• 委员会通过关于人参产品发酵豆酱辣椒酱(gochujang)的区域标准

    The Commission also adopted regional standards for ginseng products, fermented soybean paste and gochujang.


  • 第6流行阶段,其特点除了第5确定标准外,在世卫组织不同区域至少其他国家发生社区层面的暴发

    Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in phase 5.


  • 借助WAI - ARIA活动区域可以所有动态更改更新内容划分若干标准级别决定如何通知用户用户交互

    With the help of WAI-ARIA live regions, you can divide all contents dynamically changed or updated into several criteria levels and then decide how to inform and interact with the users.


  • 主题区域会表明卖掉多少——平均每本标准卖了五十本。

    The subject area drives how many books she sends out — the average is fifty for a standard book.


  • 一个更加现实目标促进国家监管机构之间合作并且鼓励他们广阔的区域采用共同标准

    A more realistic goal is to improve co-operation between national regulators and encourage them to adopt common standards in more areas.


  • 一种可能诊断孤独症标准机构区域中心决定诊断需要的完备性,可能会随地区变化

    One may be that the criteria used to diagnose autism, and the completeness with which diagnoses are made by state agencies and regional centers, might vary across counties.


  • 区域即使柬埔寨标准来看,也算是贫困区,超过三分之一人口每天生活开支少于60美分

    The area is as poor as it gets even in Cambodia, where more than one-third of the population lives on less than 60 cents a day.


  • 快速区域还有共鸣区域,这标准

    You have the fast region and then a resonance region and this is a standard plot.


  • 一些标准设计问题比如颜色要形成足够对比度版面提供足够的指引信息以及内容逻辑区域周围安排足够的空白

    Some are standard design criteria, such as creating enough contrast in your colors, providing enough leading in your typography, and placing enough white space around logical areas of content.


  • 为了控制在线运营复杂性,游戏行业使用一些合同条款一种标准方法全球划分便于管理的区域

    To manage the complexity of online operations, the industry uses several terms and a standard methodology for breaking down the physical world into manageably sized chunks.


  • 所在的区域有没有911接线员设立培训标准呢?

    Does your area have training standards for 911 operators?


  • 这些新的信息对于美国西欧一些地区将大有裨益,那些区域长久以来都使用地表探测器的结果作为衡量空气质量标准

    The new information could even be useful in parts of the United States or Western Europe where surface monitors, still the gold standard for measuring air quality, are sparse.


  • 凡是向已有地方污染物排放标准区域排放污染物应当执行地方污染物排放标准

    Units that discharge pollutants in areas where the local standards for the discharge of pollutants have been established shall observe such local standards.


  • 一对标准登录区域但是突出的另一对是股票报价站内搜索功能

    One pair is the standard login field, but a more prominent pair is for stock quotes and the site's search functions.


  • 软件开发组织来说,各个地理上分布区域拥有开发员工已经成为标准不是特例

    It's become more of the norm than the exception for software development organizations to have their development staffs spread out over geographically dispersed sites.


  • 凡是向已有地方排放标准区域排放大气污染物的,应当执行地方排放标准

    Units that discharge atmospheric pollutants in areas where the local discharge standards have been established shall observe such local standards.


  • 数据区域则保存大量标准模型包括GHGProtocolSAP构建评估、150 个国家地区排放量系数以及相关方法

    The data area stores a huge array of standard models, including the GHG Protocol, SAP building assessment, carbon emissions factors for 150 countries and regions, and related methodologies.


  • 这种逆向iff系统允许飞机使用现役1090mhz的IFF异频雷达收发询问目标区域提供近空支援(CAS),不是标准的1030mhz。

    The Reverse IFF system allows an aircraft providing close-air support (CAS) to interrogate a target area using its existing IFF transponder at 1090 MHz rather than the standard 1030 MHz.


  • X Forms标准定义了许多控件,包括文本输入组合、文本区域等等,这些控件允许给定xml元素属性中编辑文本。

    The XForms standard defines controls (text input, combo boxes, text areas, and more) that allow for editing text within a given XML element or attribute.


  • 可以使用标准RTSJ 作用域不朽内存区域实现前面提出模型

    You can implement the proposed model using standard RTSJ scopes and the immortal memory area. Scopes are used to support objects with the defined lifetimes, as indicated in Table 3


  • 匹配搜索区域输入搜索标准影响分析

    The impact analyses that match the search criteria that you entered in search fields


  • 文档存储区域根据存储策略(storage policy)确定,存储策略允许使用配置标准选择给定的存储区域

    The storage area for a document can be based on a storage policy that allows for selecting the given storage area using a configured criteria.


  • 接着研究人员计算机软件对造影结果进行了分析,DeYoung他们将受试者的脑部扫描结果进行“拉伸挤压并与标准图像相比较,然后记录每个大脑不同区域体积

    Using computer software, DeYoung said researchers "stretched or squished" individual brain scans to match them with the reference image, and then noted the size of the different regions of each brain.


  • 包括所有标准控件(按钮文本区域组合、单选按钮)特殊控件(类型前置字段树形视图控件、上下文弹出菜单)。

    This includes all standard controls (buttons, text-fields, combo boxes, radios) and special controls (type-ahead fields, tree-view controls, contextual pop-up menus).


  • 食品法典会议中东地区三种区域食品最新质量标准进行审议

    The Codex meeting will also consider new quality standards for three regional food products from the Middle East.


  • 科学家认为左右半球相关功能区域同步程度可能是大脑运转好坏的一种判断标准

    Scientists believe the strength of synchronization between functionally related areas in the right and left hemispheres may be a measure of how well the brain is working.


  • (甚至符合正常激光束严格标准)这样能量集中传送到一个小的区域范围内

    That means the beam produced is of higher quality than other lasers, is extremely straight (even by the exacting standards of a normal laser beam) and can thus be focused onto a small area.


  • 欧洲区域转型期卫生系统标准研究基础,利用科学证据分析能力,处理了欧洲境内健康差距根本因素

    Standardized studies of health systems in transition brought the power of scientific evidence and analysis to bear on a fundamental cause of health disparities in Europe.


  • 这个系统里面信息能够源头发布出去是依靠特定的标准,这个标准包括区域机密等级其他信息

    The systems where the messages originate perform distribution based on criteria like region, classification level and other information.


  • 这个系统里面信息能够源头发布出去是依靠特定的标准,这个标准包括区域机密等级其他信息

    The systems where the messages originate perform distribution based on criteria like region, classification level and other information.


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