• 合作不是区域发展过程中的驱动力量。布拉姆韦尔等人如是说

    Cooperation is seemingly not the driving force behind the regional growth process. Bramwell et al said so.


  • 西北区域发展署是英国积极一个利物浦所在区域提供了数百万英镑贷款补助金

    The Northwest Regional Development Agency has been one of the most active RDAs in the country, pumping millions of pounds in loans and grants into Liverpool and its region.


  • 然而,正是这种多样性性质使旅游业成为许多国家区域社区经济发展理想工具

    However, the nature of this very diversity makes travel and tourism ideal vehicles for economic development in a wide variety of countries, regions or communities.


  • 地中海区域早期文明中拱形结构主要运用地下排水管上地上建筑首先发展广泛使用拱门的是罗马人。

    The arch was used by the early cultures of the Mediterranean area chiefly for underground drains, but it was the Romans who first developed and used the arch extensively in aboveground structures.


  • 另外发展预示着公路收费站时代结束开始了一交通革命从而促进了区域专业化国家市场经济发展

    Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization and the growth of a national market economy.


  • 随之而来灌溉农业迅速发展特别是20世纪50年代以来改变区域经济

    The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950s onward, transformed the economy of the region.


  • 可能是独立发展起来许多学者认为农业铁器在整个非洲传播将非洲与近东区域地中海区域主要城市中心联系了起来。

    It may have developed independently, but many scholars believe that the spread of agriculture and iron throughout Africa linked it to the major centers of the Near East and Mediterranean world.


  • 这个区域软骨生长同位的长度增长随着个体发展成熟

    This area of cartilage within the bone grows in length by appositional growth as the individual grows to maturity.


  • 过去南部非洲发展共同体,作为一个南非非正式领导的15国区域俱乐部,常常会顺着穆加贝的意洗白投票中的作假。

    In the past, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), an influential 15-country regional club which South Africa unofficially leads, has whitewashed flawed polls in Mr Mugabe's favour.


  • 另一个包含15个国家区域组织南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)在津巴布韦问题上无能为力,不妨西共体这里借鉴一二

    The Southern African Development Community (SADC), another regional club of 15 countries, which has been so feeble over Zimbabwe, could learn a trick or two from ECOWAS.


  • 区域各方领导未能说服加比辞职后,赞比亚主持召开南部非洲发展共同体紧急会议

    After regional leaders failed to persuade Mr Mugabe to step down, Zambia called an emergency meeting of the Southern African Development Community, which it chairs.


  • 这些指标国家体制质量社会经济结果之间联系尤其是世界性区域治理发展趋势提供了丰富信息

    The indicators provide rich information on the links between institutional quality and socioeconomic outcomes in countries, and on worldwide and regional trends in governance. In particular


  • 企业集群当今世界信息技术迅猛发展环境下国家区域提高竞争力应运而生

    To enhance the competitiveness of a country or region, enterprise cluster were grown up with the development of it.


  • 综合预测区域预测发展趋势

    The synthetical forecasting method is the tendency to the development of the area forecast.


  • 我们已经驻在台湾威尔士苏格兰旅游发展联系了,他们提高自己区域年轻人比例有意向我们合作

    We've been in touch with the Wales and Scottish Tourist development offices here in Taiwan and they're interested in working with us to promote their regions to the youth segment.


  • 甚至连那个一贯消极的区域集团南部非洲发展共同体”(SADC)派出的观察员这次选举合法的”。

    Even observers from a normally supine regional bloc, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), had said that the election could not be considered "legitimate".


  • 不论企高管何处他们难以看到像不久前中国那样正在蓬勃发展区域

    No matter where German executives look, they struggle to identify any region that is booming the way that China did until recently.


  • 人口变动空间分异可以很好地反映城市区域分化发展趋势因而规划意义显著的。

    The spatial differentiation of change of population can well reflect the division and developing trend of the city and region, therefore its learned meaning of planning is remarkable.


  • 文中单体斜坡系统区域斜坡系统两方面,论述了斜坡系统可靠性分析研究现状发展趋势

    In this paper, the present research and trends of research on slope system reliability are expounded within a single slope and regional slope system.


  • 但是我国区域旅游合作迅猛发展过程区域旅游不合作仍一个较为突出的现象或问题。

    But, the non-cooperation among the administrative areas is the remarkable practice in the course of the development of regional tourism cooperation in China.


  • 枣树我省资源分布面积,产量较高,适宜区域分布范围广。表明枣在我省已具备较强的生产能力长远的发展潜力

    Zizyphus Jujuba has large distributions area and high yield, which shows that Gansu province has great production and potential capability, and that it can be managed as heading product.


  • 区域可比性区域特殊性区域层次性发展潜力性、指标前瞻性纳入评价体系的范畴。

    Finally, regional comparability, regional particularity, the regional level, development potential and prospective index and others will be taken info account.


  • 简要介绍了区域供冷技术概念国内外应用情况分析了该技术的优点发展前景进行了展望。

    The concept of district cooling was introduced, as well as the application at home and abroad. The advantage of district cooling was analyzed, and the developing prospect was forecasted.


  • 不幸是,欧元危机全球经济影响却拖具备强健发展势头区域后腿

    Unfortunately the effect of the euro crisis on the global economy is now becoming a drag on robust growth elsewhere.


  • 承接第三第四章、第五旅游就业总量基础上,分别对我国旅游就业的区域分布、旅游就业未来发展趋势等方面展开论述

    In succession, the paper introduces employment regional distributions in chapter four and anticipates the future station of tourism employment in chapter five.


  • 情况下,房地产企业如何抓住机遇进行快速质量区域扩张提高企业竞争能力发展潜力,已成为企业亟待解决的首要问题

    So in this situation, it is the chiefly matter for the enterprise to get hold of the opportunity to expand in high quality and to improve its competitive ability and its development potential.


  • 公司管理层认为南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)区域存在最大商机

    The management thinks that Southern African Development Community (SADC) region boasts the most significant opportunities.


  • 公司管理层认为南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)区域存在最大商机

    The management thinks that Southern African Development Community (SADC) region boasts the most significant opportunities.


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