• 九月份华尔街崩溃,大众开始热切关注候选人复杂高端金融领域理解

    The September meltdown of much of Wall Street has put an unexpected focus on the candidates' grasp of the complex world of high finance.


  • 辩论初期一个有关华尔街崩溃问题巴马提供了首次机会麦凯恩布什联系在一起。

    Early in the debate, a question about the Wall Street collapse offered Obama his first chance to tie McCain to Bush.


  • 公开交易电子零售公司继续将工资股市绩效挂钩,但继2008年华尔街崩溃之后的复苏阶段,极少公司股票表现良好,。

    Publicly traded e-retailing companies continue to link pay with stock market performance—and few companies' shares fared well in the wake of the late 2008 collapse on Wall Street.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马约翰·麦凯恩今日华尔街崩溃问题上大动干戈以争夺决定性优势,这足以决定入主白宫决定性时刻

    Barack Obama and John McCain were fighting to achieve a decisive advantage today on the Wall Street meltdown, a critical campaign moment that could determine the outcome of the White House election.


  • 20世纪20年代,在狮子座海王星猖獗结合鼓励世界各地猜测至1929年华尔街崩溃随之而来的20世纪30年代大萧条多年

    In the 1920s, Neptune in Leo combined to encourage rampant world-wide speculation that built up to the 1929 Wall Street crash and the consequent 1930s Depression years.


  • 房地产崩溃的时候,抵押贷款金融衍生品不名一文,也不再有人借钱给华尔街了。

    When housing turned down, the mortgages and derivatives were worth a lot less and no one would lend Wall Street money anymore.


  • 华尔街许多银行面对结构信贷崩溃,已开始加强他们的风险管理团队

    Many Wall Street banks have responded to the meltdown in structured credit by strengthening their risk teams.


  • 如果华尔街公司AIG开始纷纷倒下,相关资产肯定进一步崩溃

    The underlying assets would certainly have collapsed even further in value if Wall Street firms and AIG began dropping like nine-pins.


  • 抵押贷款危机使真个社会崩溃——私人市场大量崩溃特别是华尔街

    The mortgage crisis was a societal breakdown-a massive failure of the private market, Wall Street in particular.


  • 华尔街崩溃使很多人陷入了成千上万的债务中。

    The Wall Street crash led to people taking their own lives as they plunged into thousands of dollars of debt.


  • 1873年华尔街金融业的崩溃整个美国经济持续萧条5年之久,当然,范德比尔特不会受到影响,还是那么生意兴隆

    A Wall Street crash in 1873 wrecked the economy for five years-though Vanderbilt, of course, prospered.


  • 《13位银行家华尔街接管下一次金融崩溃西蒙·约翰逊詹姆斯夸克合著。

    Bankers: the Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown. By Simon Johnson and James Kwak.


  • 崩溃已经造成了隐形伤害将Fox先生一小部分在华尔街上混的人推倒悬崖边上

    The meltdown has also taken a more hidden toll, helping to push Mr. Fox and a handful of Wall Streeters over the edge.


  • 复兴可能事实上得到财经危机协助2008年华尔街崩溃前,很多聪明的学生著名高校直接华尔街

    Silicon Alley's rebirth might actually have been aided by the financial crisis. Until the 2008 meltdown on Wall Street, many bright students went straight from top universities to Wall Street.


  • 有关部门已经金融产品特别是股票挂钩期货产生兴趣,虽然金融期货的交易活动认为华尔街2008年陷入崩溃的罪魁祸首。

    Authorities have warmed to futures tied to financial products, in particular to stocks, even as activity in financial futures was blamed in Wall Street's 2008 meltdown.


  • 正是80年前华尔街崩溃发生7个月通用汽车公司收购了当时德国最大并且效益最高的汽车制造商——亚当欧宝股份公司。

    IT WAS exactly 80 years ago, just seven months before Wall Street's Great Crash, that General Motors (GM) bought Adam Opel ag, Germany's biggest and most efficient carmaker at the time.


  • 时值华尔街股市崩溃这个20世纪最严重金融灾难80周年之际,让我们简单回顾一下那次股市大崩溃经过。

    On the 80th anniversary of the biggest financial disaster of the 20th century, we look back at the events of the Wall Street crash.


  • 1987年10月市场发生崩溃时起,投资者已经对市场极端下跌风险保持敏感,而正是那次崩溃使得华尔街经历了天市值跌去23%的惨痛。

    Ever since the crash of October 1987, when Wall Street fell nearly 23% in a day, investors have been sensitive to the risk of an extreme fall.


  • 使经济崩溃敲诈纳税人不是华尔街仅有的恶行。

    But crashing the economy and fleecing the taxpayer aren't Wall Street's only SINS.


  • 华尔街崩溃强子对撞机接通电源几天之后认为纯属巧合。

    Wall Street's collapse just a few days after the LHC was switched on was deemed a coincidence.


  • 事实商品价格大幅上涨个月后雷曼兄弟华尔街崩溃

    It was indeed in the six months preceding Lehman Brothers and Wall Street's collapse that the previous episode of sharp increases in commodity prices was set.


  • 雷曼兄弟作为华尔街金融危机破产集中爆发信心崩溃陪同下,带来黄金价格急剧上升击倒

    To Lehman Brothers as the most concentrated outbreak of the bankruptcy of the Wall Street financial crisis, accompanied by the collapse of confidence, and Brought a sharp rise in gold prices fell.


  • 雷曼兄弟破产让大家意识市场已经崩溃了的时候,艾斯曼伙伴得到了回报。但是其他华尔街金融机构都已经陷入绝望

    When the market crashed in the wake of Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy, Eisman and his associates watched their bet pay off as the rest of Wall Street sank into despair.


  • 雷曼兄弟破产让大家意识市场已经崩溃了的时候,艾斯曼伙伴得到了回报。但是其他华尔街金融机构都已经陷入绝望

    When the market crashed in the wake of Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy, Eisman and his associates watched their bet pay off as the rest of Wall Street sank into despair.


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