• 介绍J2EE体系基础知识重点分析了EJB工作原理以及EJB在新型公费医疗管理系统设计中的应用

    This paper presents the basic knowledges about J2EE, and analyzes the working principle of EJB and the application of EJB in new medical management system.


  • 丹麦成功很大程度上它国土面积人口种族单一医疗系统管理较好有关 - 不管是从哪方面讲,美国的情况截然不同

    Denmark’s success has much to do with theits small size, its homogeneous population and its regulated health care system— on all counts, very different from the United States.


  • 管理不断增长系统集合当今医疗组织要面临的挑战。

    Healthcare organizations today are challenged to manage a growing portfolio of systems.


  • 谢缇医生(DrShetty伦敦医院担任实习医生,就开始思考医疗保健系统糟糕管理状态。 当时每天大量时间都花无所事事闲坐中。

    Dr Shetty first started thinking about the dismal management of health care when, as a trainee doctor at Guy’s hospital in London, he had to spend hours sitting around doing nothing.


  • 探索社区导向基层医疗COPC模式,对社区高血压病糖尿病患者进行系统管理效果

    To explore the effect of systematic management of hypertension and diabetes with community oriented primary care (COPC) model.


  • 他们所说任何新的医疗信息管理技术系统,都必须要带有认知支持功能,以帮助医生病人了弄明白解潮水来袭般的医疗资料

    Any new HIT systems, they say, must include "cognitive support" that helps doctors and patients make sense of the deluge of medical data that will come their way.


  • 本文主要谈我院医疗为中心信息管理网络系统实施过程中所遇到几个典型问题及其解决办法

    On the main hospital to medical centers for information management network system in the implementation process encountered a number of typical problems and their solutions.


  • 介绍数据挖掘技术及其医疗保健中的应用以及数据挖掘在孕产妇管理信息系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces data mining technology, its application in medical care system, and data mining application in Gravida and Puerpera Management Information system.


  • 医院信息系统成为医院科学管理提高医疗服务水平重要手段

    Hospital Information System has become critical to enhance the scientific management and improve the medical service level in hospitals.


  • 本文详细阐述了大型医疗设备更新改造升级过程中形成系统规范管理方法步骤完备评估体系

    Expounds in detail the systematic standardized management, method, procedure and perfect assessment system of large-scale medical equipment, which are formed in the renewal and renovating upgrade.


  • 血压计利用远程通讯上位机586进行系统管理,并采用软件信号平均技术来达到较高测量精度医疗临床上广泛适用性

    The meter is controlled by PC586 via remote communication with higher measuring accuracy using signal averaging technology of the software. The meter has a wide adaptability in clinical practices.


  • 系统适用医疗设备仓库、药库总务仓库管理

    This system is applicable for the management of medical equipment stock, pharmacy stock and general services.


  • 目的建立一个智能化的药库管理系统医疗活动提供强有力支持与保障。

    Objective: To provide a support for medicine activities by establishing a intelligentized management system of drug pool.


  • FDA会议中了解到风险投资者认识到了这样系统能够提供好处更好管理购买分配医疗设备使用

    FDA also learned from the meetings that stakeholders recognize that such a system could provide supportive benefits, such as better management of the purchase, distribution and use of medical devices.


  • 目的建立医院综合信息查询系统医院进行医疗管理提供准确有效数据信息。

    Objective to establish the integrated query system on HIS to offer the effective information for the hospital management.


  • 医疗设备管理信息系统现在医院管理不可缺少部分,将其合理开发应用形成动态的全程管理

    Medical equipment management information system is an indispensable part of present hospital management, which makes the rational development and application to an dynamic global management.


  • 远程图形终端系统作为一种图形界面的远程控制平台广泛的使用远程管理、远程协助、远程医疗远程教育应用系统中。

    As a graphical interface based remote control platform, remote display system is widely used in remote application systems, such as, management, assistance, treatment, and education.


  • 视频医疗系统中,由JMF提供一个统一架构通信协议管理基于时间媒体获取处理传输

    In video service system, JMF provides a unified construction and correspondence agreement to manage the gain, processing and the transmission of the time-based media.


  • 如何保证医疗质量同时又有效地降低成本一个医疗系统管理者关注的重要问题

    How to effectively reduce cost while medical service quality is guaranteed is an important issue for the managers of every medical system.


  • 我院设备调配中心为了更好地管理临床常用医疗设备,自行开发了设备调配系统

    The equipment deployment center in our hospital developed an equipment deployment system in order to manage better the medical equipment.


  • 基于Web诊所管理系统全新远程管理诊所的方法,对诊所的医疗工作起了较好的辅助作用

    The clinic administrative system based on Web is a kind of brand-new long-range method to manage the clinic and it played better auxiliary function on the medical work of clinic.


  • 系统实时记录显示过程实现医疗资料数字化管理

    It can real-timely record and display the process while cleaning tooth, achieve the digital management on medical treatment data.


  • 新型农村合作医疗管理信息系统遵循一体化原则,即标准统一资源数据库统一、版本统一原则。

    The new-type rural cooperative medical care management information system follows the "integration" principle, namely, standard uniform, the uniform of resource database, and uniform version.


  • 作者认为医院信息系统应从传统管理为主的模式逐步转向面向管理、面向医疗、面向病人三位一体的管理模式。

    The authors suggest the model of HIS should be changed to service for management, medical treatment, and patients from conventional fashion focused on human, finance, and goods.


  • 系统涵盖了家庭档案管理疾病预防管理医疗保健管理健康教育管理系统信息管理五个方面的内容。

    The system covers five aspects, including family archive management, disease prevention, health care management, health education, and system information management.


  • 过去都是手工医院各种数据进行统计分析,针对这种情况作者开发了医疗管理信息系统CFE

    In the hospital, all data were dealt with by hand before, a hospital information system CFE is developed for this case.


  • 为了增强灵活性不同数据库可移植性,对ODBC技术医疗管理信息系统中的应用进行研究

    The authors study the application of ODBC technique in hospital information system in order to enhance flexibility and portability from different databases.


  • 医疗装备报废管理医疗装备系统管理重要内容之一

    The medical equipment abandonment management ia one of the important content of medical equipment systematic management.


  • 课题目标就是远程医疗系统设计病历的对象模型数据库结构,开发相应的病历管理系统

    This paper is a description of the work on the design and realization of a Medical Record Management System, which is a part of a telemedicine system based on Microsoft .


  • 课题目标就是远程医疗系统设计病历的对象模型数据库结构,开发相应的病历管理系统

    This paper is a description of the work on the design and realization of a Medical Record Management System, which is a part of a telemedicine system based on Microsoft .


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