• 种冰箱保,因为它耗电更少。

    The fridge is environmentally friendly because it uses less electricity.


  • 尽管看起来漂浮在土星之上,土卫其实它们后面很远的地方。

    Although it seems to be hovering over the rings, Saturn's moon Janus is actually far behind them.


  • 这样解释为什么这些隆起处光滑两极地区却崎岖不平了,说明他们细小微粒组成的,这些微粒土星发现的很相似

    That would fit with observations that the ridges are very smooth compared with the rugged polar regions, implying they are made from fine particles similar to those found in Saturn's rings.


  • 也有批评者认为,就建造新车(政策要求)处理旧车所消耗成本来看,这项计划

    But critics argue that the scheme is not so green, pointing to the environmental costs of building new cars and destroying the clunkers (a requirement under the programme).


  • 总的来说,月份进口量增长速度极为惊人同比增长28.7%,比增长20.9%,远远超过了九月份进口量。

    Over all, imports rose a surprising 28.7 percent, compared with levels a year ago, far surpassing an increase in September of 20.9 percent.


  • 手术国际艾滋病预防机构重视之前几乎过了

    Nearly another decade was to pass before circumcision was seriously considered by the international Aids prevention agencies.


  • 动物组织举办拯救活动表现得活跃而且她的住所也是

    She's also active in PETA's Save the Sheep and Cows Are Cool campaigns, and lives in a very cool eco-friendly house!


  • 计算机使用包装盒保,25 %为可回收纸板,10 %的塑料可回收,电脑零件 95 %易于回收

    The computer is packed in a box made of 25% recycled cardboard, its plastic is at least 10% recycled, and 95% of its components are designed for easy recycling.


  • 尽管凯斯·希勒全国房价指数大城市综合指数与去年相比有所上扬,但是截止到三月连续三个月这一指数比连续下挫

    Although both the Case-Shiller national and ten-city indices are up year-on-year, the national index fell during the three months to the end of March.


  • 研究中,西陆续在土星最明亮星之间所谓“卡西尼缝”一带发现了土星的4颗卫星

    Over decades of study, Cassini went on to discover four of Saturn's moons along with the so-called Cassini Division between Saturn's brightest rings.


  • 虽然大城市房价按季度计算上一年(同比)上涨2.6%,(比)也是明显同样的下降趋势

    Prices in the ten big cities are 2.6% higher on a quarterly basis than a year ago, but the same downwards trend is evident there too.


  • 李奥纳多·迪卡·皮欧驾着丰田prius——油电混合形象俨然成为近主义的黄金标准

    For a decade now, the image of Leonardo DiCaprio cruising in his hybrid Toyota Prius has defined the gold standard for environmentalism.


  • 需要哪怕是最低等的也好啊!那样,他就能够成为一名真正的魂师,拥有属于自己的技能了。

    He needs a soul ring, even the lowest ten soul ring too! So, he can become a real soul, has one to belong to own skills.


  • 一位提升到以单位瓶颈时,都必须要猎杀一只自己属性相合魂兽,获取而产生突破。

    And every soul when fix in order to promote to the bottleneck to the ten level for the unit, must hunt one down and their attributes of consistency, obtaining soul Ring and breakthrough.


  • 现代公司中,经理公司组织机构权力链条中的重要因而公司经理制度公司法中具有重要地位。

    Managers authority is an important link in the authority chain of modern companys organizational structure, so manager system of corporation weighs much in the corporation Law.


  • 意大利企业对于纺织助剂使用有自己技术积累,对此,我国企业还有很多需要学习的地方。

    Italian companies have decades of technical accumulations on the use of accessory ingredients during this stage. China's companies still have much to learn in this aspect.


  • 空气雾化钻井中井眼携岩流动种典型多相流动机理规律复杂

    In air and mist drilling, annular carries are the typical of gas, liquid and solid multiphase flow, and its mechanism and principles are very complicated.


  • 市区地铁在如火如荼地建设当中,今后地铁开通大大缓减路面交通压力路面堵车现象,而且也

    Urban subway construction is also busy, the opening of the metro can greatly ease the pressure of road traffic and road traffic jams, and environmental protection very much.


  • 酸雨温室效应臭氧层污染不断危害人类从而气体传感器的研究开发的活跃。

    Acid rain, greenhouse effect, ozonosphere broken and environmental pollution, etc, do harm to man constantly, and so gas - sensors "research and development is very active".


  • 聚丙烯反应器是一种结构特殊设备也是工艺流程重要的设备。

    The polypropylene liquid bulking loops has a special structure and is an important device in the technological process.


  • 民法保护商业秘密法律保护重要对于保护商业秘密权利人合法权益维护正常市场竞争具有重要作用

    Civil protection is a key link of legal protection of business secret and plays a very important role in protecting the owner's lawful rights and interests as well as maintaining market competition.


  • 出口挡板颗粒MRT具有显著影响不同肋组合构件对MRT的影响主要取决于窑出口处肋的高度;

    The exit dam has a significant effect on MRT, while the influence of internal structure consisting of various longitudinal ribs and circular ribs is mainly dependent on the height of circular ribs.


  • 光刻大规模集成电路生产流程关键光刻使用掩模质量对大规模集成电路的成品率有很大的影响

    In the manufacture process of integrated circuit (IC), lithography occupy a very important step, and the quality of photomask used in lithography affects the yield of LSI.


  • 骆驼水后,老管拿出一个客勒客勒的金手镯给那女子。

    When the camels had finished drinking, the man took a gold nose-ring weighing half a shekel, and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels, also of gold.


  • 平均分子结构简式衡量其取代基的组成尤其对地质体中相同卟啉“ 混合物” 大外取代基的构成有效。

    The average condensed formula of molecular structure is effective to derive the composition of the peripheral substituents of porphyrins, especially geoporphyrins with identical carbon numbers.


  • 平均分子结构简式衡量其取代基的组成尤其对地质体中相同卟啉“ 混合物” 大外取代基的构成有效。

    The average condensed formula of molecular structure is effective to derive the composition of the peripheral substituents of porphyrins, especially geoporphyrins with identical carbon numbers.


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