOM.


  • 分析注水系统节能优化注水单站节能优化关系基础上,提出注水系统优化控制简化单站局部优化控制的构想。

    Analyze the relation of the water flooding system and the water flooding station; present a design of simplifying the water flooding system control to water flooding equipment control.


  • 区域频率分析能充分利用相似流域组资料来扩充信息量克服单站样本系列资料短缺的局限,解决无资料地区设计洪水估算问题。

    Regional flood frequency analysis is a useful approach method that avoids the shortness of at-site sample series and estimates design flood for un-gauged area.


  • 巴西律师公会试图客户更难正式结盟事务所甚至全球式的分公司得到法律询,他们法律实务上正在对抗全球化潮流

    In trying to make it harder for customers to get legal advice from formally allied firms, or even a global one-stop shop, Brazil is moving against a tide towards globalisation in legal practice.


  • 巴西律师公会试图客户更难正式结盟事务所甚至全球式的分公司得到法律询,他们法律实务上正在对抗全球化潮流

    In trying to make it harder for customers to get legal advice from formally allied firms, or even a global one-stop shop, Brazil is moving against a tide towards globalisation in legal practice.


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