• 强化包装信息提升包装设计水平一个重要途径

    Intensifying packaging information is an important approach to upgrade the level of packaging design.


  • 讨论了物流单元运输包装信息内容虚拟物流单元的概念

    The contents of transport package information and the concept of virtual logistics unit are discussed.


  • 为了充分利用包装信息技术,讨论关于销售包装信息几个重要问题

    For the sufficient application of packaging information, some important problems about the information of consumer packaging were discussed.


  • 整合强化包装信息方面教学内容也是当前包装教育教学改革一项重要工作

    An important task in the innovation of packaging education is to conform and intensify the packaging information in the teaching materials.


  • 包装信息研究包装科学研究重要方面包装信息技术包装设计中的重要技术

    The research on the packaging information is an important aspect in packaging science, and packaging information technology is one of the impotent technologies in packaging design.


  • 应用程序使用产品包装信息(比如一个包装应该装的产品数量)确保包装过程中不会出现数量错误

    Applications are using product packaging information, such as the expected units count in a case, to ensure counting errors are not made in the packaging process.


  • 应用程序包装信息保存一个名为application . axml的xml文件文件位于ExpressRuntimeDeveloper工具src文件夹中,如图9所示。

    Application wrapper information is kept in a XML file called application.axml, which can be found in the SRC folder in the Express Runtime Developer tool, as shown in Figure 9.


  • 所以必须确保调用RMI对象应用程序一些知识否则您会丢失RemoteException可能 NumberFormatException )中的包装信息

    So you do have to make sure there is some knowledge in the calling application of an RMI object, or you could lose the wrapped information in a RemoteException (perhaps a NumberFormatException).


  • 解决方案包装信息保存一个名为 solution.axml 的XML文件中,文件位于ExpressRuntimeDeveloper工具src文件夹中如图10 所示。

    Solution wrapper information is kept in a XML file called solution.sxml, located in the src folder in the Express Runtime Developer tool, as shown in Figure 10.


  • ArrayGotchaNull Arrayvs.Empty Array》篇文章中可以找到更多关于包装排列风格信息

    You can find more information about the wrapped array style in the article "Array GotchaNull Array vs. Empty Array".


  • 他们认为经验主义时代文化信息通常来自人类学家这些人类学家带来预先包装好的有意识无意识偏见

    They argue that information about cultures during the empiricist era typically came from anthropologists who brought with them a prepackaged set of conscious and unconscious biases.


  • 接受香烟有害健康信息放在香烟包装的做法,尽管怀疑对于减少吸烟能有多少作用

    I can also accept putting information about the harmful effects of cigarettes on cigarette packages, although I doubt if that had much effect in reducing smoking.


  • 类似的现有方法包装了BCEL信息

    Similar classes wrap BCEL information for existing classes and methods.


  • 本文讨论那些包装更改通过创建提供股票报价信息机器人来重新讨论机器人方面的内容。

    This article addresses those packaging changes and rekindles the bot discussion with the creation of a bot that provides stock quote information.


  • 阻止肥胖措施包括学校尽量提供健康的饮食食品包装菜单上印制营养信息还有取缔反式脂肪酸。

    Some measures to curb obesity include making healthier meals available in schools, putting nutritional information on food packages and menus, and banning trans fats, he said.


  • 去年还推出营养信息主动提示计划麦当劳包装详细标明卡路里蛋白质脂肪碳水化合物含量

    The Nutrition Information Initiative, launched last year, put detailed labels on McDonald's packaging with data on calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and salt content.


  • 数字证书实质上就是一个包装公开包装器,其中包含了用于密匙所有识别信息

    A digital certificate is basically a wrapper around a public key, which includes identifying information for the party owning that key.


  • 因此为自己的产品准备市场活动时,一切包装邮寄资料都会传达关于生意信息

    So when it comes to marketing your product, everything from packaging to mailing materials should convey a message about your business.


  • 一旦包装所有数据使用IOR中的信息创建连接

    Once all the data is packaged, the information from the IOR is used to create a connection.


  • 包装遗留系统时,通常适配器负责提供此类关联信息

    When wrapping legacy systems the responsibility for the provision of such correlation information often lies with the adapter.


  • 无助于受到其他健康信息轰炸美国人,尤其是那些装饰食品包装的健康图标的增加令人困惑

    It does not help that Americans are bombarded with other health messages.Particularly confusing has been the proliferation of health ICONS that adorn food packaging.


  • 无助于受到其他健康信息轰炸美国人,尤其是那些装饰食品包装的健康图标的增加令人困惑

    It does not help that Americans are bombarded with other health messages. Particularly confusing has been the proliferation of health ICONS that adorn food packaging.


  • CCMSSOA解决方案中,信息包装业务流程使用的服务因此可通过标准化方式每个流程提供一致可管理信息

    In the CCMS SOA solution information is packaged as a service to business processes, so that consistent, manageable information is made available to every process in a standardized way.


  • 凯特博士呼吁使用更加明确标签辨别食品所含成分,快餐食品包装应该标注营养成分信息

    Dr Blewett also called for clearer labelling to identify foods containing Australian ingredients and said nutritional information should be displayed in fast-food outlets.


  • 本文第1部分中,讨论基于源代码装;第2部分中了解更多关于截取字节码插装包装信息

    Here in Part 1, I address only source code based instrumentation; you'll read more about interception, bytecode instrumentation, and class wrapping in Part 2.


  • 现在feed允许采用特定的格式包装交付信息使得可以容易地信息进行使用重新混合

    Feeds now allow information to be packaged and delivered in a specific format, which allows the information to be easily consumed and remixed.


  • 获得有关如何创建服务器包装用户映射更多信息参考附录A3

    Please refer to Appendix A3 to see the creation of the servers, wrappers and user mappings. The completed setup is described in Figure 5.


  • 获得有关如何创建服务器包装用户映射更多信息参考附录A3

    Please refer to Appendix A3 to see the creation of the servers, wrappers and user mappings. The completed setup is described in Figure 5.


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